A 504 is a timeout.  Check that your server can communicate with www.google.com 
without a proxy.

On Apr 14, 2010, at 12:53 AM, <naveen.mer...@cognizant.com> 
<naveen.mer...@cognizant.com> wrote:

> Hi 
> I have downloaded the shindig-server-1.1-BETA5-incubating.war file and
> deployed in JBoss. I had no issues with deployment
> I deployed the application and hit the URL.
> http://localhost:8080/shindig/gadgets/files/container/sample1.html 
> I get the widgets displayed but not the URL inside it which is
> "http://www.google.com"; . 
> I get the following error 
> Unable to retrieve spec for http://www.google.com. HTTP error 504
> Please help me out if I am missing any configuration or still needs to
> deploy any other stuff.
> Regards
> Naveen.
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