[racket-dev] bug in srfi-42

2015-01-11 Thread William James
Welcome to Racket v6.1.1.

> (require srfi/42)

> (first-ec #f (: n 2 8) (if (odd? n)) n)
stdin::153: :until: expected  in
  in: (if (odd? n))
   C:\Program Files\Racket\share\pkgs\srfi-lib\srfi\42\expansion.scm:68:2: gener
   C:\Program Files\Racket\share\pkgs\srfi-lib\srfi\42\expansion.scm:127:7
   C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\racket\private\misc.rkt:87:7

> (last-ec #f (: n 2 8) (if (odd? n)) n)

> (list-ec (: n 2 8) (if (odd? n)) n)
'(3 5 7)

  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] git problem during make

2015-01-11 Thread Jens Axel Søgaard
The following problem occurs while running
 make CPUS=4
in the plt repository.

 error: 'merge' is not possible because you have unmerged files.

And that's confusing, because git status doesn't report anything.

mba-5:plt soegaard$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Untracked files:
  (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)

The full transcript is below.

Here is what I did to get in this state.

1. Updated and built the racket repository
2. Create a new directory ~/clones/ and cloned github.org/racket/gui
3. Added the cloned gui libs to with raco
4. Changed things
5. Built racket with modified gui in clones.
5. Removed the clones  with raco link -r 
6. Updated the repository with git pull
7. Tried make.

So there are unmerged files in ~/clones/... but they are no longer linked to.

> ~/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/bin/raco link -l | grep clone

/Jens Axel

mba-5:plt soegaard$ make CPUS=4

if [ "4" = "" ] ; \

 then make plain-in-place PKGS="main-distribution
main-distribution-test" ; \

 else make cpus-in-place CPUS="4" PKGS="main-distribution
main-distribution-test" ; fi

make -j 4 plain-in-place JOB_OPTIONS="-j 4" PKGS="main-distribution

make base

mkdir -p build/config

echo '#hash((links-search-files . ()))' > build/config/config.rktd

mkdir -p racket/src/build

make racket/src/build/Makefile

make[4]: `racket/src/build/Makefile' is up to date.

cd racket/src/build; make reconfigure

make Makefile

make[5]: `Makefile' is up to date.

cd racket/src/build; make SELF_RACKET_FLAGS="-G `cd ../../../build/config; pwd`"

make 3m

cd racket; make 3m

make cgc

make common

make g-c

cd sgc; make ../libmzgc.a

make[10]: `../libmzgc.a' is up to date.

make foreign-stuff

cd ../foreign; make all

make foreign.o

make[11]: `foreign.o' is up to date.

make libffi_ON

make libffi/libffi.la

make[12]: `libffi/libffi.la' is up to date.

make dynlib

cd dynsrc; make dynlib

make ../mzdyn.o

make[10]: `../mzdyn.o' is up to date.

make ../starter

make[10]: `../starter' is up to date.

make mzlibrary

cd src; make all

make mzobjects

make[10]: Nothing to be done for `mzobjects'.

make libracket.a

make[9]: `libracket.a' is up to date.

make racketcgc

make[8]: `racketcgc' is up to date.

cd gc2; make all

make check-sdep

../racketcgc -G /Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/build/config
-cqu ../../../racket/gc2/check-sdep.rkt

make xsrc/precomp.h

make[8]: `xsrc/precomp.h' is up to date.

make xobjects

make[8]: Nothing to be done for `xobjects'.

make ../racket3m

make[8]: `../racket3m' is up to date.

cd dynsrc; make dynlib3m

make ../mzdyn3m.o

make[8]: `../mzdyn3m.o' is up to date.

cd gc2; make ../racket3m

make[7]: `../racket3m' is up to date.

make gracket-3m

cd gracket; make 3m

make resources


cd gc2; make 3m

make ../gracket3m

make ../GRacket3m.app/Contents/MacOS/GRacket3m

make[10]: `../GRacket3m.app/Contents/MacOS/GRacket3m' is up to date.

cd racket/src/build; make install SELF_RACKET_FLAGS="-G `cd
../../../build/config; pwd`" PLT_SETUP_OPTIONS="-j 4 "

make install-3m

make install-3m-common

make install-common-first

mkdir -p "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/bin"

cd racket; make install-3m

make headers

./racketcgc -cqu ../../racket/mkincludes.rkt
"../../racket" .

