Hiya folks,

I had a coworker ask me over the weekend about Rya. He was a little confused over why someone might want to use Rya. This is the sort of thing that is great to write once on the website and refer people to. It's also a great "recruiting" tool for the project.

These are the types of questions I'd focus on trying to answer:

* The "bread and butter" use case examples. The one or two application-level things that Rya does *very well*.
* What are some application-level things that Rya does well?
* What about Rya's architecture make it novel/unique/desirable?
* What does Rya do better than its competitors (avoiding bashing the competition)?
* What other software complements Rya?

Does anyone have some spare cycles to look into this? I'm happy to do some copy editing, but I don't feel comfortable writing this up myself.

- Josh

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