[OSM-dev] Request for help: libosmscout

2009-09-10 Thread Tim Teulings

I had taken an increasing interest in the data and software side of
OpenStreetMap over the last half year, quickly resulting in some hacking
on data analysis, map drawing and routing, leading to a C++ library
which is already usable (but still far form complete) and is designed to
handle all the stuff some navigation software might need for backend.

To learn more about it, you can take a look (short video included) at:


Note that while this library has a frontend (my initial efforts
targeting to the Nokia N810), target is the library that can be used by
many backends on multiple platforms. I'm sure not the right person to
write a fancy frontend.

While I'm sure I will finish it someday in a state fitting my personal
needs (I'm satisfied with its progress), a better and quicker result
might be interesting for other people, too.

Because of that I would like to invite you joining development. If you
are interested in helping, do not hesitate to take a look, mail me,
subscribe (sourceforge needs some more hours to setup the mailing list)
or even hack the code... If in doubt, mail me, too, I do my best to
answer all your critical questions :-)

I'm looking for clever architects, algorithm junkies, library building
experts, OSM data experts, graphical wizards, users, testers etc...

I know that documentation is missing, code could be improved, more
features are required or existing ones beeing bulky and I'm possibly
lacking in-deep OSM knowledge but that should be seen a s a motivation
to join and can be fixed quickly if *you* help :-)

While you are now beeing overwelmed by this enthusiastic request for
help, I must hint that I'm in holiday for a ~10 days starting from the
16.9., so don't be suprised me not answering during this period.


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[OSM-dev] Need special data extracts

2010-02-21 Thread Tim Teulings

For a Open Source project idea of mine I need vector data (with a good 
enough resolution to display a country on screen, so no high resolution 
stuff) for
* Continent borders (earth shape)
* Country borders (together with country name)
* Country capitals with position and name
* Big (well known) cities
* Selected POIs 

(a little bit more as you would see on a wall map of the world) 

Searching the web I found natural earth data, which offers most of this, but 
since I would like to use OpenStreetMap data and in fact it in another 
project already used it I would like to get my data from OSM if possible. 
However while it seems like the data is there, I have not yet found a more 
convinient way than downloading a planet.osm and do some (heavy, heavy) 
postprocessing (Postgres, coastline... :-/). As you might image this is more 
than inconvinient (I likely need to by a new hard disk for this and have a 
talk with my provider first ;-)). 

Are there existing exports that already contain above data and are much 
smaller than planet.osm? Is there another (simple) way to get parts of above 

I do not have a problem with sticking the different information together 
from different sources, I'm also a programmer, I already have a *.osm 
scanner and can postprocess data to further filter out. I can also downstrip 
data to reduce resolution, but planet.osm is just too heavy for this (for 

I would appreciate any help, hint or link. 


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Need special data extracts

2010-02-21 Thread Tim Teulings

 Because of you Gruß, I guess you are speaking german. Try:

Yes (Bonn) :-) 


This as far as I know does not give me the required information. It contains 
extras of the planet.osm by country (and partly smaller). So if I want the 
position of all capital cities of all countries of the world I still need to 
download all extras of all countries (which in turn should sum up to the 
size of the planet.osm itself). 

Also Wiki claims that coastline is currently not trustable (because it is 
not detailed enough (which is not my problem) and because it is possibly not 
a closed border at all (because it is still not finished and because it 
sometimes breaks). If the coastline is closed and I can only get a file for 
the coastline (without the rest) and this file is small, I could however 
reduce details myself... 


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Re: [OSM-dev] Need special data extracts

2010-02-21 Thread Tim Teulings

(ah, another german :-)). 

 I have not yet found a more
 convinient way than downloading a planet.osm

 You may want to query the XAPI for the relevant data

Unlike the main API which restricts queries to 0.25 square degrees, XAPI 
allows much larger requests, up to 100 square degrees 

So I could not get all capitals in one go but must call it multiple times... 
Not nice but doable. 