Making /Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/include


make osx-install

make unix-install

cd ..; rm -f "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/bin/racketcgc"

cd ..; rm -f "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/bin/racket"

cd ..; cp racket/starter

cp ../../racket/dynsrc/starter-sh .

cd ..; cp racket/starter-sh

cd ..; strip "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/lib/starter"

./racketcgc -cu "../../racket/collects-path.rkt"
../collects ../etc

cd ..; echo 'CC=gcc' >

cd ..; echo 'CFLAGS=-g -O2  -Wall   -DOS_X -D_DARWIN_UNLIMITED_SELECT
-pthread' >> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/lib/buildinfo"

cd ..; echo 'OPTIONS= -fno-common -DUSE_SENORA_GC' >>

cd ..; echo 'MZOPTION

Re: [racket-dev] git problem during make

2015-01-11 Thread Matthew Flatt
I'm not sure what you have in mind with some of the steps, such as step
4 (using `raco pkg` or `raco link`?).

The trace suggests that "gui-lib" is linked as a clone at the `raco
pkg` level. Using `raco link -r` to adjust links installed by the
package manager has a difficult-to-predict effect, but it would not
include unlinking the clone at the `raco pkg` level, so that may be the
source of the problem.

At Sun, 11 Jan 2015 20:00:45 +0100, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
> The following problem occurs while running
>  make CPUS=4
> in the plt repository.
>  error: 'merge' is not possible because you have unmerged files.
> And that's confusing, because git status doesn't report anything.
> mba-5:plt soegaard$ git status
> On branch master
> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
> Untracked files:
>   (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)
> The full transcript is below.
> Here is what I did to get in this state.
> 1. Updated and built the racket repository
> 2. Create a new directory ~/clones/ and cloned github.org/racket/gui
> 3. Added the cloned gui libs to with raco
> 4. Changed things
> 5. Built racket with modified gui in clones.
> 5. Removed the clones  with raco link -r 
> 6. Updated the repository with git pull
> 7. Tried make.
> So there are unmerged files in ~/clones/... but they are no longer linked to.
> > ~/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/bin/raco link -l | grep clone
> >
> /Jens Axel
> mba-5:plt soegaard$ make CPUS=4
> if [ "4" = "" ] ; \
>  then make plain-in-place PKGS="main-distribution
> main-distribution-test" ; \
>  else make cpus-in-place CPUS="4" PKGS="main-distribution
> main-distribution-test" ; fi
> make -j 4 plain-in-place JOB_OPTIONS="-j 4" PKGS="main-distribution
> main-distribution-test"
> make base
> mkdir -p build/config
> echo '#hash((links-search-files . ()))' > build/config/config.rktd
> mkdir -p racket/src/build
> make racket/src/build/Makefile
> make[4]: `racket/src/build/Makefile' is up to date.
> cd racket/src/build; make reconfigure
> make Makefile
> make[5]: `Makefile' is up to date.
> cd racket/src/build; make SELF_RACKET_FLAGS="-G `cd ../../../build/config; 
> pwd`"
> make 3m
> cd racket; make 3m
> make cgc
> make common
> make g-c
> cd sgc; make ../libmzgc.a
> make[10]: `../libmzgc.a' is up to date.
> make foreign-stuff
> cd ../foreign; make all
> make foreign.o
> make[11]: `foreign.o' is up to date.
> make libffi_ON
> make libffi/libffi.la
> make[12]: `libffi/libffi.la' is up to date.
> make dynlib
> cd dynsrc; make dynlib
> make ../mzdyn.o
> make[10]: `../mzdyn.o' is up to date.
> make ../starter
> make[10]: `../starter' is up to date.
> make mzlibrary
> cd src; make all
> make mzobjects
> make[10]: Nothing to be done for `mzobjects'.
> make libracket.a
> make[9]: `libracket.a' is up to date.
> make racketcgc
> make[8]: `racketcgc' is up to date.
> cd gc2; make all
> make check-sdep
> ../racketcgc -G /Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/build/config
> -cqu ../../../racket/gc2/check-sdep.rkt
> make xsrc/precomp.h
> make[8]: `xsrc/precomp.h' is up to date.
> make xobjects
> make[8]: Nothing to be done for `xobjects'.
> make ../racket3m
> make[8]: `../racket3m' is up to date.
> cd dynsrc; make dynlib3m
> make ../mzdyn3m.o
> make[8]: `../mzdyn3m.o' is up to date.
> cd gc2; make ../racket3m
> make[7]: `../racket3m' is up to date.
> make gracket-3m
> cd gracket; make 3m
> make resources
> :
> cd gc2; make 3m
> make ../gracket3m
> make ../GRacket3m.app/Contents/MacOS/GRacket3m
> make[10]: `../GRacket3m.app/Contents/MacOS/GRacket3m' is up to date.
> cd racket/src/build; make install SELF_RACKET_FLAGS="-G `cd
> ../../../build/config; pwd`" PLT_SETUP_OPTIONS="-j 4 "
> make install-3m
> make install-3m-common
> make install-common-first
> mkdir -p "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/bin"
> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/collects"
> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/doc"
> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/lib"
> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/include"
> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/lib"
> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/share"
> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/etc"
> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/share/applications"
> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/man"
> cd racket; make install-3m
> make headers
> ./racketcgc -cqu ../../racket/mkincludes.rkt
> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/include"
> "../../racket" .
> Making /Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/include
> Done.
> make osx-install
> make unix-install
> cd ..; rm -f "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racke

