[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2018-03-30 Thread yurikoles
Github user yurikoles commented on the issue:

Hi @apocolipse,
Please consider taking into account usage of reserved keywords in *.thrift 
files. For example back end developers may use field with name `description` in 
their structures. And this same keyword then redefined in generated extension 
file. This causes compile errors.


[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2018-03-20 Thread jeking3
Github user jeking3 commented on the issue:

Okay, so I could merge this, but I need to know (since I've never used 
cocoa, swift, or any of the apple stuff really):

* Are there breaking changes?
* Are they documented?
* Is it already running in the cross test or is that future work?
* Can this be exercised in the Travis CI build environment? (make check, 
make cross?)
* Can I add swift support to Ubuntu Xenial and Artful?
* What minimum and maximum versions are known supported?
* Has the LANGUAGES.md file been updated?
* Has the build/docker/README.md file been updated?
* Is this supposed to replace the cocoa implementation?  Should that be 

I can make some of these changes as part of finalization.  Thanks.


[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2018-03-07 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@JacopoMangiavacchi  Server side already works using something like Perfect 
or Zewo, I already have separate server adapters for them 

I'd advise making Swift-Nio support separate as well to ensure better 


[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2018-03-07 Thread JacopoMangiavacchi
Github user JacopoMangiavacchi commented on the issue:

I tested this PR and I see it already support also Swift 4.0 and I'm adding 
Swift-Nio support for easily implement also the server side.

Any update on this merge ?  Thanks a lot


[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2018-02-07 Thread jorgeazevedo
Github user jorgeazevedo commented on the issue:

Any movement on this? I'd love to see this merged.


[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2018-01-14 Thread jeking3
Github user jeking3 commented on the issue:

I would recommend the original commenters chime in as the requested work 
was done; this should be SQUASHED (nobody wants to cherry-pick 84 commits) and 
rebased on master and if it passes CI clean, definitely good towards merging 
it.  @nsuke and @ChristopherRogers both commented in the past.


[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-12-17 Thread tbartelmess
Github user tbartelmess commented on the issue:

Any movement on this? I'd love to see this merged.


[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-11-01 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@nsuke hah good catch, bad habits from other languages ;)  Fixed 


[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-10-30 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@nsuke requested cleanup completed


[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-10-28 Thread nsuke
Github user nsuke commented on the issue:

This replaces current Swift2 generator/lib with new one which supports 
Swift3. The current one is still kept as option `swift:cocoa`, though.

Swift 2 has been not usable with latest XCode for months now so it makes 
sense to me to land this to master. Reviews have been done by contributors 
before, although a few more cleanup might be needed.


[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-10-25 Thread jeking3
Github user jeking3 commented on the issue:

What needs to happen next to move this forward?


[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-06-07 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

Also, to anyone using this, I'm making a pretty decent sized change right 
now to how `TEnums` work with Swift Enums.  Backstory is that Swift enums are 
overly opinionated and don't work well if a new enum value is added to a 
service and the client hasn't updated.

Other languages handle this pretty easily since enums are just Ints to 
them, they simply read and store the value even if it doesn't match a case.  
Since Swift's enums are finite and opinionated, and not backed by Ints, this 
posed a bit of a challenge.  I initially designed the TEnums to be 
RawRepresentable Int32 since it just made sense at the time, this let the 
library handle read/write generically and the generator only needed to declare 
the cases and an empty init case.  The problem arose when we saw it failing 
when new values came in.  Granted it was designed to do so, but we needed a way 
internally to gracefully handle that.

As a replacement, I'm removing the RawRepresentable/Int32 requirement on 
TEnums, and removing the protocol read from the library as well, they will 
retain a rawValue and init(rawValue:) to facilitate serialization and maintain 
compatibility with code that may be already using those, but they're no longer 
inherently RawRepresentable.  The reason for this decision was to add an 
`.unknown(Int32)` case that retains the extra value.  
This is an opt-in case, so you'll need to use the generator flag 
`safe_enums`, but this way you don't lose that information, and in the likely 
event you'll pull something that has an unknown enum value and then need to 
send it back to a service, you'll retain the appropriate value and maintain 
compatibility between server/client version mismatch.

