Your home grown APIs may not need to be rewritten in JS.  It depends on what 
they depend on.  If they depend on mx and spark, the emulation components in 
the api report should allow your code to automatically port.  It is more work 
if you have Flash dependencies, but still possible.  The main goal of Royale is 
that all of your source code is in ActionScript, so you get the benefit of 
type-safety.  The compiler will do the 'rewriting' to JS.

Give us more detail about your homegrown APIs if you still have questions.

Step 5 is about how to create a new emulation component class that hasn't 
already been created.  I think most if not all of the classes you use have been 
created.  For the missing APIs you need in those classes, the process would be 
to copy the API and its ASDoc comments from the Flex SDK source into the class 
and follow the patterns used in other emulated APIs (add a GOOG::DEBUG warning 
or implement some sort of emulation.


On 7/8/18, 9:49 PM, "chembali" <> wrote:

    Most of the api's listed in the report are home grown ( not 3rd party ). I
    guess we need to rewrite then in JS. The true 3rd party apis are alivepdf
    and granite libraries. I believe there are counterparts in the JS world. I
    need to do more research. 
    I was reading the doc on writing emulation component in the Royale portal. I
    got confused with the following step ( step 5 ) listed n there.
    5. Search the API list report: Delete everything not mentioned. Sometimes a
    subclass will be using that API in which case it should be kept. Events
    should be in the report so delete unmentioned events. If APIs are not in
    list, delete them unless you know they are needed to implement something
    that is used.
    Can you help me to understand the above step? 
      Search the API list report - What list are you referring to? The list that
    we came up with or the current list in the Royale site?
      Delete everything not mentioned
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