Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> Stefan de Konink wrote:
>> Could anyone with knowledge in ruby *pretty please* take a look 
>> at the source code and invent some wheel that Potlatch will never 
>> 'reupdate' duplicate k/v-pairs by itself.
> Could you _please_ tell me, given that it has been explained to you several
> times what is happening here, what is supposedly unique to Potlatch in this
> behaviour, and hence requires the use of the words "Potlatch" and "Richard"
> in your subject line?
> "You can achieve the same results with the standard API (I have tested and
> shown this to be true)."

As pointed out on IRC by you; the feature request I asked for seems to 
be in Potlatch already. (Key/Value-pair deduplication) In the previous 
list I cannot find one instance that Potlatch touched a tag again after 
it was duplicated.


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