René Peinl wrote:
Hi guys, I'm sorry to bother you with this, but you seem to be the
only people reachable outside Microsoft that know about the XLS file
format. I've dealt myself a lot with the XML versions and also did
some minor enhancements to the OO XSLTs that convert WordML to OO,
but now I need some help with the binary version. I'm trying to write
a comparison function that compares two versions of a document with
each other and should return true if the documents have the same
content and false otherwise. I'm using an MD5 hash to do this. The
reason is, that I want to eliminate versions of documents in
Sharepoint where only metadata has changed. Unfortunately, Sharepoint
is so clever that it writes Metadata not only into its own database,
but also inside the document itself, if it is an office document
type. Therefore I want to strip off the header (and trailer) that
contains metadata. For doc files this is quite easy. I just had to
remove (or overwrite with zeros) the first 2554 and the last 1520
bytes and compare the files afterwards. Unfortunately this strategy
does not work with XLS files. It seems that every sheet inside the
file has it's own copy of metadata. Can you give me any advice, how
to get rid of the metadata (just for the comparison). Is there any
byte sequence I can search for and then overwrite the next x byte
with zeros? I would be really thankful for any help. Thanks a lot and

We have a complete description of the OLE2 container file format:


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