hovi...@web.de wrote:

> Hello,
> my question is not really a technical question, more a question about the 
> license agreements in conjunction with own developed software.
> For notice: My own software should become a commercial product under own 
> license agreements...
> I just develop a commercial product that needs openoffice for a "core" 
> function in my own program. I use therefore a COM Object Call under Delphi 
> against OpenOffice COM Server Interface. The COM Object then is used inside 
> my source, to call functionality inside openoffice itself, that I need. My 
> program controls openoffice over COM for this.
> Fact is now:
> I need openoffice to distribute it with my own setup and commercial 
> software-product. For this, I have build my own openoffice from source and 
> have changed the CLSID of the LocalServer COM Control for a unique COM 
> communication (own CLSID!), between "my" openoffice COM control, because an 
> "other" openoffice installation on any pc 's were my program runs, should not 
> be controlled with my COM Calls. That's the reason for building openoffice 
> from source. With this modification, I have "not changed" the logic or 
> functionality of the "origin" openoffice core...
> My question now: I don't want damage any openoffice license agreements. So, 
> can I do this with the openoffice LGPL V3 license agreements, and what I have 
> to do to save all rights (copyrigths etc.) of openoffice.org?
> Thanks a lot for a clear response.

We can't give you legal advice, but perhaps you can find information on
the web pages of the GNU project that has created the (L)GPL. AFAIK you
won't have problems if you offer everybody that uses your product a
download of the sources of your modified OOo build if wanted. But as I
wrote, we can't give you legal advice, it's only a hint for further


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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