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-06-07 Thread fumoboy007
Github user fumoboy007 commented on the issue:

Yeah, it’s implemented in Swift 4.


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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-06-07 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

Its just a proposal so far, i don't think it'll be implemented for Swift 3 
(but i havent been keeping close track, correct me if i'm wrong)  It'll make 
more sense to do once Swift4 drops and SPM is beefed up.

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-06-07 Thread fumoboy007
Github user fumoboy007 commented on the issue:

> SE-0162 [ 
 ] added API for controlling where the source files for each target should be 
found. This allows SwiftPM to support source trees that don't conform to the 
standard package layout conventions.

Can we take advantage of this so that people can use the library from the 
official repo?

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-06-05 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@gotev feel free to contribute anything that was mentioned there.  Its 
otherwise code complete (and likely better supported than the already merged 
Swift2 and Cocoa/Obj-C generators), I will contribute more to tests as I can 
but its not high priority for me right now.

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-06-02 Thread gotev
Github user gotev commented on the issue:

@jeking3 @apocolipse What it's left to be done for this pull request to be 
merged? I can provide some help. Is 
everything it's needed?

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-03-26 Thread jeking3
Github user jeking3 commented on the issue:

None that I know of.  What you can do is:

1. Make sure language support is in the Dockerfile for the ubuntu and 
debian builds.
2. Look for CROSS_LANGS in the top level Makefile.am.  That should lead you 
to the rest.
3. You will need a TestServer and TestClient implementation; you can look 
in test/cpp or test/perl for example implementations.  You will probably need a 
new test/ subdirectory for swift.
4. Make cross until it works.  If a test reliably fails (and is supposed 
to) put it into the known test failures file by running "test.py -U merge" from 
the test directory after running make cross.

Note that adding to CROSS_LANGS will also run the cross feature tests as 
well, which are in test/features.

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-03-25 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@jeking3 no, any docs on whats needed for that?  I can add it in.  The old 
Cocoa+Swift generator was lacking here as well. (As is the Obj-C Cocoa 

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-03-25 Thread jeking3
Github user jeking3 commented on the issue:

Are these changes integrated into the "make cross" cross-language 
validation suite?

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2017-02-28 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

Update 2/28/2017:
Old Swift generator and new merged into one,
Old generator under `cocoa` option, `promise_kit` option only available for 
old generator as well.

I don't have any Swift 2.x projects so i can't really test, but if anyone 
else wants to spot check code and test against old versions that'd be great.  
I've left the old swift generator CC file in tact (moved to `*.cc..old`), and 
spaced out things such that it lines up with the new code line for line for 

Next and last steps to make this production ready IMO is namespacing, I'm 
going to add an option to namespace by splitting into subdirectories.  Actually 
configuring projects will be left up to the developer.  I'll add some output 
describing how to do it in SPM, but injecting the targets into SPM or Xcodeproj 
are beyond the scope of Thrift so for now the only thing namespacing will do is 
place source files in their own namespace relative directory, generate imports 
when necessary, and appropriately namespace types.  Any suggestions or input 
are welcome.

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-12-21 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@nsuke I've removed the attribution, will keep it in my personal Lib repo 
thats used strictly for SPM integration.  Fixed the error codes you mentioned 

I'll go ahead and merge the old cocoa generator in and put it behind a 
flag.  Ideally, users leveraging existing Swift 2.x Cocoa bindings are using 
Cocoapods, and have a lock to the specific commit they're using.  This isn't 
always the case, but should serve at least a basic level of protection on their 
client/library dependency side.  From the Generator's perspective, it will be 
completely broken unless they checkout the most recent commit before I merge 
them (or change any build steps to use the new generator). 
In terms of their existing code if they're extending the library or 
inheriting from it, some of it may break given some of the interfaces have 
changed towards Value-typed interfaces.  Extensions should for the most part 
operate properly so long as they're not calling changed interfaces.   All of 
this is of course purely speculative as I've not gone through the process of 
trying to migrate.   Long story short however there should be facilities to hit 
old lib/generator when needed and given Swift is compiled, migrating code over 
shouldn't introduce any breaking changes or unexpected behaviors.

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-11-12 Thread fumoboy007
Github user fumoboy007 commented on the issue:

Woah, nice!

