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id="mainRight"><div id="content"><h2>Configuring the ISAPI redirector for 
Microsoft I
 IS</h2><h3 id="Requirements">Requirements</h3><div class="text">
 The Tomcat redirector requires three entities:
@@ -36,7 +67,7 @@ not be called and returns an http code 4
 isapi_redirect.dll would do the job instead, you will get an http code 500,
 because the library is not loadable into a 64 Bit IIS.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Registry settings"><strong>Registry 
+</div><h3 id="Registry_settings">Registry settings</h3><div class="text">
 ISAPI redirector reads configuration from the registry, create a new registry 
key named:
@@ -52,37 +83,41 @@ starting with the letters <b>f</b> (fals
 The values are taken case insensitive. In this documentation we will stick
 to <b>false</b> and <b>true</b>.
-<table border="1" cellpadding="5"><tr><th width="20%" bgcolor="#023264"><font 
color="#ffffff">Key Name</font></th><th width="80%" bgcolor="#023264"><font 
color="#ffffff">Description</font></th></tr><tr><td align="left" 
align="left" valign="center"><p>
+<table class="defaultTable"><tr><th style="width: 15%;">
+          Attribute
+        </th><th style="width: 85%;">
+          Description
+        </th></tr><tr><td><strong><code 
 A string value pointing to the ISAPI extension 
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>log_file</code></td><td align="left" valign="center"><p>
+</p></td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">log_file</code></td><td><p>
 A value pointing to location where log file will be created.
 (for example <b>c:\tomcat\logs\isapi.log</b>)
 <br>If one of the log rotation settings (<b>log_rotationtime</b> or 
<b>log_filesize</b>) are specified then the actual log file name is based on 
this setting.
-If the log file name includes any '%' characters, then it is treated as a 
format string for <b class="code">strftime(3)</b>, 
+If the log file name includes any '%' characters, then it is treated as a 
format string for <code>strftime(3)</code>, 
 e.g. <b>c:\tomcat\logs\isapi-%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S.log</b>. Otherwise, the suffix 
<em>.nnnnnnnnnn</em> is automatically added and is the time in seconds.
 A full list of format string substitutions can be found in the <a 
rotatelogs documentation</a>
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>log_level</code></td><td align="left" valign="center"><p>
+</p></td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">log_level</code></td><td><p>
 A string value for log level 
 (can be debug, info, warn, error or trace).</p>
 <p>This directive was added in version 1.2.31</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>log_rotationtime</code></td><td align="left" 
 The time between log file rotations in seconds.
 Setting this to 0 (the default) disables log rotation based on time.</p>
 <p>This directive was added in version 1.2.31</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>log_filesize</code></td><td align="left" 
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">log_filesize</code></td><td><p>
 The maximum log file size in megabytes, after which the log file will be 
rotated. Setting this to 0 (the default) disables log rotation based on file 
 <br>The value can have an optional <b>M</b> suffix, i.e. both <b>5</b> and 
<b>5M</b> will rotate the log file when it grows to 5MB.
 <br>If <b>log_rotationtime</b> is specified, then this setting is ignored.  
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><strong><code>worker_file</code></strong></td><td align="left" 
 A string value which is the full path to file
 (for example <b>c:\tomcat\conf\</b>)
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
align="left" valign="center"><p>
 A string value which is the full path to file
 (for example <b>c:\tomcat\conf\</b>)
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>rewrite_rule_file</code></td><td align="left" 
 A string value which is the full path to file
 (for example <b>c:\tomcat\conf\</b>)
-</p></td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>shm_size</code></td><td align="left" valign="center"><p>
+</p></td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">shm_size</code></td><td><p>
 A DWORD value size of the shared memory. Set this value to be
 the number of all defined workers * 400.
 (Set this value only if you have <b>more</b> then <b>64</b> workers)
@@ -91,12 +126,12 @@ the number of all defined workers * 400.
 <p>Starting with version 1.2.27 the size of the shared memory is determined
 automatically, even for large numbers of workers. This attribute is not
 needed any longer.</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>worker_mount_reload</code></td><td align="left" 
 A DWORD value specifying the time in seconds upon which the
 <b>worker_mount_file</b> will be reloaded.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.20</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>strip_session</code></td><td align="left" 
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">strip_session</code></td><td><p>
 A string value representing a boolean. If it is set to <b>true</b>,
 URL session suffixes of the form ";jsessionid=..." get stripped of
 URLs, if the are served locally by the web server.
