[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3.4, Second Call

2013-04-22 Thread Ryan Culpepper

Checklist items for the v5.3.4 release
  (using the v5.3.3.900 release candidate build)

Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.

Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
you tell me to pick it into the release branch.

--> Release candidates are at
-->   http://pre.racket-lang.org/release/installers

Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
get the tests directory in such a directory, you can do this:
  cd ...racket-root...
  git archive --remote=git://git.racket-lang.org/plt.git release \
  -- collects/tests | tar x


* John Clements 
  - Stepper Tests
  - Stepper Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Matthias Felleisen 
  - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
  - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
  - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
  (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version; email me
  to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such

* Kathy Gray 
  - Test Engine Tests

* Noel Welsh 
  - Rackunit Tests
  - SRFI Tests
  - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

* Eli Barzilay 
  - Verify PL language
  - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one

* Carl Eastlund 
  - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)

* Neil Toronto 
  - Plot Tests
  - Images Tests
  - Inspect icons
  - Math tests
 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.3.4

2013-04-22 Thread Danny Yoo
Is mflatt's fix to NACK events getting in 5.3.4?  It's an important
enough fix that I need to deploy something like it in the very near
future.  I really would like to avoid manually patching my production
servers if I can avoid it.


  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.3.4

2013-04-22 Thread Ryan Culpepper

The release announcement sketch that I have so far is below.  Please
mail me new items and/or edits.

 - added file-truncate (48e05093)
 - mach-o: handle some new load commands (a229f292)
 - mach-o: code signing fixes (1744a787)
 - scribble/latex-properties: add command-extras (17865bfa)
 - ffi/com: improve handling of type-described (79266fcf)
 - added scribble/book and scribble/report langs (09d4aa3d)
 - add _size, _ssize, _ptrdiff, etc (d46411d3)
 - add phaseless modules (899a3279)
 - improve complexity of hash-iterate-{key-value} (7a8c2ff0)
 - add 'so-mode to system-type (cdf0f6b9)
 - add interactive to slideshow (454f4c3f)
 - ffi/com repairs, including mysterx compat (6e40caa7)

 - added union-find (33747ec9)
 - 2d (bb216d14)
 - improved jump-to-def (39e4ac15)

 - various pkg (39ae7a83, 9d3a42f1, 6bf03c12)

 - parser-tools (9e0fce22, ???)
 - fixed readline (f1e70516)

 - add links to old documentation (250880d2)
 - add {take,drop}f, splitf-at, etc (bb17b6a8, 2cdfe18b, 3af72eca)
 - make configure install docs in standard place (59b18eec)

 - added #:datum-literals (d5fe6021)
 - added unstable/macro-testing (1ef38458)
 - added unstable/socket (b3afbdd4)
 - added #:grammar to defform, etc (293b208a)

 - with-contract improvements (539c25bb)

 - support for multiple blame parties (17e419e7)
 - added option contracts (5808b0c4)

 - redex-generator: determine bound order automatically (2a9d4221)

 - move optimization coach to planet2 (2c8e5f9a)

 - make srfi/19 compat with date* (d406e2db)
 - separate in/out contracts for parameters (3ddde6a7)

Michael Filonenko:
 - extflonums (17b80926)
 - extflounum unboxing (840fc9c6)

Eric Dobson:
 - AnyValues type (aac25b42)

Tobias Hamer:
 - readline improvements (0f6a5833)
 - support multiple values in wrap-evt and handle-evt (7e2b443f)

Patrick Mahoney:
 - move eopl language to racket (b265e260)

Chris Jester-Young:
 - fix srfi/61 use of =>, else (9e93ee26)

Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado:
 - fix configure for openbsd (292c81a8)

William Bowman:
 - changed define-union-language to merge nts (b0db8798, 42847ea5)

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3.4

2013-04-22 Thread Stephen Chang
> * Stephen Chang 
>   - Lazy Racket Tests
>   - Lazy stepper tests


