If someone needs code for obtaining data from OSM Wiki about tags
(yes, taginfo is doing this already and for most uses it is enough)
and also needs info from data items then
may be useful.

It has a Python script that obtains data from OSM Wiki infoboxes
and data items, compares them and finds where edits are needed.

Nothing groundbreaking, but finding proper way to do this
(without writing my own parser and without using recommended
but not working tools for extracting data item info).

More likely useful as inspiration and pointer toward useful libraries
than for direct use, but if someone is interested I can rewrite it
a bit and publish as a pip package.

Note: data items are not fully parsed into human readable form
(parsing tag lists such as "implies", "requires") as
(1) it is quite obnoxious to implement
(2) not really needed for my task
of finding where infobox templates are without parameters
and silently use data items.
(3) for complex fields such as seeAlso, requires etc it is
safe to assume that data item has the same data or of 
worse quality, so I wanted to just detect where it is
silently used
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