@@ -105,7 +140,7 @@ URLs, if the are served locally by the w
 The default value is false.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.21</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>auth_complete</code></td><td align="left" 
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">auth_complete</code></td><td><p>
 A DWORD value representing "0" or "1". This is needed because
 of minor incompatibilities with IIS 5.1.
@@ -116,7 +151,7 @@ This might be needed for IIS 5.1 when ha
 PUT HTTP method.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.21</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="center"><code>uri_select</code></td><td 
align="left" valign="center"><p>
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">uri_select</code></td><td><p>
 A string value which influences, how URIs are decoded and re-encoded
 between IIS and Tomcat. You should leave this at it's default value,
 unless you have a very good reason to change it.
@@ -146,7 +181,7 @@ Explicit path components like ".." will
 and problematic are re-encoded.
 <p>The default value since version 1.2.24 is "proxy". Before it was 
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>reject_unsafe</code></td><td align="left" 
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">reject_unsafe</code></td><td><p>
 A string value representing a boolean. If it is set to <b>true</b>,
 URLs still containing percent signs '%' or backslashes '\'
 after decoding will be rejected.
@@ -159,7 +194,7 @@ can block several well known URL encodin
 The default value is false.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.24</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>collapse_slashes</code></td><td align="left" 
 This options is deprecated as of 1.2.44 and will be ignored if used.
@@ -170,7 +205,7 @@ As of 1.2.44, collpasing is always perfo
 or unmount rules.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.41</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>watchdog_interval</code></td><td align="left" 
 A DWORD value representing the watchdog thread interval in seconds.
 The workers are maintained periodically by a background thread
 running periodically every watchdog_interval seconds. Worker maintenance
@@ -179,9 +214,9 @@ to detect backend health status.
 The maintenance only happens, if since the last maintenance at
-least <a href="workers.html"><b class="code">worker.maintain</b></a>
+least <a href="workers.html"><code>worker.maintain</code></a>
 seconds have passed. So setting the watchdog_interval
-much smaller than <b class="code">worker.maintain</b> is not useful.
+much smaller than <code>worker.maintain</code> is not useful.
 The default value is 0 seconds, meaning the watchdog thread
@@ -189,19 +224,19 @@ will not be created, and the maintenance
 with normal requests instead.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.27</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="center"><code>error_page</code></td><td 
align="left" valign="center"><p>
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">error_page</code></td><td><p>
 A string value representing the error page url redirection when
 backend returns non-200 response. This directive can be used
 to customise the error messages returned from backend server.
 <p>The url must point to a valid server url and can contain
-format string number <b class="code">(%d)</b> that can be used to
+format string number <code>(%d)</code> that can be used to
 separate the pages by error number. The redirect url in that
-case is formatted by replacing <b class="code">%d</b> from
-<b class="code">error_page</b> to returned error number.
+case is formatted by replacing <code>%d</code> from
+<code>error_page</code> to returned error number.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.27</p>
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>enable_chunked_encoding</code></td><td align="left" 
 A string value representing a boolean. If it is set to <b>true</b>,
 chunked encoding is supported by the server.
@@ -212,7 +247,7 @@ The default value is false.
 was considered experimental and only available when a special build containing
 chunking support was used. Starting with 1.2.30 it is no longer considered
-</td></tr><tr><td align="left" 
valign="center"><code>flush_packets</code></td><td align="left" 
+</td></tr><tr><td><code class="attributeName">flush_packets</code></td><td><p>
 A string value representing a boolean. If it is set to <b>true</b>,
 data is flushed immediately to the client as each AJP packet is received.
 Otherwise, IIS buffers the data and only writes to the client when the buffer
@@ -222,7 +257,7 @@ The default value is false.
 <p>This directive has been added in version 1.2.42</p>
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Using a properties file for 
configuration"><strong>Using a properties file for 
+</div><h3 id="Using_a_properties_file_for_configuration">Using a properties 
file for configuration</h3><div class="text">
 The ISAPI redirector can read it's configuration from a properties file 
instead of the registry. 
 This has the advantage that you can use multiple ISAPI redirectors with 
independent configurations on the same server.
