Hey All,

I'm happy to announce branch-1.1 of Spark [1] - this branch will eventually
become the 1.1 release. Committers: new patches will need to be explicitly
back-ported into this branch in order to appear in the 1.1 release.

Thanks so much to all the committers and contributors who were extremely
active on review in the last week!

We'll now enter the standard triage process:
-> In the next 48 hours, smaller features that are very late in review
(e.g. loose ends) are okay to go in.
-> On Monday we'll package a community build and start community testing.
At that point we are solidly "bug fixes only" for most Spark components.
-> When deemed appropriate, we'll cut a release candidate for official
voting and start the process. As voting goes on, we'll eventually escalate
to "regressions only" - i.e. we hold the release only for fixes that
regress from earlier version.

I'll also try to document the release/triage process on the wiki in a bit
more detail. For those interested, here is a good example - the guidelines
for the Linux kernel release process:

Thanks everyone, looking forward to a great 1.1 release!


- Patrick

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