2019-02-19 00:30:16 UTC - Vikash: It didn't work. I am getting a new error.
2019-02-19 00:30:30 UTC - Vikash: 
2019-02-19 00:31:42 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: Do a gradlew clean 
2019-02-19 00:34:13 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: Can you run make init-whisk-cli again 
2019-02-19 00:44:02 UTC - Carlos Santana: WTF?
2019-02-19 03:48:00 UTC - Carlos Santana: thanks that did the trick
2019-02-19 08:23:58 UTC - Matthias Riml: i get the same init-api-management 
error. I can create an action and invoke it, but it runs on the "whisk.system" 
namespace and not on the guest namespace. Not working like normal
2019-02-19 08:24:41 UTC - Matthias Riml: 
2019-02-19 08:28:39 UTC - Matthias Riml: after i run the make init-whisk-cli 
manually, it created the namespace guest. So now it seems to work
2019-02-19 09:42:35 UTC - Lars Andersson: I'm working on a PR to extend the 
output of the wsk activation list command, and want to hear your opinions about 
the following proposal:
$ wsk activation list --limit 10
Datetime            Activation ID                    Kind                 
Duration   Status  Entity                                                       
2019-02-18 11:56:36 bb55eb213bf04b4b95eb213bf05b4bce ruby:2.5             689ms 
     0       guest/unicodeGalore.ruby2.5:0.0.1                                  
2019-02-18 11:56:35 d630388f422e4f29b0388f422e9f29d7 python:3             210ms 
     0       guest/unicodeGalore.python3:0.0.1                                  
2019-02-18 11:56:33 be745b49c8644804b45b49c864a804ef python:2             155ms 
     0       guest/unicodeGalore.python2:0.0.1                                  
2019-02-18 11:56:31 1ca0af76bab34834a0af76bab35834e0 python               159ms 
     0       guest/unicodeGalore.python:0.0.1                                   
2019-02-18 11:56:30 3435018b521c473cb5018b521ce73c10 php:7.3              54ms  
     0       guest/unicodeGalore.php7.3:0.0.1                                   
2019-02-18 11:56:29 0bdc09898238452b9c09898238352b56 nodejs:10            120ms 
     0       guest/unicodeGalore.nodejs10:0.0.1                                 
2019-02-18 11:56:28 ec44f4c40d944cfc84f4c40d94bcfc8e nodejs:8             120ms 
     0       guest/unicodeGalore.nodejs8:0.0.1                                  
2019-02-18 11:56:26 1a476ba4db844791876ba4db84779118 nodejs:6             43ms  
     0       guest/unicodeGalore.nodejs6:0.0.1                                  
2019-02-18 11:56:26 ae47e1baea7b461787e1baea7be61753 java                 172ms 
     0       guest/unicodeGalore.java:0.0.1                                     
2019-02-18 11:56:25 ac7068949d574ed3b068949d576ed339 go:1.11              276ms 
     0       guest/unicodeGalore.go1.11:0.0.1  

- Are there any more attributes you would like to see? Also available are 
*annotations* and *cause*.
- Are the order of attributes acceptable?
- Is it acceptable to use the ISO date-time format shown?
2019-02-19 11:56:28 UTC - James Thomas: :wave: everyone - tomorrow is the next 
bi-weekly community call.

Please message me with any agenda items you’d like to discuss at the Tech 
Interchange call tomorrow - Wednesday (February 20th).

Call details:

Web Meeting: Tech Interchange (bi-weekly):
- Day-Time: Wednesdays, 11AM EST(Eastern US), 5PM CET (Central Europe),
4PM UTC, 12AM CST (Beijing)
- Zoom: <https://zoom.us/my/asfopenwhisk>
2019-02-19 12:22:37 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: Did you update your git to master?
2019-02-19 16:33:45 UTC - dubee: @Lars Andersson, liking the columns. :+1:
2019-02-19 17:15:48 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: can you post a screenshot for mobile 
viewers ;)
2019-02-19 17:16:50 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: I like this. 
Maybe status can be mapped to a descriptive word. 
Can also indicate warm/cold from the annotations. 
2019-02-19 17:36:09 UTC - Perry Dykes: Folks, I used IBM Cloud Functions, 
created an action to monitor a cloudant database using the "Cloudant Template" 
function, all good. I manually entered the cloudant data as per the UI when 
configuring it. I can monitor a cloudant database, and triggers and processing 
works well, and does what I want.  However, now I want to move from dev 
database to production.  I can't really change that cloudant attributes through 
the UI again as I did initially, so assuming the commandline is the path.  Can 
someone provide a method to use the command line against Template generated 
cloudant configuration approach.  I have found a few examples, but they seem 
incomplete in listing the resource for the specific action/trigger set and then 
updating all the attributes cloudant need to ensure the correct entity and 
parameters are fully specified.  Maybe I'm missing a man page or detailed 
examples, that would be fine.
2019-02-19 17:52:23 UTC - Upkar Lidder: When I do it from command line, I first 
bind the template to `my own package` and then I can bind/update parameters to 
`my own package`

1. `ic fn package bind /whisk.system/cloudant upkar-cloudant-package`
2. `ic fn service bind cloudantnosqldb upkar-cloudant-package --instance 

That automatically binds my cloudant service to my package named 
`upkar-cloudant-package`. But I could also bind the api_key etc manually I 

I am not sure how the UI works. I am going to test it out. Sorry if I said a 
bunch of things that you already knew :slightly_smiling_face:.
2019-02-19 18:31:18 UTC - Lars Andersson: Here's a screenshot.
2019-02-19 18:31:24 UTC - Lars Andersson: @Rodric Rabbah No problem adding 
descriptive status, but I've been looking for a description of them (0, 1, 2) 
without finding one. Can you point me in the right direction? Also, I've 
checked the activation records I have in my CouchDB, but can't find any 
annotation that indicates cold/warm start.
2019-02-19 18:32:05 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: Look in docs/ there’s a description of 
these in activations
2019-02-19 18:33:08 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: 
2019-02-19 18:33:58 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: And 
2019-02-19 18:36:15 UTC - Lars Andersson: OK, so 0 = success, 1 = application 
error and 2 = action developer error? It doesn't mention statusCode, explicitly.
2019-02-19 18:36:34 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: Yes just realized the doc doesn’t say 
2019-02-19 18:37:09 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: There’s a 3 for system error
2019-02-19 18:38:18 UTC - Lars Andersson: OK, and found the description about 
cold/warm, so I can definitely do that as well. Thanks for the feedback!
2019-02-19 18:38:40 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: Will be happy to also merge a Pr to 
improve the docs 
2019-02-19 18:39:01 UTC - Lars Andersson: Yep, will do.
2019-02-19 18:39:09 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: :heart:
2019-02-19 20:10:44 UTC - Lars Andersson: @Rodric Rabbah 
2019-02-19 20:10:54 UTC - Lars Andersson: Will do the doc tomorrow.
2019-02-19 20:15:12 UTC - Perry Dykes: @Upkar Lidder awesome, this is great, 
let me try it.
2019-02-19 21:26:22 UTC - dubee: Be mindful that this might break some tests, 
so the test suite may need to be modified.

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