@@ -237,8 +272,7 @@ A sample can b
 The property names and values in the properties file are the same as for the 
registry settings described above. For example:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-# Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI Redirector
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI 
 # The path to the ISAPI Redirector Extension, relative to the website
 # This must be in a virtual directory with execute privileges
@@ -255,7 +289,7 @@ worker_file=c:\tomcat\conf\workers.prope
 # Full path to the file
@@ -270,7 +304,7 @@ worker_mount_file=c:\tomcat\conf\uriwork
 <p>Starting with version 1.2.27 two environment variables are
 automatically added to the environment that can be used inside
-<b class="code">.properties</b> files.
+<code>.properties</code> files.
         <li>JKISAPI_PATH - Full path to the ISAPI Redirector.
@@ -278,11 +312,10 @@ automatically added to the environment t
-<p><div class="example"><pre>
-# Use the logs in the installation path of ISAPI Redirector
+<p><div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Use the logs in the installation path of 
ISAPI Redirector
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Log file rotation"><strong>Log file 
+</div><h3 id="Log_file_rotation">Log file rotation</h3><div class="text">
 The ISAPI redirector with version 1.2.31 can perform log rotation, with 
configuration and behaviour similar to the 
program provided with Apache HTTP Server.
@@ -292,8 +325,7 @@ To configure log rotation, configure a <
 If both are specified, the <b>log_rotationtime</b> will take precedence, and 
<b>log_filesize</b> will be ignored. 
 <br>For example, to configure daily rotation of the log file:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-# Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI Redirector
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI 
 # Full path to the log file for the ISAPI Redirector
@@ -306,12 +338,11 @@ log_level=info
 Or to configure rotation of the log file when it reaches 5MB in size:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-# Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI Redirector
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Configuration file for the Tomcat ISAPI 
 # Full path to the log file for the ISAPI Redirector
@@ -324,15 +355,15 @@ log_level=info
 The log will be rotated whenever the configured limit is reached, but only if 
the log file name would change. If you configure
- a log file name with <b class="code">strftime(3)</b> format codes in it, then 
ensure it specifies the same granularity
+ a log file name with <code>strftime(3)</code> format codes in it, then ensure 
it specifies the same granularity
  as the rotation time configured, e.g. <b>%Y-%m-%d</b> if rotating daily 
 <br>See the <a 
documentation for more examples.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Using a simple rewrite 
rules"><strong>Using a simple rewrite 
+</div><h3 id="Using_a_simple_rewrite_rules">Using a simple rewrite 
rules</h3><div class="text">
 The ISAPI redirector with version 1.2.16 can do a simple URL rewriting. 
Although not
 as powerful as Apache HTTP Server's mod_rewrite, it allows a simple exchange 
of request URIs
@@ -340,23 +371,33 @@ as powerful as Apache HTTP Server's mod_
 The rule is in the form original-url-prefix=forward-url-prefix. For example:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-# Simple rewrite rules, making examples
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Simple rewrite rules, making examples
 # available under shorter URLs
-You can also use regular expressions, if you prefix the rule with a tilde <b 
+You can also use regular expressions, if you prefix the rule with a tilde 
-<div class="example"><pre>
-# Complex rewrite rule, prefixing "/examples/"
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Complex rewrite rule, prefixing "/examples/"
 # to the first path component of all requests
 Note that must use the URLs before rewriting.
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href="common_howto/quick.html">For the impatient</a></li><li><a 
href="common_howto/workers.html">All about workers</a></li><li><a 
 balancers.html">Load Balancing</a></li><li><a 
href="common_howto/proxy.html">Reverse Proxy</a></li></ul></div><div><h2>Web 
Server HowTo</h2><ul><li><a href="webserver_howto/apache.html">Apache HTTP 
Server (mod_jk)</a></li><li><a href="webserver_howto/iis.html">Microsoft IIS 
(ISAPI redirector)</a></li><li><a href="webserver_howto/nes.html">iPlanet Web 
Server (NSAPI redirector)</a></li></ul></div><div><h2>Reference 
href="reference/status.html">Status Worker</a></li><li><a 
href="reference/apache.html">Apache HTTP Server (mod_jk)</a></li><li><a 
href="reference/iis.html">Microsoft IIS (ISAPI 
redirector)</a></li></ul></div><div><h2>AJP Protocol Reference</h2><ul><li><a 
href="ajp/ajpv13a.html">AJPv13 (ajp13)</a></li><li><a 
href="ajp/ajpv13ext.html">AJPv13 Extension 
Proposal</a></li></ul></div><div><h2>Miscellaneous Documentation</h2>
 <ul><li><a href="miscellaneous/faq.html">Frequently asked 
 Tomcat Connectors bugs</a></li><li><a 
href="miscellaneous/doccontrib.html">Contribute documentation</a></li><li><a 
 href="miscellaneous/jkstatustasks.html">JK Status Ant Tasks</a></li><li><a 
href="miscellaneous/reporttools.html">Reporting Tools</a></li><li><a 
JK/JK2 documentation</a></li></ul></div><div><h2>News</h2><ul><li><a 
id="mainRight"><div id="content"><h2>Status Worker Reference</h2><h3 
 ">Introduction</h3><div class="text">
 Tomcat Connectors has a special type of worker, the so-called status worker.
