Hello everyone,

Would like to announce the initial release of Freemap Mobile, a Java ME 
mapping application for mobile devices. Freemap Mobile displays Freemap 
maps (i.e. UK countryside-orientated OSM maps) on a GPS enabled mobile 
phone (e.g. Nokia N95) and the source code is now available in OSM SVN at 
applications/mobile/FreemapMobile. Alternatively the JAR/JAD files are 
available for download at


Obviously with this being the initial release it's pretty basic at the 
moment, but will nonetheless show a Freemap map of your current location 
and has two zoom levels (Google zoom levels 14 and 16). It downloads tiles 
from the server on-demand and then caches them in the record store to 
avoid the need to download the map next time.  It generally works though 
occasionally seem to get the odd glitch downloading tiles - need to 
investigate this further.

Since Freemap only has coverage in certain areas of the UK, due to server 
limitations (approximately the counties Hampshire, Sussex, Surrey, Isle of 
Wight, Dorset, Wiltshire, the Bath area of Somerset, Berkshire, 
Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, 
Gloucestershire, Staffordshire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, north Wales, 
Lancashire and Cumbria) you won't get a map anywhere by default. However, 
it's my intention to allow configuration of the map source so that it can 
view standard OSM Mapnik and osmarender maps too. At the moment this isn't 
implemented, however if you know Java you can change the tile source URL 
in line 22 of TileSource.java.

Many more features are planned including points of interest, and the 
ability to report path problems/interesting views and create annotated 
photos for direction finding. The intention is to provide a countryside 
orientated navigation tool, however the code base could be used to create 
an urban OSM mapping/surveying tool with similar features.

Obviously use at your own risk, I won't take responsibility if it messes 
up your phone! Licence is mixture of GPL / LGPL.


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