Quick update:

TLDR; We need RATIS-227/RATIS-228 (and imho RATIS-229) for the 0.2.0 release.

Current Blocker/Patch Available jiras:


RATIS-227 TestRaftWithGrpc.testBasicAppendEntriesWithAllReplication fails
--> No patch, yet

RATIS-228 Handle zero size log_inprogress file
--> Patch available, seems to be ok for me, but not enough experience with the file writing. Please review if you have time.


RATIS-229 GRpcLogAppender should trigger a heartbeat when appendEntries
Patch Available -> but "need more testing". Seems to be a real problem which should be included, question is open about the implementation.

RATIS-230: Improve gRPC log messages
Patch Available -> seems to be ok for me, checkstyle issues

RATIS-222 Handle Error exception when Unassigned Variable is tried to get .
Patch Available --> I think it should be fixed in different location with fixing the error handling of the arithmetic state machine

RATIS-218 Optimize heartbeating in Ratis for Grpc protocol
--> Reviewed, response is pending


On 04/17/2018 05:35 AM, Tsz Wo Sze wrote:
I agreed that RATIS-227 is a blocker.  Let me ping Kit for fixing it.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 4:53 AM, Elek, Marton <e...@apache.org> wrote:
Fair enough, I modified the priority of RATIS-227 to blocker. Let's see if
we can get it soon.

In the meantime I created a preview version of the release:
https://home.apache.org/~elek/ratis-preview (NON OFFICIAL ARTIFACTS!)

And requested reviews from the incubator mentors. Hopefully we can start a
vote at the end of this week.


On 04/16/2018 05:31 PM, Lokesh Jain wrote:

I think we can have RATIS-227 in 0.2.0 release as well. There might be a
possible bug which needs to be fixed.


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