
Thanks for letting us know. I looked into the JIRAs and didn’t see anything 
that might affect Ranger.



On 8/23/17, 1:43 PM, "Yongjun Zhang" <yjzhan...@apache.org> wrote:

    HI Ranger Folks,
    I would like to bring to your attention about a possible problem with HDFS
    external attribute provider.
    When we copy a file managed by the external attribute provider from one
    cluster to another, or within the same cluster, we want to avoid copying
    the meta data supplied by the external attribute provider and saving it to
    target HDFS. The reasons are, 1. we want to replicate only HDFS data; 2. we
    don't want to save potentially bad external data to HDFS fsimage which
    could corrupt HDFS.
    To address this issue, I created
    https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HDFS-12294. and HDFS-12295
    Wonder if you guys have hit this issue, and any solution you applied? Would
    some of you please take a look at HDFS-12294 and HDFS-12295, and comment
    there with your thoughts?
    Thanks a lot.

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