On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 19:58:43 +0200, Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Even worse situation can occur, if somebody accidently shuffles bigger
amount of nodes. It can happen in JOSM very easily, and could be hard to
notice by other users.

> Hi,
>     we just had the unfortunate situation that someone managed to delete
> roughly 80.000 nodes by loading a file into JOSM, hitting Ctrl-A and
> Ctrl-Shift-Y (simplify) and uploading the results.
> I'm baffled that JOSM would even process that amount of data, it must be
> quite a powerful tool after all ;-)
> Anyway, I have now modified the UtilsPlugin to ask "are you sure"
> whenever you try to simplify more than 10 ways at once!
> With our growing user base, we should keep in mind that we have a
> certain responsibility to protect OSM from mistakes such as this, or at
> least we should make an attempt to. I'm totally against *prohibiting*
> any kind of edit, but in some cases it might make sense to actually
> provide better feedback so that the user knows what he's doing.
> Bye
> Frederik

Petr Dlouhý

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