Re: [racket-dev] git problem during make

2015-01-11 Thread Jens Axel Søgaard
2015-01-11 20:16 GMT+01:00 Matthew Flatt :
> I'm not sure what you have in mind with some of the steps, such as step
> 4 (using `raco pkg` or `raco link`?).

I had forgotten.

> The trace suggests that "gui-lib" is linked as a clone at the `raco
> pkg` level. Using `raco link -r` to adjust links installed by the
> package manager has a difficult-to-predict effect, but it would not
> include unlinking the clone at the `raco pkg` level, so that may be the
> source of the problem.

That's it - it was raco pkg and not raco link I had used.

Jens Axel

> At Sun, 11 Jan 2015 20:00:45 +0100, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
>> The following problem occurs while running
>>  make CPUS=4
>> in the plt repository.
>>  error: 'merge' is not possible because you have unmerged files.
>> And that's confusing, because git status doesn't report anything.
>> mba-5:plt soegaard$ git status
>> On branch master
>> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
>> Untracked files:
>>   (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)
>> The full transcript is below.
>> Here is what I did to get in this state.
>> 1. Updated and built the racket repository
>> 2. Create a new directory ~/clones/ and cloned github.org/racket/gui
>> 3. Added the cloned gui libs to with raco
>> 4. Changed things
>> 5. Built racket with modified gui in clones.
>> 5. Removed the clones  with raco link -r 
>> 6. Updated the repository with git pull
>> 7. Tried make.
>> So there are unmerged files in ~/clones/... but they are no longer linked to.
>> > ~/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/bin/raco link -l | grep clone
>> >
>> /Jens Axel
>> mba-5:plt soegaard$ make CPUS=4
>> if [ "4" = "" ] ; \
>>  then make plain-in-place PKGS="main-distribution
>> main-distribution-test" ; \
>>  else make cpus-in-place CPUS="4" PKGS="main-distribution
>> main-distribution-test" ; fi
>> make -j 4 plain-in-place JOB_OPTIONS="-j 4" PKGS="main-distribution
>> main-distribution-test"
>> make base
>> mkdir -p build/config
>> echo '#hash((links-search-files . ()))' > build/config/config.rktd
>> mkdir -p racket/src/build
>> make racket/src/build/Makefile
>> make[4]: `racket/src/build/Makefile' is up to date.
>> cd racket/src/build; make reconfigure
>> make Makefile
>> make[5]: `Makefile' is up to date.
>> cd racket/src/build; make SELF_RACKET_FLAGS="-G `cd ../../../build/config;
>> pwd`"
>> make 3m
>> cd racket; make 3m
>> make cgc
>> make common
>> make g-c
>> cd sgc; make ../libmzgc.a
>> make[10]: `../libmzgc.a' is up to date.
>> make foreign-stuff
>> cd ../foreign; make all
>> make foreign.o
>> make[11]: `foreign.o' is up to date.
>> make libffi_ON
>> make libffi/libffi.la
>> make[12]: `libffi/libffi.la' is up to date.
>> make dynlib
>> cd dynsrc; make dynlib
>> make ../mzdyn.o
>> make[10]: `../mzdyn.o' is up to date.
>> make ../starter
>> make[10]: `../starter' is up to date.
>> make mzlibrary
>> cd src; make all
>> make mzobjects
>> make[10]: Nothing to be done for `mzobjects'.
>> make libracket.a
>> make[9]: `libracket.a' is up to date.
>> make racketcgc
>> make[8]: `racketcgc' is up to date.
>> cd gc2; make all
>> make check-sdep
>> ../racketcgc -G /Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/build/config
>> -cqu ../../../racket/gc2/check-sdep.rkt
>> make xsrc/precomp.h
>> make[8]: `xsrc/precomp.h' is up to date.
>> make xobjects
>> make[8]: Nothing to be done for `xobjects'.
>> make ../racket3m
>> make[8]: `../racket3m' is up to date.
>> cd dynsrc; make dynlib3m
>> make ../mzdyn3m.o
>> make[8]: `../mzdyn3m.o' is up to date.
>> cd gc2; make ../racket3m
>> make[7]: `../racket3m' is up to date.
>> make gracket-3m
>> cd gracket; make 3m
>> make resources
>> :
>> cd gc2; make 3m
>> make ../gracket3m
>> make ../GRacket3m.app/Contents/MacOS/GRacket3m
>> make[10]: `../GRacket3m.app/Contents/MacOS/GRacket3m' is up to date.
>> cd racket/src/build; make install SELF_RACKET_FLAGS="-G `cd
>> ../../../build/config; pwd`" PLT_SETUP_OPTIONS="-j 4 "
>> make install-3m
>> make install-3m-common
>> make install-common-first
>> mkdir -p "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/bin"
>> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/collects"
>> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/doc"
>> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/lib"
>> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/include"
>> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/lib"
>> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/share"
>> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/etc"
>> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/share/applications"
>> "/Users/soegaard/racket-from-plt-git/plt/racket/man"
>> cd racket; make install-3m
>> make headers
>> ./racketcgc -cqu ../../racket/mkincludes.

