Hi devs,

Update on changes in the osm server code.

You now require to be using libxml-ruby 1.0.0 or later if you are  
using the latest rails_port head or the api06 branch.

TomH has resynced the api06 branch to include the latest changes in  
head. This includes a new migration. To continue using your old  
database please update the schema_migrations table using the following  
command on your dev database:
UPDATE `schema_migrations` SET `version` = '25' WHERE  
`schema_migrations`.`version` = '18' LIMIT 1 ;
Then run a db:migrate to get the new migration number 18.

The automated builder I run[1], and the wiki have now been updated.  
Time to get the tests sorted for the api change coming soon....

[1]: http://cruise.shaunmcdonald.me.uk/

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