On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Ryan Culpepper  wrote:
> Checklist items for the v5.3.4 release
>   (using the v5.3.3.900 release candidate build)
> Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
> item (please indicate which item/s is/are done).  Also, if you have any
> commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.
> Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
> I pick a few commits.  If you need to commit changes, please make sure
> you tell me to pick it into the release branch.
> --> Release candidates are at
> -->   http://pre.racket-lang.org/release/installers
> Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
> your own git clone (don't test the `master' branch by mistake!).  To
> get the tests directory in such a directory, you can do this:
>   cd ...racket-root...
>   git archive --remote=git://git.racket-lang.org/plt.git release \
>   -- collects/tests | tar x
> --
> * Matthew Flatt 
>   - Racket Tests
>   - Languages Tests
>   - GRacket Tests (Also check that `gracket -z' and `gracket-text' still
> works in Windows and Mac OS X)
>   - mzc --exe tests
>   - .plt-packing Tests
>   - Games Tests
>   - Unit Tests
>   - Syntax Color Tests
>   - R6RS Tests
>   - JPR's test suite
>   - Create an executable from a BSL program
>   - Run COM tests
>   - Try compiling with -funsigned-char
>   Updates:
>   - Racket Updates: update HISTORY
>   (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version)
>   - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: racket.1, gracket.1, raco.1
>   Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
>   are no such changes.
> * Robby Findler 
>   - DrRacket Tests
>   - Framework Tests
>   - Contracts Tests
>   - Games Tests
>   - Teachpacks Tests: image tests
>   - PLaneT Tests
>   - Redex Tests
>   Updates:
>   - DrRacket Updates: update HISTORY
>   - Redex Updates: update HISTORY
>   (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version)
>   - Ensure that previous version of DrRacket's preference files still
> starts up with new DrRacket
>   - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: drracket.1
>   Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
>   are no such changes.
> * John Clements 
>   - Stepper Tests
>   Updates:
>   - Stepper Updates: update HISTORY
>   (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version; email me
>   to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such
>   changes.)
> * Sam Tobin-Hochstadt ,
>Vincent St-Amour 
>   - Match Tests
>   - Typed Racket Tests
>   - Typed Racket Updates: update HISTORY
>   (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version; email me
>   to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such
>   changes.)
> * Matthias Felleisen 
>   - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
>   - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
>   Updates:
>   - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
>   (updates should show v5.3.4 as the most current version; email me
>   to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such
>   changes.)
> * Ryan Culpepper 
>   - Macro Debugger Tests
>   - Syntax Classifier Tests
>   - RackUnit GUI Tests
>   - Data Tests
>   - DB Tests
> * Jay McCarthy 
>   - Web Server Tests
>   - XML Tests
>   - HTML Tests
>   - PLAI Tests
>   - Racklog tests
>   - Datalog tests
> * Kathy Gray 
>   - Test Engine Tests
> * Noel Welsh 
>   - Rackunit Tests
>   - SRFI Tests
>   - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
> load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)
> * Stevie Strickland 
>   - Unit Contract Tests
>   - Contract Region Tests
>   - Class Contract Tests
> * Stephen Chang 
>   - Lazy Racket Tests
>   - Lazy stepper tests
> * Eli Barzilay 
>   - Swindle Tests
>   - XREPL Tests
>   - Verify PL language
>   - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
>   - Run the unix installer tests
>   - Run zsh completions tests
> (". .../racket-completion.zsh; _racket --self-test")
>   Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
>   number in:
>   - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
>   - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt
> * Stephen Bloch 
>   - Picturing Programs Tests
> * Greg Cooper 
>   - FrTime Tests
> * Carl Eastlund 
>   - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)
> * Jon Rafkind 
>   Release tests for (one of the) linux releases:
>   - Test that the `racket' and `racket-textual' source releases
> compile fine (note that they're still called `plt' and `mz' at
> this stage).
>   - Test that the binary installers for both work, try each one in
> both normal and unix-style ins

Re: [racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.3.4

2013-04-22 Thread Stephen Bloch
picturing-programs seems to work.

Stephen Bloch

  Racket Developers list: