Right, license headers should not include copyright notice (but, as a point of clarification, the ASF holds the copyright for all Apache projects. This is the reason that CLAs exists, to grant copyright to the ASF).

The copyright notice should appear in the NOTICE file at the root of the repository. [1]

[1] http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html#notice

Aaron D. Mihalik wrote:
I'm guessing that the previous headers were generated using
the license-maven-plugin

We should go with a very plain and simple header as described here:

I answered your questions in-line:

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 5:49 PM Lotts, David<david.lo...@parsons.com>

About half of our source code has Apache license with a Copyright
statement, see below.
Questions about the license headers:

1. Should we preserve the existing line "* Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Rya "
?   It is one of the three options for the Apache Tools.


2. Should it have " Apache " as in "Copyright ... Apache Rya" or some
other organization?


3. Is the placement above/below the package statement, and file comments
significant?  Or just anywhere near the top?

first lines in the file

4. Does anyone recognize the tool that uses the #%L  and the %% ?

probably the previous plug-in

5. It seems to add the package name, which seems unnecessary.

yeah, the package name shouldn't be there.

6. Apache Rat looks great, but the Maven plugin only reports on the whole
project, not new or edited files, and does not insert the license.  Can
anyone confirm or deny?  So it would just be a tool to run as part of the
release process.

maybe we could use both plug-ins... but ultimately I think everything needs
to pass using apache-rat

In Rya, this occurs in most files after the package statement:
  * #%L
  * mvm.rya.rya.prospector
  * %%
  * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Rya
  * %%
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
  * #L%

In the Accumulo project java files, I see almost the same text in each
Accumulo .java file, ABOVE the package statement.  It's the same except it
is missing these 5 lines.
* #%L
  * mvm.rya.rya.prospector
  * %%
  * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Rya
  * %%

david lotts.

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Elser [mailto:josh.el...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 1:30 AM
To: dev@rya.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: incubator report for November - please comment

Josh Elser wrote:
Puja Valiyil wrote:
We (David Lotts and I) were going to start working on updating the
license headers this week. Do we just run the perl scripts referenced
FH2U0_eM&e= Is there anything else we should do? I think that Adina
already vetted the dependencies. I'd like to get us on the path to
cutting our first apache release -- we've been waiting to check some
things in until the apache repo is in a good place, and I'd like to
just put some of these things to bed.
However you want to skin that cat. Any text manipulation tool (even
IDEs) has the ability to add the proper header. Getting the LICENSE
and NOTICE files correct will be more work. If you include any
convenience artifacts (binary -- e.g. jars) in the release outside of
the source-release, these are also subject to scrutiny.

Vetting dependencies gets tricky -- this will take some time to get
correct and will always requires the project's attention. The bar as
an incubating project is lower than that of a top-level project (TLP)
in that incubator releases typically need not be 100% correct, but the
intent is that, as a project, you make forward progress here and
understand how to apply the ASL and follow ASF policy by the time you

I've tried to condense the information on what I know here[1], and I
know NiFi also has a great resource [2]. Hopefully these are easier
applied and concentrated than the foundation-level docs.

Also, is there documentation about what paperwork needs to be filled
out to commit changes to Rya?
This is a very important thing to understand here (I apologize for the
incoming strong wording).

The Apache Software Foundation does _not_ deal in terms of companies.
Individuals contribute to the ASF. The only reason that companies are
at all in the picture is because, sometimes, individuals do not always
own the code that they write. All committers must have a document
filed that states they donate the copyright on the work they make to
the ASF by way of the ICLA (as all the committers have already done --
hopefully those of you with agreements on copyright with your
companies have filed the necessary CCLAs). Committers whose companies
own the code they wish to add to Rya must also have their company file
a CCLA. The ICLA and CCLA serve the same purpose (copyright assignment
to the ASF); the only difference is that one is for individuals the
other for companies.
There are some other companies we work with that would like to start
committing their changes directly.
This sounds like you're not familiar with the model of roles at the
ASF [3]. Please start there.

The initial set of committers (and mentors) are the only ones with
write access to the codebase. Everyone else is a contributor who sends
you patches/pull-requests which a committer must vet and commit on
their behalf. At this stage in Rya's lifetime, you want to grow the
project by attracting contributors, making sure they understand how
Rya "does business", and then, after some time, adding them as
committers to do the same (and repeat). The PMC role gets important
later, but we can cross that bridge later, IMO.
Forgot to add the actual foundation docs for CLAs
. It's rather straightforward.


SEhw&e= [3]

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