I could ask for nodes of type 'place=city' to get large cities and 
'capital=yes' (if I can judge 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/240109189 correctly) to filter for 
capitals (I can add two conditions, can't I?). 

Fine, so this may be a way to get large cities, capitals and possibly also 
other POIs (while POIs likely do not have a tag for wellknown). 

But how do I get continent and country shapes together with their names (see 
my other response)? 


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Re: [OSM-dev] project idea

2010-03-12 Thread Tim Teulings

 in every country, in several counties, in certain towns, there are
 properties characteristical for some object types of a certain kind.
 Using boundary objects, one could create a geographical-bound css-like
 object containing the tags to be used as defaults to overlay each such
 object's tags found inside of that boundary object.
 I was thinking about this myself, I think it would be important to have a
 way of tagging such things. E.g. to define the language of the name-tags
 inside this boundary.

For libosmscout I planed to put (at leats a part of) such information in
some application configuration file, this possibly would also include
visualisation aspects like with symbols on the map to use for motorway
numbers etc... I also would have used boundaries for grouping such
information. I would very apreciate to have such information outside my
application in an easy to parse format. It could be part of the boundaries
in the database but a CCS like formatted file would also do.


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[OSM-dev] GSoC Suggestion: test.osm suite

2010-03-15 Thread Tim Teulings

During my work on libosmscout I had the (obvious) idea to test the various
implementation aspect of my library against or (or multiple) defined *.osm

This would have included testing for functionality like rendering things
like bridges, tunnels, layers and symbols but also routing correctly in
respect of turn restrictions, maxspeed, cross border navigation...

For this one or multiple syntetic *.osm file(s) would be optimal, that
includes all these features in a stable way (ids of nodes, ways, areas do
change, feature do not disapear or reapear somwhere else).

However up to now I had not the time to work on this...

My suggestion for GSoC thus would be to let a student develop such test
resulting in a first version af an ACID-lik test for OSM based map drawing
routing tools.

Work would be split into a number of steps:
* Collecting the most important features to test (ask the community)
* Defining an abstract test suite by categorizing these features and
  small abstract test scenarious.
* Design of an environment that allows getting and changing the data,
  and possibly also not only offers *.osm files but also API instances
based on
  these data  
* Documentation of environment and change processes  
* Creation of actual data files

Note, that not all step require develpment, in fact the development part is
possibly very low, so this might be a problem to get it accepted.
Nevertheless this would be possibly of great help for a huge number of
OSM developers and IMHO testing is a huge and underestimated part of

Any opinions about that? Does this make sense? Improvement/addition


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Re: [OSM-dev] Compression types in PBF Format

2010-11-30 Thread Tim Teulings


Why this mentality? It is trivial to implement a decompression  
algorithm and some work better than others. Sounds like complaining  
about stuff you don't have to care about.

I would not implement decompression myself, I have better things to  
do. Thus I would a library for this. A library however is a  
dependency, that must be build installed and delivered (not all the  
world runs Linux with smart packaging systems) and licences have to be  
checked. It makes sense for teh developer to try to reduce such  
dependencies by agreeing on one standard compression format.


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Re: [OSM-dev] OSM formats optimised for client-side vector rendering?

2011-02-17 Thread Tim Teulings


However I'm wondering if there is any consensus on a standard OSM data
format optimised for vector rendering. There seems to be the OSM Mobile

No, as for the reason other people already have mentioned. For 
libosmscout (clientside *offline* map rendering) the data format requires:
* As much data massaging in the preprocessing, since on the fly style 
evaulation must be powerful but fast, too (no time to iterate over list 
of strings representing tags).
* The internal *disk* binary format must allow fast search and access 
capabilities so database-like mechanisms are used.

For somebody that wants to render small areas on the fly the format is 
to heavy and requires too much preprocessing, for somebody that wants to 
render any map possible but with no interactive responsivness 
requirements for zooming and moving the format is not powerful enough. 
There is always a trade of :-/


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Re: [OSM-dev] Vector tiles stack for Android

2014-01-17 Thread Tim Teulings


After days of efforts and workarounds, I decided to give up because this 
mapsforge thing i loved is still too buggy. Also, the project has very little 
activity since mid-2013 and it seems unlikely that these issues will ever be 

If you are still there… thanks for reading all this depressing stuff… but it's 
time for fresh ideas now!

