Ranger developers,


In order to improve performance of policy CRUD operations, enhancements in
RANGER-2203 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RANGER-2203>  reorganize
persistence schema for policies. In the current design, various details of a
Ranger policy are stored in multiple tables with foreign-key references
between these tables ­ increasing the complexity of CRUD operations. The
goal of this enhancement is to persist Ranger policies in a single table,
thereby reducing the complexity and significantly improve the performance of
CRUD operations. Similar enhancements are done for tags as well.


This enhancement will be introduced in ranger-0.7 branch first, and will be
ported into master branch shortly after. The patch for ranger-0.7 branch is
available for review here <https://reviews.apache.org/r/68881> . The patch
includes scripts to update the schema and also handles migration of data
from earlier schema to new one.

Please note that once the schema is updated and data is migrated, earlier
version of Ranger Admin will not be able to read policies (and tags)
correctly. If you anticipate the need to use earlier version of Ranger
Admin, I would strongly suggest backing up Ranger database before updating
the schema.  Also, note that this enhancement doesn¹t introduce any REST API
changes; so existing plugins and other REST clients will continue to work.


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