Hi, I'm learning the go language and I'd like to join

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发件人: Sheng Wu <wu.sheng.841...@gmail.com>
发送时间: 2019年10月30日 23:36
收件人: dev <dev@skywalking.apache.org>
主题: Re: [PROPOSAL] Start the SkyWalking CLI project

Hi Teny

Everyone is welcome to join.

This is the first mail I sent to talk about this, and later, as we have
enough people, I will do these later,
1. Create `skywalking-cli` repo
2. Create an issue at GitHub main repo to track progress
3. I draft a design proposal
4. Review, change the design and finalize it
5. One takes the lead of development, and we separate the task to different
6. Set up the project, CI, documentation, etc.
7. Because to go through license, dependency and run a release.

Considering the stable of GraphQL is very high, we could run the release
any time when the new project is ready.

Sheng Wu 吴晟

Apache SkyWalking
Apache Incubator
Apache ShardingSphere, ECharts, DolphinScheduler podlings
Twitter, wusheng1108

Teny Zh <zt...@foxmail.com> 于2019年10月31日周四 上午11:52写道:

> Hi
> That is a wonderful propose. May I take part in?
> Daming(@dmsolr)
> Apache SkyWalking
> > 在 2019年10月31日,下午2:01,Sheng Wu <wu.sheng.841...@gmail.com> 写道:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > SkyWalking is forwarding to be a stable status, feature enhancement and
> bug
> > fix are becoming the 1st priority. CLI is becoming an important and
> > critical requirement. Today, GraphQL interface provides a good network
> > interface. UI provides a good browser interface. But for SkyWalking
> runtime
> > operation team, CLI is much more friendly than UI or GraphQL.
> >
> > Here is my proposal
> > CLI is recommended written in go, which is more friendly on multiple
> > platforms, having a mini VM, a lot of people using go already.
> > CLI could use GraphQL APIs as backend API directly, by using that, we
> just
> > need an interface translation, provide a more friendly interface through
> > command, and also doesn't require too much work.
> >
> > I could lead on the design, I am asking the volunteer to take part in the
> > design, review and code contributions. I hope this could be delivered at
> > the end of Nov. with 6.6 release.
> >
> > Anyone could lead the develop or take part in the development please let
> me
> > know, we could work as a team on the new project, "skywalking-cli", first
> > repo of SkyWalking in go, and this team will do release independently.
> >
> > Sheng Wu 吴晟
> >
> > Apache SkyWalking
> > Apache Incubator
> > Apache ShardingSphere, ECharts, DolphinScheduler podlings
> > Zipkin
> > Twitter, wusheng1108

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