Hi everyone,

As you might know, the new Engineering Working Group is meeting every two weeks 
on Mumble. Read the meeting minutes on the wiki: 

We are not discussing any software development, but trying to help current and 
future OSM developers. The two tasks we are working on now are:

1) Google Summer of Code 2017. The student application period opened a week ago 
and ends on 3rd of April, next Monday. Do not put off answering students' 
2) The Top Ten Tasks list. The previous one was compiled six years ago, and we 
are looking at refreshing it. For now we are collecting ideas on the etherpad: 

The next EWG meeting is tomorrow at 20:00 UTC:


We would like everybody who considers themselves a EWG member, interested in 
organizing mentors or in compiling the Top Ten Tasks list to join Mumble and to 
discuss these topics. We use the usual HOT server, see instructions here: 

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