 The status worker does not forward requests to Tomcat instances. Instead it 
@@ -20,10 +50,8 @@ include the status worker in your automa
 The documentation of the status worker starts with <b>jk 1.2.20</b>
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Usage Patterns"><strong>Usage 
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
+</div><h3 id="Usage_Patterns">Usage Patterns</h3><div class="text">
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Usage_Patterns/Actions">Actions</h4><div 
 The status worker knows about the following actions:
@@ -65,10 +93,9 @@ The dump action has been added in versio
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Output Format"><strong>Output 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Usage_Patterns/Output_Format">Output 
Format</h4><div class="text">
 For most actions you can choose between 4 output formats.
@@ -92,10 +119,9 @@ use in It will not p
 The "edit" action does only make sense for the HTML output type.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="User Interface Features"><strong>User Interface 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="User_Interface_Features">User Interface 
Features</h4><div class="text">
 In the HTML view, there is an <b>automatic refresh</b> feature, implemented 
via the meta refresh
 option of HTML. Once you start the automatic refresh, the UI will will respect 
it for all actions
@@ -134,10 +160,9 @@ blocks of information:
 The last three minimisation features have been added in version 1.2.27.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Special Considerations concerning URL Maps and Virtual 
Hosts"><strong>Special Considerations concerning URL Maps and Virtual 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 
Considerations concerning URL Maps and Virtual Hosts</h4><div class="text">
 <b>Note: </b>The following restriction has been removed starting with version 
@@ -149,38 +174,33 @@ for other virtual hosts. Of course you c
 are using. All information presented apart from the URL maps will be the same, 
 of the virtual host the status worker has been called in.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Logging">Logging</h4><div class="text">
 The status worker will log changes made to the configuration with log level 
"info" to the usual
 JK log file. Invalid requests will be logged with log level "warn". If you 
want to report some
 broken behaviour, log file content of level "debug" or even "trace" will be 
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Basic Configuration"><strong>Basic 
+</div><h3 id="Configuration">Configuration</h3><div class="text">
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Basic_Configuration">Basic 
Configuration</h4><div class="text">
 The basic configuration of a status worker is very similar to that of a usual 
ajp worker.
 You need to specify a name for the worker, and the URLs you want to map to it. 
The first
 part of the configuration happens in the file. We define a 
worker named
 mystatus of type status:
-<div class="example"><pre>
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code>worker.list=mystatus
 Then we define a URL, which should be mapped to this worker, i.e. the URL we 
 to reach the functionality of the status worker. You can use any method mod_jk 
 for the web server of your choice. Possibilities are maps inside,
 an additional mount attribute in, or JkMount for the Apache 
HTTP Server.
 Here's an example for a line:
-<div class="example"><pre>
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code>/private/admin/mystatus=mystatus
 The URI pattern is case sensitive.
@@ -192,23 +212,20 @@ You can also define multiple instances o
 For instance you might want to configure them individually
 and then allow special groups of people to use them
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Output Customisation"><strong>Output 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Output_Customisation">Output 
Customisation</h4><div class="text">
 There are a couple of attributes for the entries, which 
allow to customise
 various aspects of the output of the status worker.
 The attribute <b>css</b> can be set to the URL of a stylesheet:
-<div class="example"><pre>
 When writing HTML output, the status worker then includes the line
-<div class="example"><pre>
-&lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
href="/private/admin/static/mystatus.css" /&gt;
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code>&lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
href="/private/admin/static/mystatus.css" /&gt;
 There is no sample stylesheet included with the mod_jk release, and by default 
the attribute css
 is empty, so no stylesheet reference will be included in the pages. The HTML 
 of the status worker output pages does not include any class attributes. If 
you like to contribute a
@@ -231,10 +248,9 @@ is xmlns:jk="";.
