[OSM-dev] Playback of Camera Movement in OSM2World Question

2016-03-19 Thread Wilson Cao

My name is Wilson Cao, I currently attend the University of British
Columbia, and I am interested in the 3D modeling of the OSM2World. I am
planning to apply as a GSOC student, and I have a couple of questions
regarding the issue of playback of camera movements in the OSM2World.  (1).
Just to confirm,is the purpose of the suggested project is to capture
movements of objects, cars and planes, with a camera and render the object
into the OSM2World. If so, will it be objects updated in real time? Also,
where can I find the XML files for the OSM2World data?


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Custom tileset

2016-03-19 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Sat, 19 Mar 2016 14:40:40 +
Andy Townsend  wrote:

> After that, it's on to changing road colours.  At the top of 
> https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/blob/master/roads.mss
> there are a bunch of colours.  Initially, I'd try changing those to
> different values in your copy of the file, rerunning the "carto"
> command line (which you'll have previously run with the styles you've
> setup already), deleting tiles you've previously generated and seeing
> how the new colours look.  As a background to "managing" tiles, see 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:SomeoneElse/Force-rending_tiles,_and_tidying_old_or_empty_ones

In that case one may just revert to old version (if old roads
are considered to be significantly better) - but it would make more
complicated to use any improvements that appeared later in this
map style.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Custom tileset

2016-03-19 Thread Andy Townsend

On 18/03/2016 19:57, Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap) wrote:


I thought it may be useful to pitch my idea here, but I plan to develop two 
custom sets of tile sets that use the standard OSM layer, but with “British” 
and “Greek” colours respectively.

It's certainly possible; I've got something very like that sat on a VM 
on a desktop PC about five feet away :)

Depending on how much technical expertise I require for this, I plan to develop 
these tile sets in response to demand from the UK community in response the the 
change of colours recently.

The British tile set will have the old colours before the changeover to the 
red-yellow scheme, and it initially cover Great Britain and the Republic of 
Ireland only.

The Greek tile set will have green for motorways, two shades of blue for 
national roads, red for provincial roads and yellow for other connecting roads 
to villages, and it will initially cover Greece. This stylesheet reflects the 
road signs on motorways and national roads, with the rest being based on the 
old stylesheet.

Other than the change of colour, I plan to make the custom tile set stylesheet 
a dependency of the main stylesheet, to minimise the need to update them often.

I desire that the tiles update about five minutes after an edit, like the main 
map, so it does not turn out to be a half-baked alternative.

First, start with 
.  That'll talk you through the basics of setting up a tile server. I'd 
start with something small (an English county, perhaps) so that when you 
need to reload because something has gone wrong, you can do so quickly.  
Initially I'd stick as close as possible to the instructions as written, 
so that if something goes wrong you can be reasonably sure that it was 
something that you misread, not something different you tried to do.  
I'd also initially use a virtual machine of some sort, perhaps running 
on a desktop or laptop you have - that way it's possible to revert to a 
previously working setup easily if something goes wrong.  For small 
areas a couple of Gb of memory and around 20Gb disk should be enough - 
though when you start wanting to render UK and Greece you'll need more 
(at a guess, 8Gb memory might be enough - but someone else would need to 

I ran through the instructions a couple of months to go "soup to nuts" 
and they worked; the only issue I'm aware of since then is that the 
"Installing osm2pgsql" bit needs to be changed slightly due to some 
recent commits there.  Details are on 
https://github.com/openstreetmap/osm2pgsql , but if you have problems 
with that just get a couple-of-months-old version of osm2pgsql from git 
and run with that.

After that you should have a tile server and should be able to browse to 
your equivalent of http://b.tile.openstreetmap.org/0/0/0.png .  Do be 
aware that creating low zoom tiles on a small server can take a while 
(minutes) - so don't expect pretty pictures immediately.  The switch2osm 
instructions describing looking at logs to watch requests for tiles to 
be rendered.

You'll want a basic map viewer - I'd use Leaflet for that.  See 
https://switch2osm.org/using-tiles/getting-started-with-leaflet/ (which 
actually contains rather more details than you need - just look at the 
links to the Leaflet site) and there are lots of examples, tutorials 
etc. on http://leafletjs.com/ .  As an alternative, if you want to cheat 
you can have your tiles behind osm.org - see 
for that.

By this stage you've got a database and some "OSM Bright" tiles. You'll 
want to add a new tile layer initially consisting of OSM's "standard 
layer" ones.

The "standard style" is over at 
https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto , and there's a link 
to the installation document from the readme there.  In order to add 
more tile layers to your "renderd.conf" file (which you will have 
created during the "manually-building-a-tile-server-14-04" process), 
have a look at these questions:


OSM's standard style installation instructions "just worked" for me when 
I last tried them, which was last year just before OSM moved to "orange 

Next, you'll want to add your new tile layer to your Leaflet site - 
that's pretty straightforward and many or most of the Leaflet examples I 
mentioned above use multiple tile layers.

