A similar issue occurs when interacting with Hive secured by Sentry.

By changing how Hive Context instance is created, this issue might also be

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 11:33 AM Steve Loughran <ste...@hortonworks.com>

> On 22 Oct 2015, at 08:25, Chester Chen <ches...@alpinenow.com> wrote:
> Doug
>    We are not trying to compiling against different version of hive. The
> 1.2.1.spark hive-exec is specified on spark 1.5.2 Pom file. We are moving
> from spark 1.3.1 to 1.5.1. Simply trying to supply the needed
> dependency. The rest of application (besides spark) simply uses hive 0.13.1.
>    Yes we are using yarn client directly, there are many functions we need
> and modified are not provided in yarn client. The spark launcher in the
> current form does not satisfy our requirements (at least last time I see
> it) there is a discussion thread about several month ago.
>     From spark 1.x  to 1.3.1, we fork the yarn client to achieve these
> goals ( yarn listener call backs, killApplications, yarn capacities call
> back etc). In current integration for 1.5.1, to avoid forking the spark, we
> simply subclass the yarn client overwrites a few methods. But we lost
> resource capacity call back and estimation by doing this.
>    This is bit off the original topic.
>     I still think there is a bug related to the spark yarn client in case
> of Kerberos + spark hive-exec dependency.
> Chester
> I think I understand what's being implied here.
>    1. In a secure cluster, a spark app needs a hive delegation token  to
>    talk to hive
>    2. Spark yarn Client (org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client) uses
>    reflection to get the delegation token
>    3. The reflection doesn't work, a CFNE exception is logged
>    4. The app should still launch, but it'll be without a hive token , so
>    attempting to work with Hive will fail.
> I haven't seen this, because while I do test runs against a kerberos
> cluster, I wasn't talking to hive from the deployed app.
> It sounds like this workaround works because the hive RPC protocol is
> compatible enough with 0.13 that a 0.13 client can ask hive for the token,
> though then your remote CP is stuck on 0.13
> Looking at the hive class, the metastore has now made the hive constructor
> private and gone to a factory method (public static Hive get(HiveConf c)
> throws HiveException) to get an instance. The reflection code would need to
> be updated.
> I'll file a bug with my name next to it

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