 Finally you can specify an XML document type via the attribute doctype. The 
specified string will 
 be inserted at the beginning of the document, directly after the xml header. 
The default is empty.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Securing Access"><strong>Securing 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Securing_Access">Securing Access</h4><div 
 We urge you to use the builtin access control features of your web server to 
 access to the status worker URLs you have chosen. Nevertheless two 
@@ -246,15 +262,14 @@ The default value is <b>false</b>, ie. r
 You could configure two status workers, one has read_only and will be made 
available to a larger
 admin group, the other one will be used fully featured, but only by fewer 
-<div class="example"><pre>
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code>worker.list=jk-watch
 Starting with version 1.2.21, a read/write status worker can also be switched 
 into read-only mode by the user via a link in the HTML GUI. The user can 
always switch it
 back to read/write. Only a status worker configured as read-only via the 
"read_only" attribute
@@ -273,10 +288,9 @@ The user list can be split over multiple
 By default, the user names are matched case sensitively. Starting with version 
1.2.21 you can set
 the attribute <b>user_case_insensitive</b> to <b>true</b>. Then the comparison 
will be made case insensitive.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Service Availability Rating"><strong>Service Availability 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Service_Availability_Rating">Service 
Availability Rating</h4><div class="text">
 For load balancing workers the status worker shows some interesting overview 
 It categorises the members of the load balancer into the classes "good", "bad" 
and degraded".
@@ -339,9 +353,8 @@ The status worker first tries to match a
 it tries to match against "good", and finally it chooses "degraded", if no 
"bad" or "good" match
 can be found.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Request Parameters"><strong>Request 
+</div><h3 id="Request_Parameters">Request Parameters</h3><div class="text">
 This section should help you building automation scripts based on the jk status
 management interface. This interface is stable in the sense, that we only 
@@ -350,8 +363,7 @@ will keep their original semantics. We a
 and Text to be kept stable. So please use those, if you want to parse status 
 output in your automation scripts.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Request_Parameters/Actions">Actions</h4><div 
 The action is determined by the parameter <b>cmd</b>. It can have the values 
"list", "show",
 "edit", "update", "reset", "recover", "version" and "dump". If you omit the 
<b>cmd</b> parameter,
@@ -361,17 +373,15 @@ All actions except for "list", "refresh"
 The action "dump" has been added in version 1.2.27.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Output Format"><strong>Output 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Request_Parameters/Output_Format">Output 
Format</h4><div class="text">
 The format is determined by the parameter <b>mime</b>. It can have the values 
"html", "xml",
 "txt" and "prop". If you omit the <b>mime</b> parameter, the default "html"
 will be used. The action "edit" (the edit form) does only make sense for 
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Worker Selection"><strong>Worker 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Worker_Selection">Worker Selection</h4><div 
 Actions that operate on a single worker need one or two additional parameters 
to select
 this worker. The parameter <b>w</b> contains the name of the worker from the 
worker list.
@@ -379,16 +389,14 @@ If an action operates on a member (sub w
 contains the name of the load balancer worker, and the additional parameter 
<b>sw</b> contains the
 name of the sub worker.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Automatic Refresh"><strong>Automatic 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Automatic_Refresh">Automatic Refresh</h4><div 
 During automatic refresh, the parameter <b>re</b> contain the refresh interval 
in seconds.
 If you omit this parameter, automatic refresh will be off.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Hide Options"><strong>Hide 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Hide_Options">Hide Options</h4><div 
 The parameter <b>opt</b> contains a bit mask of activated options. The default 
is 0, so
 by default no options are activated. The following options exist:
@@ -423,9 +431,8 @@ by default no options are activated. The
 Values 0x0040-0x0100 have been added in version 1.2.27.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Data Parameters for the standard Update Action"><strong>Data Parameters 
for the standard Update Action</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
+<div class="subsection"><h4 
id="Data_Parameters_for_the_standard_Update_Action">Data Parameters for the 
standard Update Action</h4><div class="text">
 You can use the edit action with a final click to the update button, to change 
settings of workers.