[racket-dev] pushing to new repos

2015-01-11 Thread Matthias Felleisen

Sorry I am late to the party but how do I push to the new repos: 

I tried 

** Asumu's method: 

> [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
> [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
> error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing 
> https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
> fatal: HTTP request failed

** Sam's method: 

> [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
> [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
> error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing 
> https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
> fatal: HTTP request failed

** and a plain push: 

> [:htdp/htdp-lib/2htdp] matthias% git push
> fatal: remote error: 
>   You can't push to git://github.com/racket/htdp.git
>   Use https://github.com/racket/htdp.git

To no avail. Hints appreciated -- Matthias

Sam wrote a long time ago: 

> I think this is the case for everyone.
> I've used the `hub` [1] tool to address this. Once I have a checkout,
> if I need to push, I do:
>$ hub remote add -p racket/typed-racket
> and then
>$ git push racket
> Having an option to `raco pkg update` and `raco pkg install` to use
> the corresponding ssh URL for `--clone` would be nice, though, and I
> think it should be pretty easy to add. :)
> Sam
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Asumu Takikawa  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying to adjust to the new package-split workflow now and
> I've bumped into a small usability problem and I wanted to see if anyone
> else has encountered this or if my config is just broken somehow.
> On a fresh build of Racket, if I do the following:
>  raco pkg update --clone typed-racket
> it will install TR from github and reinstall. An excerpt from the config
> for that git repo looks like this:
>  [remote "origin"]
>  url = git://github.com/racket/typed-racket/
> The problem is that this URL is not as useful as it could be because
> github won't let you push to it (at least I can't seem to). The
> corresponding SSH URL "g...@github.com:racket/typed-racket.git" lets me
> push.
> Is this something other people have encountered or is there some git
> config that I should fix on my end?
> FWIW, I have just been doing "git remote set-url origin  error message>" and it has worked well and been easy. 

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] pushing to new repos

2015-01-11 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
You seem to be using hub from the directory you checked out hub in, not the
htdp directory.


