As discussed in [1] I'm working on migrating our wiki from MoinMoin to

After ironing out most of the big issues, I think the current "test
conversion" is ready for review by a larger audience. I'd like to
perform the final migration next Tuesday the 27th, after 21h (GMT+1),
unless major issues are found which I can't fix quickly. So you have
until then to review the pages, compare them with the old moin pages,
and see if they look good.

So to anyone interested, please take a look at:

and compare with the old site at:


- Full history was converted.

- Almost all authors were created as users in cwiki, so the page
history contains the correct authors. Only a handful of edits were
made by a user not present in cwiki. For these I injected "[Original
edit by XXX]" in the revision comment (see the history of
MtimePreservation for example). The final conversion will be run from
a generic "cwiki-importer" account instead of my account, so these
edits by non-cwiki-users will be "edited" in the history by
cwiki-importer instead of me.

- I converted "FrontPage" (the initial homepage on MoinMoin) into
"Subversion Test Import Space Home" (the homepage of our space on
cwiki). I'm not sure if that's the best approach. I can also still
call it FrontPage, and simply edit the settings in cwiki to make that
page the homepage of our wiki space.

- I did not convert the user pages (JohanCorveleyn, ...). Confluence
has a profile of each user, which can also contains some metadata, and
which can be linked to.

- I also omitted a couple of pages about the moin syntax or
experiments with the syntax.

- Further cleanup and reorganisation can be done after the full
conversion, in cwiki, by whoever is interested in doing this.

- After the full conversion we should edit all the old moin pages to
perform a redirect to the corresponding page on cwiki. Maybe this can
be scripted. Any volunteers?

- We have one page which redirects to another page: SvnMergeTheory ->
SymmetricMerge. We could also simply omit SvnMergeTheory from the
conversion, and redirect the old SvnMergeTheory page on MoinMoin
directly to SymmetricMerge on cwiki (to avoid breaking existing
links). Should we do that?

Known issues:

- Changed some special characters on FS2/Theory to ascii (@brane: in
addition to your changes I also "asciified" the capital B), because of
an issue with confluence + mysql (unable to store 4-byte UTF-8
characters -- fixed in a recent update, but it can take several more
months before that upgrade gets installed).

- Some italics and bold's are broken, because there is a space between
the last character and the trailing _ or *, or because it spans
multiple lines. I might be able to fix some of those by tweaking a
regex in the converter.

- Font sizes "smaller" (sometimes used for a preamble or a
postscriptum) and "larger" are just converted into plain font (I
couldn't find a reliable way to convert those).

- Footnotes are not converted correctly (see for example
Inheritable-Ignores-AutoProps). I haven't looked into that yet, might
be convertable, might not be.

- Escapes for a literal [, ], {, }, -- etc. should not be done in
{noformat} blocks. Will fix.

- Somehow the links to "How to Add Moves to Svn" didn't get converted correctly.

- Somehow the revision comment didn't get extracted correctly from the
last version of MoveTrackingUpdateEditor, and is just present in the
body of the page. I'll look into it.

- A couple of enumerations look wonky. Not sure if I want to spend
more time on tweaking those (can also be fixed "manually" in the final
page on cwiki by editing it).



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