On Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 10:35:19PM +0200, Florian Lohoff wrote:
> The URL to try with is here:
> http://tiles-two.lab.rfc822.org/api/0.5/map?bbox=
> The biggest advantage though is that it seems not to have the obscure
> utf-8 bugs i have seen with the mysql. All output i had a look at looked
> clean - no strange ???? tags/values ...
> Code is here:
> http://tiles-two.lab.rfc822.org/~flo/map-pgsql.cgi
> Differences to the osmosis simple postgres schema is removal of the ways
> bbox as its a cpu time killer and an added btree index on way_id in
> ways. See the osmosis patch i send previously.
> BTW: Both ROMAs now have a check for the age of the planet in the db and
> return 503 in case the planet is older than 15 minutes.

After some hints i got in private there are a couple of bugs fixed. I
should check with xmllint everytime i change something ;) Thanks

Way nodes are now correctly sorted by their sequence not their node id.
Relations, members and tag of relations are now closed correctly
The rounding of lat/lon was too aggressive - return 7 instead of 4

As a "bug" left is the missing timezone for the timestamps.

Florian Lohoff                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             +49-171-2280134
        Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little 
          security shall soon have neither - Benjamin Franklin

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