Hey everyone,

a little while ago we opened registration for adaptTo() 2014 (see [0]).
Because we know a lot of you love to hear a bit more about content we
published a list of the confirmed talks[1] before we finalize the schedule.
We have a broad variaty of talks so everyone should find something
interesting. But being focused on open source the sling community and
theirfore networking and collaboration. We try to make sure that you get as
much code as possible in your hands (open source) and provide you with
opportunities to sit to gether to discuss, hack and in the evening ours
have a beer together (community). We try not just to be a conference but a
meetup - so make sure you don't miss it!

I'm looking forward to seeing you in Berlin this september.

Best regards in the name of the adaptTo() organisation team,
Dominik Süß

P.S. do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any question at

[0] http://adapt.to/2014/register.shtml
[1] http://adapt.to/2014/schedule.shtml

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