
Here is the board report for March-2017.


# Description:
The Ranger project is a framework to enable, monitor and manage comprehensive 
data security across the Hadoop platform.

# Issues:
* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

# Activity:
* Community is adding new enhancements for next 1.0.0 and lot of interest in 
inegration with Apache Atlas
* Jira: +73(added) -71(resolved) over last 31 days (Mar-2017)
* Git (Source): 67 commits over last 31 days (Mar-2017)
* SVN (Site & Docs): 2 commits over last 31 days (Mar-2017)

# Health report:
* Added one new committers and Expecting more adaption to Apache Ranger
* Scoping for next release is in progress, which may include integration with 
other Apache projects

## PMC changes:
 - Currently 17 PMC members.
 - Last PMC members were added as part of Ranger Graduation on Jan 18, 2017.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 1 months

# Committer base changes:
* Currently 23 committers.
* New commmitters in the last 1 months:
    - Qiang Zhang was added as a committer on Mon Mar 04 2017

# Releases:
* No new releases in Mar 2017

# Mailing list activity:
* dev@ranger.apache.org:
    - 734 emails sent to list (in the month of Mar 2017)
* u...@ranger.apache.org:
    -  16 emails sent to list (in the month of Mar 2017)
* comm...@ranger.apache.org:
    - 108 emails sent to list (in the month of Mar 2017)

# JIRA activity:
* 73 JIRA tickets created in the month of Mar 2017
* 71 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the month of Mar 2017

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