 But you can also make direct calls to the update action. The following request 
@@ -524,9 +531,8 @@ Changing settings for ajp workers has al
 For the details of all parameters, we refer to the <a 
href="workers.html"> Reference</a>.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Aspect Editing for Load Balancer Members"><strong>Aspect Editing for Load 
Balancer Members</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
+<div class="subsection"><h4 
id="Aspect_Editing_for_Load_Balancer_Members">Aspect Editing for Load Balancer 
Members</h4><div class="text">
 You can use the edit action to edit all settings for a load balancer or for a
 member of a load balancer respectively on one page. If you want to edit one
@@ -543,7 +549,19 @@ parameter name.
 The values of the common aspect for all the load balancer members will be given
 in parameters named "val0", "val1", ....
-</blockquote></td></tr></table></td></tr><!--FOOTER SEPARATOR--><tr><td 
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JK/JK2 documentation</a></li></ul></div><div><h2>News</h2><ul><li><a 
id="mainRight"><div id="content"><h2> 
configuration</h2><h3 id
 ="Introduction">Introduction</h3><div class="text">
 The forwarding of requests from the web server to tomcat gets configured by 
defining mapping rules.
 Such a rule maps requests to workers. The request part of the map is described 
by a URI pattern,
@@ -46,109 +76,95 @@ Integration with the status worker.
 The following sections describe these aspects in more detail.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Line format"><strong>Line 
+</div><h3 id="Syntax">Syntax</h3><div class="text">
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Line_format">Line format</h4><div class="text">
 The file has a line based format. There are no continuation characters,
 so each rule needs to be defined on a single line. Each rule is a pair 
 of a URI pattern and a worker name, combined by an equals sign '=':
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  /myapp=myworker
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code>/myapp=myworker
 The URI pattern is case sensitive.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Comments, white space"><strong>Comments, white 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Comments,_white_space">Comments, white 
space</h4><div class="text">
 All text after and including the character '#' gets ignored and can be used 
for comments.
 Leading and trailing white space gets trimmed around the URI pattern and also 
around the worker name.
 The following definitions are all equivalent:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # This is a white space example
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># This is a white space example
-     /myapp=myworker
-  /myapp  =  myworker
+/myapp  =  myworker
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="URI patterns"><strong>URI 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="URI_patterns">URI patterns</h4><div 
 Inside the URI pattern three special characters can be used, '*', '?' and '|'.
 The character '*' is a wildchar that matches any number of arbitrary characters
 in the URI, '?' matches exactly one character.
 Each URI pattern has to start with the character '/', or with '*' or with '?',
 optionally prefixed by any combination of the modifiers '!' and '-' (see next 
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Mapping the URI /myapp1 and everything under /myapp1/:
-  /myapp1=myworker-a
-  /myapp1/*=myworker-a
-  # Mapping all URI which end with a common suffix:
-  *.jsp=myworker
-  *.do=myworker
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Mapping the URI /myapp1 and everything under 
+# Mapping all URI which end with a common suffix:
 Since the first case of mapping a certain location and everything inside
 it is very common, the character '|' gives a handy shortcut:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Mapping the URI /myapp1 and everything under /myapp1/:
-  /myapp1|/*=myworker-a
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Mapping the URI /myapp1 and everything under 
 The pattern 'X|Y' is exactly equivalent to the two maps 'X' and 'XY'.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Exclusion, Disabling and 
Priorities"><strong>Exclusion, Disabling and 
+</div><h3 id="Exclusion,_Disabling_and_Priorities">Exclusion, Disabling and 
Priorities</h3><div class="text">
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Exclusions and rule disabling"><strong>Exclusions and rule 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Exclusions_and_rule_disabling">Exclusions and 
rule disabling</h4><div class="text">
 Exclusion rules allows to define exclusions from URI rules, which would forward
 requests to tomcat. If the exclusion rule matches, the request will not be 
 This is usually used to serve static content by the web server.
 A rule is an exclusion rule, if it is suffixed with '!':
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Mapping the URI /myapp and everything under /myapp/:
-  /myapp|/*=myworker
-  # Exclude the subdirectory static:
-  !/myapp/static|/*=myworker
-  # Exclude some suffixes:
-  !*.html=myworker
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Mapping the URI /myapp and everything under 
+# Exclude the subdirectory static:
+# Exclude some suffixes:
 An exclusion rule overrides a normal mapping rule only, if the worker names in 
 normal rule and in the exclusion rule are the same. Starting with version 
1.2.26 of JK
 you can apply an exclusion rule to any worker, by using the star character '*' 
 the worker name in the exclusion rule.
