On Thu, Jul 07, 2011 at 11:57:02AM +0200, Kay Drangmeister wrote:
> My opinion: it worked well before. Now editing is a PITA. Please revert
> if possible.

You can do so yourself by setting the 


key/value. My point is that in the case of addr and building outlines
the new default is broken as it can be. And changing a default where
people were extensively using the behaviour before is broken.

Adding a feature to enable people to convert to a new behaviour is
okay but i had to go through the last revisions, recompile with my
debugging code to finally stumble over the tagging default above.

So i wasted an hour installing java sdk, checking out the svn tree,
finding out how to build, finding the code involved, adding debug 
code etc ...

Here in the office people were yelling at me for at least 4 days because
editing became a PITA and it was simply an undocumented change in
default behaviour..

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
„Für eine ausgewogene Energiepolitik über das Jahr 2020 hinaus ist die
Nutzung von Atomenergie eine Brückentechnologie und unverzichtbar. Ein
Ausstieg in zehn Jahren, wie noch unter der rot-grünen Regierung
beschlossen, kommt für die nationale Energieversorgung zu abrupt.“
Angela Merkel CDU 30.8.2009

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