Hi Brett,

> Firstly, it's better to post these types of questions to the osmosis-dev
> list.  I'm trying to keep discussions online so that I become less central
> to the project.  The more people are across Osmosis, the easier it is for
> people to contribute.  Anyway, comments below.

So off to the list it goes :-)

>> I am a on-and-off developer at Openstreetmap.org. I am using Osmosis as
>> a library in one of my projects (not yet in the OSM SVN), and am quite a
>> fan of Maven on the other hand.
> Hehe, I'm surprised this hasn't come up earlier ;-)


>> I recognize that the osmosis is based on ant and ivy. Would you mind if
>> I built a maven pom.xml and added it to the OSM svn so additionally
>> osmosis
>> artifacts would be built? Since I am the one asking for them, I would
>> also
>> maintain the build. I would not touch the existing directory structure,
>> maybe just creating a second one with some svn:external references.
> It sounds okay to me.  I'm pretty comfortable with ant/ivy so I'm very
> hesitant to change the existing build, but if you're happy to maintain a
> maven build in parallel then go for it.

I have already added a pom.xml to the source tree and asked the guys over
at sonatype.org to host the osmosis artifacts.

Further progress may depend on the availability of postgis artifacts in

> The svn:externals bit might make your life easier as well, because it
> would let you build a more maven like directory hierarchy.  Once you get
> something working, I'm happy to take a look at re-structuring the
> current tree if it makes sense.

Well, for the moment, I configured the maven pom to use your estabilished
directory structure. After getting things going, I might come up with a
restructuring proposal.

> One thing I should mention though.  Are you just using osmosis as a
> library?  If so, it's pretty straightforward to configure ivy to publish
> into a maven repository.  Currently I don't do any publishing because I

Is it? I have to brush up my ivy knowledge, for the last three years, I
have mostly used maven for java projects...

> don't have any inter-project dependencies, but it's not terribly difficult
> to add.  It's up to you though.

My main problem is that I live behind a proxy that requires HTTP-Auth.
Maybe it is possible to convince ivy about the authentication, but I'd
rather avoid having to put my proxy password in any config files.

For maven, we already have a proxying repository, so the build tools don't
need to know about my "secret" password...


The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering...

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