i just tried to delete my preferences and start from fresh after 1 1/2
Years and i like the visual changes i see. The only missing thing are
the arrows on every street. I know i can turn them on again but i'd just
like to make a point about visualizing. 

Typically the arrows indicated quite well if streets were connected.
On a crossing both ways would have at least a single arrow towards the
common node.

Now the arrows get removed completely which is a good thing on one hand
but i would prefer a second mode which made "arrows" on both ends.


This would even more indicate a correct connection between ways.

An even more interesting mode would be to make the first and last nodes
"arrows" on a way different from the others so one could see where a way
is split up instead of selecting the way and detect it by the highlighting

I put arrows in " because it would not necessarily be arrows but some
end/start of segment indicator - probably just some change in line
thickness or something.

Florian Lohoff                  f...@rfc822.org             +49-171-2280134
        Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little 
          security shall soon have neither - Benjamin Franklin

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