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-11-12 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

I've modified the generated Async clients to use a new `TAsyncResult` 
parameter for callbacks rather than Optional Return/Error tuples.   Short 
version of why is that those parameters are always mutually exclusive, and 
there's no really good way to have a non-optional return or throw pattern for 
With the `TAsyncResult`, non-optional return values are encapsulated 
within a throwing func in the enum, such that you can handle your do/catch 
block in a callback.  Consider the following example:

/// normal: public func hello() throws -> String
do {
  let world = try hello()
} catch let e { handle(e) }

/// async:   public func hello(completion: @escaping (TAsyncResult) 
-> Void)
hello() {
  do {
 let world = try $0.value()
  catch let e { handle(e) }

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-10-28 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

I've created 2 separate HTTP Servers using external libraries and made them 
available to play with
https://github.com/apocolipse/TZewoHTTPServer  and

Their interface is identical to the TSocketServer included, so they can be 
quickly and easily swapped out to test differences between them.  Created as 
separate libs to avoid no external dependency requirement for Thrift.
Apple has announced a Server API team, so hopefully in the future we can 
have Swift STD type httpservers built-in, but for now this will do.

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-10-26 Thread ChristopherRogers
Github user ChristopherRogers commented on the issue:

I have not. 👍

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-10-25 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@fumoboy007 so for clients you should be doing something like this:
let factory = THTTPSessionTransport.Factory(url: serviceURL)
let client = HermesAsyncClient(with: TBinaryProtocol.self, factory: factory)

For servers, its all about the server, no need to have an async processor
I'll need to update the Perfect HTTP Server example I have on my github for 
HTTP servers, but basically the setup is something like this (same as 
let server = try? TSocketServer(port: 9090,
 service: MyConcreteService(), // your 
implementation of thrift service
 inProtocol: TBinaryProtocol.self,
 outProtocol: TBinaryProtocol.self,
 processor: MyServiceProcessor.self) // 
generated service processor
Since it leverages generics, each request creates its own processor rather 
than re-using the same one over and over
(If you look at the TSocketServer impl, you'll see something like
let processor = Processor(service: self.serviceHandler)
processor.process(on: inproto, outProtocol: outproto)

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-10-24 Thread fumoboy007
Github user fumoboy007 commented on the issue:

I don’t see a `[MyService]ProcessorAsync` in the generated code. How do I 
handle requests in an asynchronous manner?

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-10-24 Thread fumoboy007
Github user fumoboy007 commented on the issue:

Oh I didn’t know about the `async_clients` option… thanks! 😬

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-10-24 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@fumoboy007 There is `TAsyncClient` in TClient.swift as well as 
`TAsyncTransport/Factory` in TTransport.swift, and the generator will generate 
async clients properly (`--gen swift_3:async_clients`), for servers, the design 
I've seen so far is that they're asynchronous by creating new transports for 
each request for an async server, so its incumbent on the base thrift server 
implementation to handle async code, in which the simple socket server I've 
included should handle it fine, as well as the Perfect server example I posted 
in the readme should work as well. 

Can you elaborate on anything more that you'd like to see?

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-10-24 Thread fumoboy007
Github user fumoboy007 commented on the issue:

One major issue I encountered is the async support. There doesn’t seem to 
be an asynchronous `TProcessor`/`TProtocol`/`TClient` API in the base/generated 

Async support is important for high-efficiency server applications. (At 
least until [SR-2905](https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-2905) is implemented for 
Linux.) I can explain this in more detail if desired.

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-10-24 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@fumoboy007 @ChristopherRogers Have you all found any other outstanding 
issues that need addressing?

@nsuke @kdubb What final steps do we need to do to get this into the 
official Thrift codebase?

