Hi Eugen,

On Tue, 2017-10-03 at 16:38 +0300, Ioan Eugen Stan wrote:
> Hi,
> Great idea. How about Sling Starter/ Loader / Bootstrap ?
> Regarding building a real app with Spring I would like to go through


s/Spring/Sling/ I assume :-)

> that process (be a guinee pig). We would like to use the content
> repository in a Saas like app using micro services.


You might also be interested in the  'Internet Scale Content Management
with Apache Oak on Kubernetes' adaptTo talk [1] which looks relatively
close to your scenario.

> Some things that I would like to make test/know before going into
> production:
> - reading and writing from multiple services works ok - check delay,
> caching, etc

You'll have to be more explicit about that. The DocumentNodeStore
documentation in Oak [2] should contain most of what you need to know.

You are probably interested in 'Background read' - DocumentMK
periodically picks up changes from other DocumentMK instances by
polling the root node for changes of _lastRev. This happens once every
second. That means that if something is changed on Instance A, Instance
B will see it in at most one second.

> - editing content via Composum works properly

To my knowledge, yes.

> - procedures on how to deploy content updates to production
> (FileVault
> maybe)
> - how to get content from production to staging to facilitate testing

Content packages are one way of doing that. Changes can either be
performed using Sling content distribution [3] or by using the Package
Manager APIs. As a package manager you can use the Composum one [4]
coupled with the wcm.io content-package-maven-plugin [5].

> - how to deploy and update our single page applications that consume
> our

Again, you need to more specific here. Is a SPA deployed in Sling? Or
deployed externally and consuming Sling output?

At any rate, peregrine CMS [6] is a SPA built with vue.js on top of
Sling so you might want to check that out.

> - how to deploy/update translations for content

Everything is content, including translations :-) So what I wrote above
related to content deployments still stands. Also, just in case you
missed the reference page, the documentation for i18n support is at

> I know I have quite specific needs that might not fit into general
> norms, but the needs are real and I am willing to document and share
> the
> process and all the code samples. All I need in return is some
> guidance.

Hopefully that gets you started. Feel free to come back with more
questions if needed.



[1]: https://adapt.to/2017/en/schedule/internet-scale-content-managemen
[2]: https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/nodestore/documentmk.html
[3]: https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/content-distributio
[4]: https://ist-software.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CMP/pages/46140125/
[5]: http://wcm.io/tooling/maven/plugins/wcmio-content-package-maven-pl
[6]: https://github.com/headwirecom/peregrine-cms
[7]: https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/internationalizatio

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