On Sun, Jan 11, 2015, 7:40 PM Matthias Felleisen 

> Sorry I am late to the party but how do I push to the new repos:
> I tried
> ** Asumu's method:
> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing
> https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
> >
> > fatal: HTTP request failed
> ** Sam's method:
> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing
> https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
> >
> > fatal: HTTP request failed
> ** and a plain push:
> > [:htdp/htdp-lib/2htdp] matthias% git push
> > fatal: remote error:
> >   You can't push to git://github.com/racket/htdp.git
> >   Use https://github.com/racket/htdp.git
> To no avail. Hints appreciated -- Matthias
> Sam wrote a long time ago:
> > I think this is the case for everyone.
> >
> > I've used the `hub` [1] tool to address this. Once I have a checkout,
> > if I need to push, I do:
> >
> >$ hub remote add -p racket/typed-racket
> >
> > and then
> >
> >$ git push racket
> >
> > Having an option to `raco pkg update` and `raco pkg install` to use
> > the corresponding ssh URL for `--clone` would be nice, though, and I
> > think it should be pretty easy to add. :)
> >
> > Sam
> >
> > On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Asumu Takikawa 
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've been trying to adjust to the new package-split workflow now and
> > I've bumped into a small usability problem and I wanted to see if anyone
> > else has encountered this or if my config is just broken somehow.
> >
> > On a fresh build of Racket, if I do the following:
> >  raco pkg update --clone typed-racket
> >
> > it will install TR from github and reinstall. An excerpt from the config
> > for that git repo looks like this:
> >
> >  [remote "origin"]
> >  url = git://github.com/racket/typed-racket/
> >
> > The problem is that this URL is not as useful as it could be because
> > github won't let you push to it (at least I can't seem to). The
> > corresponding SSH URL "g...@github.com:racket/typed-racket.git" lets me
> > push.
> >
> > Is this something other people have encountered or is there some git
> > config that I should fix on my end?
> >
> > FWIW, I have just been doing "git remote set-url origin  error message>" and it has worked well and been easy.
> >
> _
>   Racket Developers list:
>   http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev
  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] pushing to new repos

2015-01-11 Thread Matthias Felleisen

> [:~/plt/extra-pkgs/htdp] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
> [:~/plt/extra-pkgs/htdp] matthias% git push
> error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing 
> https://github.com/racket/htdp.git/info/refs
> fatal: HTTP request failed

On Jan 11, 2015, at 7:54 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

> You seem to be using hub from the directory you checked out hub in, not the 
> htdp directory.
> Sam
> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015, 7:40 PM Matthias Felleisen  wrote:
> Sorry I am late to the party but how do I push to the new repos:
> I tried
> ** Asumu's method:
> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing 
> > https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
> >
> > fatal: HTTP request failed
> ** Sam's method:
> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing 
> > https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
> >
> > fatal: HTTP request failed
> ** and a plain push:
> > [:htdp/htdp-lib/2htdp] matthias% git push
> > fatal: remote error:
> >   You can't push to git://github.com/racket/htdp.git
> >   Use https://github.com/racket/htdp.git
> To no avail. Hints appreciated -- Matthias
> Sam wrote a long time ago:
> > I think this is the case for everyone.
> >
> > I've used the `hub` [1] tool to address this. Once I have a checkout,
> > if I need to push, I do:
> >
> >$ hub remote add -p racket/typed-racket
> >
> > and then
> >
> >$ git push racket
> >
> > Having an option to `raco pkg update` and `raco pkg install` to use
> > the corresponding ssh URL for `--clone` would be nice, though, and I
> > think it should be pretty easy to add. :)
> >
> > Sam
> >
> > On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Asumu Takikawa  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've been trying to adjust to the new package-split workflow now and
> > I've bumped into a small usability problem and I wanted to see if anyone
> > else has encountered this or if my config is just broken somehow.
> >
> > On a fresh build of Racket, if I do the following:
> >  raco pkg update --clone typed-racket
> >
> > it will install TR from github and reinstall. An excerpt from the config
> > for that git repo looks like this:
> >
> >  [remote "origin"]
> >  url = git://github.com/racket/typed-racket/
> >
> > The problem is that this URL is not as useful as it could be because
> > github won't let you push to it (at least I can't seem to). The
> > corresponding SSH URL "g...@github.com:racket/typed-racket.git" lets me
> > push.
> >
> > Is this something other people have encountered or is there some git
> > config that I should fix on my end?
> >
> > FWIW, I have just been doing "git remote set-url origin  > error message>" and it has worked well and been easy.
> >
> _
>   Racket Developers list:
>   http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] pushing to new repos

2015-01-11 Thread Matthias Felleisen

[[ completely off-topic and not that I really care but why does github think I 
started contributing to htdp in 2010: 

  https://github.com/racket/htdp/graphs/contributors ]]

