Found a beaut bug, this time it relates to com.sun.jini.outrigger.EntryRep, this is what I think's occurring on the client side.

During construction arrays were created, written to volatile variables, then populated with values.

Now EntryRep uses default serialization, it isn't synchronized if marshalled by a different thread, and an EntryRep is created for every Entry written into the space.

Previously I'd only seen similar test failures on Arm, but now I could observe it on Windows, the platform so far least affected by concurrency issues.


How did I find it?

An unrelated class com.sun.jini.outrigger.TypeTree used the data structure, Hashtree<String,Vector<String>> internally, to cache all subclasses, I replaced the data structure with ConcurrentMap<String,Set<String>>, which simplified the code somewhat, this also allowed the unrelated EntryRep to fail on Window's where previously it wasn't evident.

The good news is, it even failed while being observed with visualvm. It appears that the test was running well until hotspot optimised reflective method invocation, after that, the EntryRep array contents went missing and the test subsequently failed because the Watchers no longer matched the EntryRep and didn't send any more event notifications.

I've just committed the fix, feel free to reverse the changes to EntryRep and play around with unsafe publication.

Anyone seen any strange behaviour writing Entry's to the space in deployment? Eg entry's going missing, not matching, or update notifications not occurring? It's likely this could have been confused with network failure, which the Jini infrastructure handles quite well.



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