Hi all,

I'm trying to download a chunk of data via the Overpass API, load it into 
JOSM, so I can change some stuff and upload it back.

The problem is that JOSM will nag about the data not having the version 
number, with a message like "missing attribute 'version' in OSM primitive with 
ID 123457, in line bleh".

The overpass query I'm using is:

wget --timeout 0 "http://www.overpass-api.de/api/xapi?*[shop=supermarket]
[bbox=-4.43,41.42,-2.41,43.23]" -O supermarkets_burgos.osm

Things I'm not capable of doing: modifying the overpass API so it includes the 
latest known version number, or modifying JOSM to query the version number of 
the object IDs in a file without version numbers.

Any insights?

Iván Sánchez Ortega <i...@sanchezortega.es> <i...@geonerd.org>

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