On Jan 11, 2015, at 7:55 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

>> [:~/plt/extra-pkgs/htdp] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
>> [:~/plt/extra-pkgs/htdp] matthias% git push
>> error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing 
>> https://github.com/racket/htdp.git/info/refs
>> fatal: HTTP request failed
> On Jan 11, 2015, at 7:54 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
>> You seem to be using hub from the directory you checked out hub in, not the 
>> htdp directory.
>> Sam
>> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015, 7:40 PM Matthias Felleisen  
>> wrote:
>> Sorry I am late to the party but how do I push to the new repos:
>> I tried
>> ** Asumu's method:
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
>> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing 
>> > https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
>> >
>> > fatal: HTTP request failed
>> ** Sam's method:
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
>> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing 
>> > https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
>> >
>> > fatal: HTTP request failed
>> ** and a plain push:
>> > [:htdp/htdp-lib/2htdp] matthias% git push
>> > fatal: remote error:
>> >   You can't push to git://github.com/racket/htdp.git
>> >   Use https://github.com/racket/htdp.git
>> To no avail. Hints appreciated -- Matthias
>> Sam wrote a long time ago:
>> > I think this is the case for everyone.
>> >
>> > I've used the `hub` [1] tool to address this. Once I have a checkout,
>> > if I need to push, I do:
>> >
>> >$ hub remote add -p racket/typed-racket
>> >
>> > and then
>> >
>> >$ git push racket
>> >
>> > Having an option to `raco pkg update` and `raco pkg install` to use
>> > the corresponding ssh URL for `--clone` would be nice, though, and I
>> > think it should be pretty easy to add. :)
>> >
>> > Sam
>> >
>> > On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Asumu Takikawa  wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I've been trying to adjust to the new package-split workflow now and
>> > I've bumped into a small usability problem and I wanted to see if anyone
>> > else has encountered this or if my config is just broken somehow.
>> >
>> > On a fresh build of Racket, if I do the following:
>> >  raco pkg update --clone typed-racket
>> >
>> > it will install TR from github and reinstall. An excerpt from the config
>> > for that git repo looks like this:
>> >
>> >  [remote "origin"]
>> >  url = git://github.com/racket/typed-racket/
>> >
>> > The problem is that this URL is not as useful as it could be because
>> > github won't let you push to it (at least I can't seem to). The
>> > corresponding SSH URL "g...@github.com:racket/typed-racket.git" lets me
>> > push.
>> >
>> > Is this something other people have encountered or is there some git
>> > config that I should fix on my end?
>> >
>> > FWIW, I have just been doing "git remote set-url origin > > error message>" and it has worked well and been easy.
>> >
>> _
>>   Racket Developers list:
>>   http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev
> _
>  Racket Developers list:
>  http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] pushing to new repos

2015-01-11 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
That's probably an issue with email addresses. Is whatever address in the
commit messages associated with your GitHub account?


On Sun, Jan 11, 2015, 7:57 PM Matthias Felleisen 

>  [[ completely off-topic and not that I really care but why does github
> think I started contributing to htdp in 2010:
>https://github.com/racket/htdp/graphs/contributors ]]
>  On Jan 11, 2015, at 7:55 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>   [:~/plt/extra-pkgs/htdp] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
> [:~/plt/extra-pkgs/htdp] matthias% git push
> error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing
> https://github.com/racket/htdp.git/info/refs
>  fatal: HTTP request failed
>  On Jan 11, 2015, at 7:54 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
>  You seem to be using hub from the directory you checked out hub in, not
> the htdp directory.
> Sam
> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015, 7:40 PM Matthias Felleisen 
> wrote:
>> Sorry I am late to the party but how do I push to the new repos:
>> I tried
>> ** Asumu's method:
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
>> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing
>> https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
>> >
>> > fatal: HTTP request failed
>> ** Sam's method:
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
>> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing
>> https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
>> >
>> > fatal: HTTP request failed
>> ** and a plain push:
>> > [:htdp/htdp-lib/2htdp] matthias% git push
>> > fatal: remote error:
>> >   You can't push to git://github.com/racket/htdp.git
>> >   Use https://github.com/racket/htdp.git
>> To no avail. Hints appreciated -- Matthias
>> Sam wrote a long time ago:
>> > I think this is the case for everyone.
>> >
>> > I've used the `hub` [1] tool to address this. Once I have a checkout,
>> > if I need to push, I do:
>> >
>> >$ hub remote add -p racket/typed-racket
>> >
>> > and then
>> >
>> >$ git push racket
>> >
>> > Having an option to `raco pkg update` and `raco pkg install` to use
>> > the corresponding ssh URL for `--clone` would be nice, though, and I
>> > think it should be pretty easy to add. :)
>> >
>> > Sam
>> >
>> > On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Asumu Takikawa 
>> wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I've been trying to adjust to the new package-split workflow now and
>> > I've bumped into a small usability problem and I wanted to see if anyone
>> > else has encountered this or if my config is just broken somehow.
>> >
>> > On a fresh build of Racket, if I do the following:
>> >  raco pkg update --clone typed-racket
>> >
>> > it will install TR from github and reinstall. An excerpt from the config
>> > for that git repo looks like this:
>> >
>> >  [remote "origin"]
>> >  url = git://github.com/racket/typed-racket/
>> >
>> > The problem is that this URL is not as useful as it could be because
>> > github won't let you push to it (at least I can't seem to). The
>> > corresponding SSH URL "g...@github.com:racket/typed-racket.git" lets me
>> > push.
>> >
>> > Is this something other people have encountered or is there some git
>> > config that I should fix on my end?
>> >
>> > FWIW, I have just been doing "git remote set-url origin > github error message>" and it has worked well and been easy.
>> >
>> _
>>   Racket Developers list:
>>   http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev
>  _
>  Racket Developers list:
>  http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev
  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] pushing to new repos

