I haved heard some French people were able to use their governments data from a WMS where a WFS was not available. In The Netherlands we have a situation like it; now since I hate tracing since kindergarden I proposed several solutions for the GPX/NMEA problems many years ago in the form of mapgenerator.

Now I was very annoyed that high resolution data is available for The Netherlands with limited horizontal resolution but, limitless vertical resolution in bitmap format.

Attached are example scripts that could help you with:
nwb.sh) downloading from a WMS server
stich.sh) joining all these images to one big file

*I strongly point out that this example data source has a disclaimer, and without guessing in its current form is not available to be imported in OSM; although showing how easy it is to trace it, might wake some people up again.*

The next step in this process would be to convert this .gif file to a format that is non ambiguous in colourspace and autotrace can eat; this is *not* png.

convert nwb.gif nwb.pnm

autotrace -report-progress -centerline -output-format svg nwb.pnm > test.svg

The most critical option here will be centerline. There are other options specifically for tracing straight lines and what happens on intersections that I need to toy around to get better results. With some postprocessing effort manually or automatic you will be able to get a perfect output that can be converted to a format a current converter exists for.


for A in `seq 0 5`;
LEFT=$(( $OLEFT + ( 574 * $A )))
RIGHT=$(( $LEFT + 574 ))

for B in `seq 0 5`;
BOTTOM=$(( $OTOP + ( 574 * $B )))
TOP=$(( $BOTTOM + 574 ))


if [ -f $FILE ]; then

echo "Got $FILE!"


wget -O $FILE  



ls -1 *gif | sed "s/-.*//g" | sort -u | while read i; do
        LIST=`ls -1 *gif | grep $i | sort -r`

        convert $LIST -append $i.gif

rm nwb.gif
LIST=`ls -1 *gif | grep -v -- "-"`
convert $LIST +append nwb.gif
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