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Much appreciated.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DELIVERY FAILURE: Error transferring to QCMBSJ601.HERMES.SI.SOCGEN; Maximum hop count exceeded. Message probably in a routing loop.
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2016 16:01:19 -0400

Your message

  Subject: Re: apache phoenix json api

was not delivered to:


Error transferring to QCMBSJ601.HERMES.SI.SOCGEN; Maximum hop count exceeded. Message probably in a routing loop.

Reporting-MTA: dns;

Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: X-Notes; Error transferring to QCMBSJ601.HERMES.SI.SO
 CGEN; Maximum hop count exceeded.  Message probably in a routing loop.

--- Begin Message ---
Also, you're using the wrong command.

You want "prepareAndExecute" not "prepareAndExecuteBatch".

Josh Elser wrote:
Thanks, will fix this.

Plamen Paskov wrote:
Ah i found the error. It should be "sqlCommands": instead of
The documentation syntax is wrong for this request type:

On 14.04.2016 11:09, Plamen Paskov wrote:
@Josh: thanks for your answer.

I'm trying to prepare and execute batch request with no luck.
These are the requests i send:

"request": "openConnection",
"connectionId": "2"

"request": "createStatement",
"connectionId": "2"

"request": "prepareAndExecuteBatch",
"connectionId": "2",
"statementId": 1,
"sqlCommands", [ "UPSERT INTO us_population(STATE,CITY,POPULATION)
VALUES('C1','City 1',100000)", "UPSERT INTO
us_population(STATE,CITY,POPULATION) VALUES('C2','City 2',1000000)" ]

And this is the response i receive:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<title>Error 500 </title>
<h2>HTTP ERROR: 500</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /. Reason:

<pre> com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected
character (',' (code 44)): was expecting a colon to separate field
name and value
at [Source:; line: 5, column: 17]</pre>
<hr />
<small>Powered by Jetty://</small>

On 13.04.2016 19:27, Josh Elser wrote:
For reference materials: definitely check out

While JSON is easy to get started with, there are zero guarantees on
compatibility between versions. If you use protobuf, we should be
able to hide all schema drift from you as a client (e.g. applications
you write against Phoenix 4.7 should continue to work against 4.8,
4.9, etc).

Good luck with the PHP client -- feel free to reach out if you have
more issues. Let us know you have something to shared. I'm sure
others would also find it very useful.

F21 wrote:
I am currently building a golang client as well, so I've been looking
the api over the last few weeks.

I am not sure about the decision to have to create a statement first,
but in terms of go, it fits the sql package very well, where
are opened and closed.

I don't think there are any books (as of yet), but the references and
digging through the code should be quite useful. I also recommend
checking out the avatica project (which is a sub project of calcite)
which is used to power the query server.

Also, the query server uses protobufs by default now, so it would
probably be better to use that rather than the JSON api.

On 13/04/2016 10:21 PM, Plamen Paskov wrote:
thanks for your quick and accurate answer ! it's working now!
can you give me a brief explanation of why is it to mantain the state
via the json api so i can better understand how to create a php
wrapper library. if there are some books or references where i can
read more about apache phoenix will be very helpful.

On 13.04.2016 13:29, F21 wrote:
Your PrepareAndExecute request is missing a statementId:

Before calling PrepareAndExecute, you need to send a CreateStatement
request to the server so that it can give you a statementId. Then,
use that statementId in your PrepareAndExecute request and all
be fine :)

On 13/04/2016 8:24 PM, Plamen Paskov wrote:
Hi guys,
I just setup apache phoenix 4.7 and set the serialization to JSON.
Now i'm trying to run a select statement but what i receive is

"response": "executeResults",
"missingStatement": true,
"rpcMetadata": {
"response": "rpcMetadata",
"serverAddress": "ip-172-31-27-198:8765"
"results": null

My request looks like this:

curl -XPOST -H 'request: {"request":"prepareAndExecute",
"connectionId":"1", "sql":"select * from us_population",

Running the select above from the command line is fine and it
returns 2 rows :

sqlline version 1.1.8
0: jdbc:phoenix:localhost> select * from us_population;


| CA | Los Angeles | 3844829 |
| NY | New York | 8143197 |

2 rows selected (0.087 seconds)

Can you give me some direction what i'm doing wrong as i'm not java
dev and it's not possible for me to read and understand the source

Thanks in advance !

--- End Message ---

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