2015-01-11 Thread Matthias Felleisen

Which leaves me with the problem that I can't submit. 

On Jan 11, 2015, at 7:57 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

> [[ completely off-topic and not that I really care but why does github think 
> I started contributing to htdp in 2010: 
>   https://github.com/racket/htdp/graphs/contributors ]]
> On Jan 11, 2015, at 7:55 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>>> [:~/plt/extra-pkgs/htdp] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
>>> [:~/plt/extra-pkgs/htdp] matthias% git push
>>> error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing 
>>> https://github.com/racket/htdp.git/info/refs
>>> fatal: HTTP request failed
>> On Jan 11, 2015, at 7:54 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
>>> You seem to be using hub from the directory you checked out hub in, not the 
>>> htdp directory.
>>> Sam
>>> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015, 7:40 PM Matthias Felleisen  
>>> wrote:
>>> Sorry I am late to the party but how do I push to the new repos:
>>> I tried
>>> ** Asumu's method:
>>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
>>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
>>> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing 
>>> > https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
>>> >
>>> > fatal: HTTP request failed
>>> ** Sam's method:
>>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
>>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
>>> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing 
>>> > https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
>>> >
>>> > fatal: HTTP request failed
>>> ** and a plain push:
>>> > [:htdp/htdp-lib/2htdp] matthias% git push
>>> > fatal: remote error:
>>> >   You can't push to git://github.com/racket/htdp.git
>>> >   Use https://github.com/racket/htdp.git
>>> To no avail. Hints appreciated -- Matthias
>>> Sam wrote a long time ago:
>>> > I think this is the case for everyone.
>>> >
>>> > I've used the `hub` [1] tool to address this. Once I have a checkout,
>>> > if I need to push, I do:
>>> >
>>> >$ hub remote add -p racket/typed-racket
>>> >
>>> > and then
>>> >
>>> >$ git push racket
>>> >
>>> > Having an option to `raco pkg update` and `raco pkg install` to use
>>> > the corresponding ssh URL for `--clone` would be nice, though, and I
>>> > think it should be pretty easy to add. :)
>>> >
>>> > Sam
>>> >
>>> > On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Asumu Takikawa  wrote:
>>> > Hi all,
>>> >
>>> > I've been trying to adjust to the new package-split workflow now and
>>> > I've bumped into a small usability problem and I wanted to see if anyone
>>> > else has encountered this or if my config is just broken somehow.
>>> >
>>> > On a fresh build of Racket, if I do the following:
>>> >  raco pkg update --clone typed-racket
>>> >
>>> > it will install TR from github and reinstall. An excerpt from the config
>>> > for that git repo looks like this:
>>> >
>>> >  [remote "origin"]
>>> >  url = git://github.com/racket/typed-racket/
>>> >
>>> > The problem is that this URL is not as useful as it could be because
>>> > github won't let you push to it (at least I can't seem to). The
>>> > corresponding SSH URL "g...@github.com:racket/typed-racket.git" lets me
>>> > push.
>>> >
>>> > Is this something other people have encountered or is there some git
>>> > config that I should fix on my end?
>>> >
>>> > FWIW, I have just been doing "git remote set-url origin >> > error message>" and it has worked well and been easy.
>>> >
>>> _
>>>   Racket Developers list:
>>>   http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev
>> _
>>  Racket Developers list:
>>  http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev
> _
>  Racket Developers list:
>  http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] pushing to new repos

2015-01-11 Thread Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
Probably that added a new remote named 'racket' and so you need to do 'git
push racket', as in my email.


