
I have recently experimented with a few ways to run OS commands from the 
executors (in a YARN deployment) for a specific use case where we want to 
interact with an external system of interest for our environment. From that 
experience I thought that having the possibility to spawn a script at the start 
of each executors can be quite handy in a few cases and maybe more people are 
interested. For example I am think of case when interacting with external 
systems/APIs, or for injecting custom configurations via scripts distributed to 
the executors and/or for spawning custom monitoring tasks, etc. 
They are probable all niche cases but the feature seems quite easy to implement.
I just wanted to check with the list if something like this has already come up 
in the past and/or there are thoughts about it or details that I have 
My simple proof of concept for implementing a "startup command" on the 
executors can be found at:
I can put all this in a Jira in case people here think it makes sense.


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