How about Portable?

On 1/07/2014 12:55 AM, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
So, maybe transportable or transported or forwarded…


On Jun 29, 2014, at 4:41 AM, Peter Firmstone<>  wrote:

Hi Gregg,

Thinking out loud:

Transferable, I think it's close, it works for TransferableObjectFactory, it's 
created on demand to transfer a non serializable object via a serialization 
stream and it transfers a factory from one jvm to another, in order to recrate 
the original object in another jvm.

As for Distributed, transfer would imply the original object is moved from one 
place to another (deleted and recreated), while that could occur, it's also 
possible for the originating object to be duplicated as well, so it works for 
what's currently called SerialReflectionFactory, but Transferable wouldn't be a 
candidate for the Distributed interface.

If the original object has state, then it would be a snapshot of the original 
object at some point in time, hence memento.

It could be called TransferableMemento or SerializableMemento, it's created 
within a ObjectOutputStream and replaced in an ObjectInputStream.

Then that leaves Distributed, perhaps Distributable is better?  Other words are 
Propagatable, Disseminatable.  Latin: disseminare "scattering seeds"

interface Distributable {
    SerializableMemento distribute();

Dissemino - dis (in all directions) + semino (I plant, I sow).



On 29/06/2014 1:32 PM, Gregg Wonderly wrote:


Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 23, 2014, at 7:14 AM, Stefano Mariani<>   wrote:

Il giorno 23/giu/2014, alle ore 13:24, Peter 
Firmstone<<>>   ha scritto:

recreate themselves remotely

Why not

  *   RemoteRecreationFactory
  *   DistributedCloningFactory
  *   or a combination of the above?

This way the name is after the goal of the class, not its implementation...

Stefano Mariani
PhD student @ DISI - Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna<><>

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