On Sun, Jan 11, 2015, 7:56 PM Matthias Felleisen 

>   [:~/plt/extra-pkgs/htdp] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
> [:~/plt/extra-pkgs/htdp] matthias% git push
> error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing
> https://github.com/racket/htdp.git/info/refs
>  fatal: HTTP request failed
>  On Jan 11, 2015, at 7:54 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
>  You seem to be using hub from the directory you checked out hub in, not
> the htdp directory.
> Sam
> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015, 7:40 PM Matthias Felleisen 
> wrote:
>> Sorry I am late to the party but how do I push to the new repos:
>> I tried
>> ** Asumu's method:
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
>> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing
>> https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
>> >
>> > fatal: HTTP request failed
>> ** Sam's method:
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% hub remote add -p racket/htdp
>> > [:~/Hub/Hub] matthias% git push
>> > error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing
>> https://github.com/github/hub.git/info/refs
>> >
>> > fatal: HTTP request failed
>> ** and a plain push:
>> > [:htdp/htdp-lib/2htdp] matthias% git push
>> > fatal: remote error:
>> >   You can't push to git://github.com/racket/htdp.git
>> >   Use https://github.com/racket/htdp.git
>> To no avail. Hints appreciated -- Matthias
>> Sam wrote a long time ago:
>> > I think this is the case for everyone.
>> >
>> > I've used the `hub` [1] tool to address this. Once I have a checkout,
>> > if I need to push, I do:
>> >
>> >$ hub remote add -p racket/typed-racket
>> >
>> > and then
>> >
>> >$ git push racket
>> >
>> > Having an option to `raco pkg update` and `raco pkg install` to use
>> > the corresponding ssh URL for `--clone` would be nice, though, and I
>> > think it should be pretty easy to add. :)
>> >
>> > Sam
>> >
>> > On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Asumu Takikawa 
>> wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I've been trying to adjust to the new package-split workflow now and
>> > I've bumped into a small usability problem and I wanted to see if anyone
>> > else has encountered this or if my config is just broken somehow.
>> >
>> > On a fresh build of Racket, if I do the following:
>> >  raco pkg update --clone typed-racket
>> >
>> > it will install TR from github and reinstall. An excerpt from the config
>> > for that git repo looks like this:
>> >
>> >  [remote "origin"]
>> >  url = git://github.com/racket/typed-racket/
>> >
>> > The problem is that this URL is not as useful as it could be because
>> > github won't let you push to it (at least I can't seem to). The
>> > corresponding SSH URL "g...@github.com:racket/typed-racket.git" lets me
>> > push.
>> >
>> > Is this something other people have encountered or is there some git
>> > config that I should fix on my end?
>> >
>> > FWIW, I have just been doing "git remote set-url origin > github error message>" and it has worked well and been easy.
>> >
>> _
>>   Racket Developers list:
>>   http://lists.racket-lang.org/dev
  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] syntax-local-lift-require is useless wrt submodules

2015-01-11 Thread Alexis King
I posted this to users@ first, but I think this might be more relevant here. 
The core problem is that syntax-local-lift-require 

 lifts the #%require form to the top of the enclosing module. This has the side 
effect of preventing those require specs from including submodules.

This is a real problem, since Typed Racket’s require/typed form uses 
local-require, which in turn uses syntax-local-lift-require. This means that 
require/typed currently cannot require submodules. It seems to me that either 
require/typed, require-local, or syntax-local-lift-require needs to be modified 
to be compatible with submodules, but I’m not sure how this should be achieved.

Should the module form be hoisted to the top of its enclosing module? Or will 
that cause problems I’m not foreseeing? I’d really appreciate some kind of 
solution to this problem because I’ve developed what I think is a fairly nice 
macro for use with Typed Racket, but I’d need it to properly interoperate with 
submodules to work correctly._
  Racket Developers list: