Hi Folks,

Almost four months ago, I created a repository on GitHub called
TranspiledActionScript [1]. It is a place where I'm going to place several
resources related to Apache Royale. The Examples folder should be the most
interesting for you, if you want to port your applications from Flex. The
idea is to present more sophisticated structures of code, maybe use some
popular JavaScript or ActionScript libraries and check how they cooperate
with Royale.

My goal is to try the new features in real-life, expose any possible bugs
and fix them, if it is possible.

Everything that I am going to do will happen on the branches. Once a batch
of Examples, Utils or Snippets is ready, I will merge them into a master.
For our purposes, we can call it a "release", but in fact it will rather be
a confirmation that there is a batch of code which has a stable version.
Each example will be available online to give you the possibility to play
with it.
You will find more information on what I am planning to do and what will
happen in the repository in the "Issues"[2] tab on GitHub.

Examples will be fully compatible with Moonshine IDE, VSCode and Maven and
it will be possible to compile all of them to JavaScript!

*What is currently in the repository?*
I finished three examples - The TranspiledActionScript website [3] and the
port of Flex PureMVC Employee Admin [4] to Royale using two different
modules of our framework, i.e. the Basic module [5] and MDL [6].

The TranspiledActionScript website is a small proof that we can create not
only browser applications, but also responsive websites.
The PureMVC Employee Admin, on the other hand, proves that it can be used
in Royale PureMVC framework, which is huge. These two small applications
are a good example of how the port of your Flex application to Royale can
look like.

You can support this project on Patreon [7]. Your contribution would
definitely allow me to spare some time, which I can spend on creating new
content for the repository.

I encourage you to dig into the code and maybe find something useful, which
will save your time when porting your Flex applications to Royale.

Please say hello to *TranspiledActionScript*! :)

[1] https://github.com/piotrzarzycki21/TranspiledActionScript
[2] https://github.com/piotrzarzycki21/TranspiledActionScript/issues
[3] http://transpiledactionscript.com/
[4] https://github.com/PureMVC/puremvc-as3-demo-flex-employeeadmin
[5] https://transpiledactionscript.com/examples/PureMVCEmployeeAdminBasic/
[6] https://transpiledactionscript.com/examples/PureMVCEmployeeAdminMDL/
[7] https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki

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