Can you suggest better solutions to:
1) convert OSM data to some compact binary vector format?
2) render this data to bitmap tiles on Android devices?

(i am especially interested in conversion and rendering: the view layer is not 
an issue, osmdroid allows building custom tile providers to hook to almost any 
bitmap tilesource).

libosmscout (http://libosmscout.sourceforge.net/ - the project is alive, 
even if there not much change on the homepage) is a C++library for for 
offline OSM map rendering, location lookup and routing.

It does enable you to render tiles or full screen maps. There is a 
prototype Android backend (by a 3rd party person) using JNI to delegate 
map rendering primitives to Android native drawing primitives. The 
backend is likely slightly broken (3rd party is currently not active) 
but it should be easy to fix it. I do not have performance measurements 
on recent android devices but native rendering on recent iPhones is said 
to be OK.

You can place a custom infrastruture directly on the custom file based 
database layer. Depending on your detailed requirements the library 
might suite your needs - or not.

There are additional backends for cairo, Qt, iOS/Mac OS X, libagg, and 
an exemplary SVG backend.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Building routable graph from OSM data

2015-03-22 Thread Tim Teulings


 I am looking for library that is processing OSM data into routing graph.
 This graph will be later processed by my program so tight integration 

 existing routing engine is unneeded and unwanted.

libosmscout (libosmscout.sf.net) does generate a routing graph from a 
parsed *.osm or *.osm.pbf file. The routing graph is later used for a A* 
based router implementation. But routing graph and router a separated.

Depending on your needs this may or not may be what you want...

libsosmscout main goal is being a helpful liberary for offline mobile 
map rendering, routing and POI look up applications.


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Re: [OSM-dev] GSOC 2017 libosmscout: Implementation of a OpenGL ES renderer

2017-03-13 Thread Tim Teulings

Hello Fanny,

I am Fanny Monori, a Computer Engineering MS student from the University
of Debrecen, Hungary. I wish to participate in Google Summer of Code
this year, and I am interested in the "libosmscout: Implementation of a
OpenGL ES renderer" task, and I am looking for someone to help me
getting started with it.

I'm Tim Teulings, the main author (but in recent times not the only 
author) of libosmscout. I wrote the project idea and also likely would 
be your mentor (though the rest of the libomscout community will likely 
help, too).

Hello and welcome to OpenStreetMap and libosmscout :-)

I live in Dortmund, Germany so my time zone is CET / GMT +1. I normally 
will answer in the evening.

I have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science, and during my studies I
became familiar with OpenStreetMap. As part of a course, students had to
work on projects that are using OpenStreetMap. I really liked working
with it, and I would love to contribute to it. I also studied computer
graphics, and because of that I have experience using OpenGL.
In your Google Summer of Code page you have mentioned that you might
require a small exercise or prototype. Do you have any qualification
task in mind regarding this project?

Some questions:
* Libosmscout is written in C++. Are you familiar with C++?
* One can develop for Libomscout under Linux, Windows, Mac. I suggest 
though to work under Linux, since this is the most convenient regarding 
building the software (and likely working with OpenGL). OK for you?

* Is the task clear for you? Do you have any front up questions?