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-09-16 Thread fumoboy007
Github user fumoboy007 commented on the issue:

Compile Swift Module 'Thrift' (37 sources)
/Users/…/Packages/Thrift-1.0.0/Sources/TSet.swift:22:70: warning: 
'IndexableBase' is deprecated: it will be removed in Swift 4.0.  Please use 
'Collection' instead
public struct TSet : Collection, 
IndexableBase, ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, Hashable, TSerializable {

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-09-12 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@ChristopherRogers @fumoboy007 I implemented union support with enums, 
here's an example of generated code:
union TestUnion {
  1: i32 data,
  2: string message,
  3: bool success

public enum TestUnion {
  case data(val: Int32)
  case message(val: String)
  case success(val: Bool)
public func ==(lhs: TestUnion, rhs: TestUnion) -> Bool {
  return {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.data(let lval), .data(let rval)): return lval == rval
case (.message(let lval), .message(let rval)): return lval == rval
case (.success(let lval), .success(let rval)): return lval == rval
default: return false

extension TestUnion : CustomStringConvertible {
  public var description : String {
var desc = "TestUnion."
switch self {
case .data(let val): desc += "data(val: \(val))"
case .message(let val): desc += "message(val: \(val))"
case .success(let val): desc += "success(val: \(val))"
return desc

extension TestUnion : Hashable {
  public var hashValue : Int {
let prime = 31
var result = 1
switch self {
case .data(let val): result = prime &* val.hashValue
case .message(let val): result = prime &* val.hashValue
case .success(let val): result = prime &* val.hashValue

return result

extension TestUnion : TStruct {

  public static var fieldIds: [String: Int32] {
return ["data": 1, "message": 2, "success": 3, ]

  public static var structName: String { return "TestUnion" }

  public static func read(from proto: TProtocol) throws -> TestUnion {
_ = try proto.readStructBegin()
var ret: TestUnion?
fields: while true {

  let (_, fieldType, fieldID) = try proto.readFieldBegin()

  switch (fieldID, fieldType) {
case (_, .stop):break fields
case (1, .i32): ret = TestUnion.data(val: try 
Int32.read(from: proto))
case (2, .string):   ret = TestUnion.message(val: 
try String.read(from: proto))
case (3, .bool):ret = TestUnion.success(val: 
try Bool.read(from: proto))
case let (_, unknownType):  try proto.skip(type: unknownType)
  try proto.readFieldEnd()

if let ret = ret {
  return ret

throw TProtocolError(error: .unknown, message: "Missing required value 
for type: TestUnion")  }

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-09-12 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@nsuke I considered that when starting out, however the differences between 
Swift 2 and 3 are pretty dramatic that makes shared code minimal (i.e. 
everything in this library is Value typed, compared to the Swift/Cocoa 
Conceptually, this /is/ the `Swift` generator, and the other one is 
technically Cocoa Swift.
Additionally, due to limitations with SPM, sharing code might not be the 
most sane option.
One key difference with this and the existing Swift library, this library 
has no intention of Objective-C interop, it is a pure Swift approach.  

We could argue for moving the old Swift generator to be used like `--gen 
cocoa:swift` which would be more appropriate in my opinion.

As far as sharing code between them goes, the amount that is the same 
should be negligable, but packaging is the biggest concern.  Cocoapods isn't 
overly friendly with picking/choosing source files from different locations in 
the file heirarchy, and SPM isn't capable of pointing at sources not in 
`Sources` at all (hence the need for a separate repo for the time being to 
leverage it with SPM).

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-09-12 Thread nsuke
Github user nsuke commented on the issue:

There's a substantial amount of code duplication with existing swift 
Do you have any idea as to reducing them ?
As I've never seen anyone advocating the current practice of "single big 
file per language", we could, for example, extract common part to another file 
or even introduce a swift sub directory etc.

Internal structures aside, doesn't it make more sense to have a sub-option 
like --gen swift:3 rather than a separate language option ?

CC: @kdubb for review and/or comments.

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-09-11 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

That'll require generation of both read and write serialization code (which 
I try to abstract much of to the library), but its doable I suppose.

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-09-11 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@ChristopherRogers Something like this?
union AUnion {
  1: string result,
  2: CustomException error
enum AUnion {
  case result(val: String)
  case error(val: CustomException)

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-09-11 Thread ChristopherRogers
Github user ChristopherRogers commented on the issue:

I noticed you haven't special cased unions (they'll just be generated as 
structs.) Have you looked into adding support for this? I'd love to be able to 
use Swift's enums with Thrift's union types.

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[GitHub] thrift issue #1084: THRIFT-3773 Swift 3 Native Library

2016-09-11 Thread apocolipse
Github user apocolipse commented on the issue:

@fumoboy007 thanks, thought i had the overflow ones in there, will add them 
back in :) 

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