Re: Re: skywalking升级问题

2020-02-06 Thread Sheng Wu
陈金枫 于2020年2月7日 周五下午12:23写道: > Hi,Mr Wu > > We have used skywalking v6.0 Ga+ES v6.0 for more than half a year. And > now we want to update skywalking to v6.6 with keeping data of service, > instance, interface etc. > > My steps below: > > 1.Install skywalking v6.6 + ES v6.6 .

Re:Re: skywalking升级问题

2020-02-06 Thread 陈金枫
Hi,Mr Wu We have used skywalking v6.0 Ga+ES v6.0 for more than half a year. And now we want to update skywalking to v6.6 with keeping data of service, instance, interface etc. My steps below: 1.Install skywalking v6.6 + ES v6.6. The skywalking server is the same machine as v6.0 Ga. Agent

Re: skywalking升级问题

2020-02-06 Thread Sheng Wu
Hi, for mail list discussion, you should 1. Keep all discussion in English 2. Make sure you subscribe the mail list, Mail to, follow the reply to subscribe to the mail list. Then you could send mail to Sheng Wu 吴晟 Twitter, wusheng1108


2020-02-06 Thread 陈金枫
吴先生,您好, 公司半年多前部署了一个skywalking系统(skywalking v6.0 Ga + ES v6.6),现在想升级到v6.6。公司希望升级过程能平滑过渡(保留服务,实例和接口等数据),我的升级步骤如下: 1. 重新部署skywalking v6.6(skywalking v6.6 + ES v6.6),skywalking v6.6部署的服务器是原来部署v6.0 GA机子,agent采用正在使用的v6.0 GA(后面慢慢跟随业务系统升级)。 2. 将原来ES中的服务,实例和接口等数据导入到新部署的ES服务中