I suggest the following next steps:
* Subscribe to the mailing list of libosmscout (and write a small 
introduction mail to make sure people know who you are and thus give you 
as much help as you need):-)
* Look at the documentation available and try to get the existing code 
running (that means, get it to build, import some OSM data export and 
get the OSMScout2 demo to show you the map).
* Look at the rendering pipeline for one of the existing renderer (Qt, 
cairo, agg, the others are incomplete) (interaction with Database, 
MapService, StyleConfig and MapPainter base class). This should give you 
deeper inside how the existing code is doing the rendering and which 
functionality is already there (and which is not). There is some 
rudimentary OpenGL backend code. Just ignore that. It will not help you. 
Its bad code and bad design.
* I assume that the OpenGL backend will be different in some aspects, 
because of the constraints and principles of OpenGL. So a likely next 
step would be to make a proposal how your code will look like 
structurally, how your rendering pipeline will work in principle 
("describe the planed design"). How will you get the drawing primitives 
required working? How will you interact with the styling engine?
* Part of the design will likely also be some discussions on the list 
regarding implementation alternatives. Make suggestions.
* If time allows a very simple demo would be helpful to show your OpenGL 
capabilities, though we should already see some of it based on your 
design suggestions. I assume that getting "some" rendering to show is 
already a rather huge part of the implementation effort. So there will 
be no time for this befor the official proposal. Still, having something 
to show would be helpful.
* Next step would be a concrete implementation plan and a more precise 
description of what must be implemented to succeed and which optional 
features can get implemented if time allows. Though a concrete plan can 
be mad later later than the 20.3. (see overall timeline below).

You can find the libosmscout homepage at sourceforge: 

The documentation should already answer many questions.

Note that the project also has a github page:

We do use the sourceforge mailinglist but the github git repository is 
(much) more current than the sourceforge one. We also (mainly) use the 
github issue tracker.

If you have any questions => ask on the libomscout mailing list. If you 
find bugs, make an issue :-)

OSM GSoC 2017 page: 

Overall time line (Google page): 

If I understand correctly you have a round 1 week for official 
registration and submission so we - especially you! - have to hurry up.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Planet file with preprocessed lines/polygons

2017-05-12 Thread Tim Teulings

Hello Christoph,

when it comes to read raw OSM dumps it's quite straightforward to parse
nodes: their geometry properties can be read alongside with their tags.
When it comes to linestrings and relations it is more complicated to access
their geometry: the geometry of referenced nodes needs to be combined into
lines and polygons. Also one needs to decide which linestrings/relations
are actually lines and which are areas.

I know how this can be done but I am wondering if there are preprocessed
datasets around that have geometries already precomputed. That would make
sense to me as a lot of people face the sample problem and this step is
quite resource intense.

A huge file containing all osm items as geojson would be my dreamcase. Does
this exist?

libosmscout (http://libosmscout.sf.net) does such preprocessing and  
much more for building its internal database. Purpose of libosmscout  
is offline map rendering, routing and location/POI lookup.

It currently does not export its data as geojson (or vector tiles  
while we are at it). It should be possible though to implement this:  
Either on the fly based on (bounding box based) database queries or as  
an export. libosmscout is already used for implementing a simple,  
local tile server (..and more, see  
https://github.com/rinigus/osmscout-server) based on the libosmscout  


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Re: [OSM-dev] Question Regarding Libosmium

2018-06-10 Thread Tim Teulings

Hello everybody,

Libosmium is not what you are looking for here. There are way too many
things you'd have to implement yourself on top of libosmium. Have a look
at https://github.com/Framstag/libosmscout , maybe that's something for

Right. Libosmscout gives offers you most of the functionality to 
implement an offline application that make either use of map drawing, 
routing or location lookups (or all). Above functionality was always 
possible because of the database-like design that allows queries-like 
requests. Since recently there is also a special API for exactly this 

And also Jochen is right: Do not try to work on advanced functionalities 
like this by starting with an export file and code the rest yourself. 
Things will look easy at the start, but the more you work on it, the 
more you fill your TODO list with basic stuff. Use existing (framework) 
code for this.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Question Regarding Libosmium

2018-06-11 Thread Tim Teulings

Hello Kyle,

Yeah, I sent my reply to Jochen before I realized everything that libosmscout 
implements, like Jochen says in the description of libosmium it's meant for 
data manipulation, not for navigation. Libosmscout does everything that I need 
for my application. You and Jochen are both amazing programmers and very 
helpful; I am very grateful for the responses. Tim -- what is this API you 
speak of?

See SimpleRoutingService, methods
* GetClosestRoutableNode
* GetClosestRoutableObject


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