After that, it's on to changing road colours.  At the top of 
https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/blob/master/roads.mss there 
are a bunch of colours.  Initially, I'd try changing those to different 
values in your copy of the file, rerunning the "carto" command line 
(which you'll have previously run with the styles you've setup alr

Re: [OSM-dev] Playback of Camera Movement in OSM2World Question

2016-03-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 19.03.2016 um 10:43 schrieb Oleksiy Muzalyev :
> Here are the aerial images of Collège Madame de Staël in Geneva which I made 
> with the DJI Phatom 3 this week:
> https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coll%C3%A8ge_Madame_de_Sta%C3%ABl#
> https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Alexey_M./gallery
> An advantage of Wikipedia is that it keeps the original images resolution, so 
> building:levels are well visible. Google Maps automatically reduces 
> resolution.

thanks for sharing, imagery of this kind is indeed perfect to determine 
building levels or also to get textures.

Martin ___
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Playback of Camera Movement in OSM2World Question

2016-03-19 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
Hi Peter,

I am intrigued. I plan to install OSM2World and follow it.

I work on the problematics from another side. I work on using real flights to 
capture data for 3D mapping and make it readily available for all mappers.

It is possible to publish 3D aerial images both into a Wikipedia article and a 
respective Wikipedia category. There's an OSM tag also for a category.

Here are the aerial images of Collège Madame de Staël in Geneva which I made 
with the DJI Phatom 3 this week:



An advantage of Wikipedia is that it keeps the original images resolution, so 
building:levels are well visible. Google Maps automatically reduces resolution.

DJI Phantom 3 has got the range of 2.2 km, and the new Phantom 4 has got the 
range of 4.5 km (3 miles). But the range is also limited by the constant visual 
contact required by law. So actually it is about 1 km (and the maximum allowed 
altitude 150 meters in this case). Still it is enough to cover quite a large 

Phantom 4 has got increased reliability due to doubled systems, but in any case 
it's recommended to perform hundreds of training flights before even 
considering a takeoff in a city.

DJI Phantom writes coordinates and altitude into JPGs Exif automatically, so an 
automation is possible.

Best regards

Sent from my acer Liquid Z630On Mar 18, 2016 10:11 PM, Peter Barth wrote: > > 
Hi Wilson, > > Thank you for your interest in OSM and GSoC. > > The project 
idea you're talking about is actually meant in a > different way. What we'd 
like to achive is a way to generate > virtual camera flights. I.e. you use the 
OSM2World GUI to define > waypoints and direction vectors to look at, i.e. the 
definition > of the camera movement. The student's code would try to > 
interpolate those positions to generate a smooth trajectory in 3D > space and 
afterwards render the images along this > trajectory. Rendering might either 
happen directly with OSM2World > to output PNG images or via Povray. And in the 
end, ffmpeg/libav > will take these images and make a video out of the single 
images. > > Of course there's more to it: The trajectory might be inputed via > 
a GPX file or by defining your own format. Also the interpolation > of the 
camera movement might be as simple as a polygon or > something more 
sophisticated as bspline approximation or whatever > else. > > But in the end 
the details are up to the student. We have a rough > idea, we also have an idea 
how we would implement it. But we want > to hear and see your ideas as long as 
it matches our overall goal :) > > Hope that helps, > Peda > > 
___ > dev mailing list > 
dev@openstreetmap.org > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/dev___
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Custom tileset

2016-03-19 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Fri, 18 Mar 2016 19:57:58 +
"Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap)"  wrote:

> Hi,
> I thought it may be useful to pitch my idea here, but I plan to
> develop two custom sets of tile sets that use the standard OSM layer,
> but with “British” and “Greek” colours respectively. 
> Depending on how much technical expertise I require for this, I plan
> to develop these tile sets in response to demand from the UK
> community in response the the change of colours recently.
> The British tile set will have the old colours before the changeover
> to the red-yellow scheme, and it initially cover Great Britain and
> the Republic of Ireland only.
> The Greek tile set will have green for motorways, two shades of blue
> for national roads, red for provincial roads and yellow for other
> connecting roads to villages, and it will initially cover Greece.
> This stylesheet reflects the road signs on motorways and national
> roads, with the rest being based on the old stylesheet.
> Other than the change of colour, I plan to make the custom tile set
> stylesheet a dependency of the main stylesheet, to minimise the need
> to update them often.
> I desire that the tiles update about five minutes after an edit, like
> the main map, so it does not turn out to be a half-baked alternative.
> So, how can I pull off this feat?

Minutely updates, even just for UK+Ireland will not be easy.

https://switch2osm.org/ covers introduction to setting up tile

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