Hello OpenWhisk community.

I am hosting the Tech Interchange Call on Wednesday October 16th at 10am
Eastern (other times listed below). Call on Zoom:

Arrive early before the Pizza and Cookies are all gone.
There is also a prize for volunteering to host the next tech call.

If you are interested in sharing something you've been working on, have
some questions you'd like to discuss, or want to raise anything else with
the community please let me know by end of your local business day Tuesday.

Tentative topics:
- Demo the OpenWhisk playground along with the standalone controller
(thanks Chetan)
- Proposal from Bill Zhong https://github.com/apache/openwhisk/pull/4648
- OpenWhisk main repo release (v1.0?)

Day-Time: Wednesday October 16 at 10am Eastern, 7am Pacific, 4pm Central
Europe, 2pm GMT, 10pm Beijing, 11pm Seoul.
Zoom: https://zoom.us/my/asfopenwhisk


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