 More complex patterns in exclusion worker names are not allowed.
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Mapping the webapps /myapp1 and /myapp2:
-  /myapp1|/*=myworker1
-  /myapp2|/*=myworker2
-  # Exclude the all subdirectories static for all workers:
-  !/*/static|/*=*
-  # Exclude some suffixes for all workers:
-  !*.html=*
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Mapping the webapps /myapp1 and /myapp2:
+# Exclude the all subdirectories static for all workers:
+# Exclude some suffixes for all workers:
 Rule disabling comes into play, if your web server merges rules from various 
 and you want to disable any rule defined previously. Since the uriworkermap 
file gets
 reloaded dynamically, you can use this to temporarily disable request 
 A rule gets disabled, if it is suffixed with '-':
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # We are not in maintenance.
-  # The maintenance rule got defined somewhere else.
-  -/*=maintenance
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># We are not in maintenance.
+# The maintenance rule got defined somewhere else.
 Exclusion rules can get disabled as well, then the rule starts with '-!'.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Mapping priorities"><strong>Mapping 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Mapping_priorities">Mapping 
priorities</h4><div class="text">
 The most restrictive URI pattern is applied first. More precisely the URI 
patterns are
 sorted by the number of '/' characters in the pattern (highest number first), 
@@ -168,56 +184,49 @@ There is no defined behaviour, for the f
 using literally the same URI pattern in the same defining source but with
 different worker targets.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Rule extensions"><strong>Rule 
+</div><h3 id="Rule_extensions">Rule extensions</h3><div class="text">
 Rule extensions were added in version 1.2.27 and are not available in earlier 
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Rule_extensions/Syntax">Syntax</h4><div 
 Rule extensions are additional attributes, that can be attached to any rule.
 They are added at the end of the rule, each extension separated by a semicolon:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # This is an extension example,
-  # setting a reply_timeout of 1 minute
-  # only for this mapping.
-  /myapp=myworker;reply_timeout=60000
-  #
-  # This is an example using multiple extensions
-  /myapp=myloadbalancer;reply_timeout=60000;stopped=member1
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># This is an extension example,
+# setting a reply_timeout of 1 minute
+# only for this mapping.
+# This is an example using multiple extensions
 Attributes set via rule extensions always overwrite conflicting
 configurations in the worker definition file.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Extension reply_timeout"><strong>Extension 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Extension_reply_timeout">Extension 
reply_timeout</h4><div class="text">
-The extension <b class="code">reply_timeout</b> sets a reply timeout for a 
single mapping rule.
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Setting a reply_timeout of 1 minute
-  # only for this mapping.
-  /myapp=myworker;reply_timeout=60000
-It overrides any <b class="code">reply_timeout</b> defined for the worker. The 
extension allows
+The extension <code>reply_timeout</code> sets a reply timeout for a single 
mapping rule.
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Setting a reply_timeout of 1 minute
+# only for this mapping.
+It overrides any <code>reply_timeout</code> defined for the worker. The 
extension allows
 to set a reasonable default reply timeout to the worker, and a more relaxed
 reply timeout to URLs, which are known to start time intensive tasks.
 For a general description of reply timeouts see the
-<a href="../../common_howto/timeouts.html#Reply Timeout">timeouts</a> 
+<a href="../common_howto/timeouts.html#Reply Timeout">timeouts</a> 
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Extension sticky_ignore"><strong>Extension 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Extension_sticky_ignore">Extension 
sticky_ignore</h4><div class="text">
-The extension <b class="code">sticky_ignore</b> will disable session 
stickyness for a single
+The extension <code>sticky_ignore</code> will disable session stickyness for a 
 mapping rule.
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Disable session stickyness
-  # only for this mapping.
-  /myapp/loginform.jsp=myworker;sticky_ignore=1
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Disable session stickyness
+# only for this mapping.
 This extension can be useful to optimize load balancing when using
 cookie based session stickyness. In this case, as long as she keeps
 her browser open, any request by a user who started a session will
@@ -229,128 +238,113 @@ to ensure, that this initial session req
 This extension is available since version 1.2.33.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Extension stateless"><strong>Extension 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Extension_stateless">Extension 
stateless</h4><div class="text">
-The extension <b class="code">stateless</b> is only useful when using session 
+The extension <code>stateless</code> is only useful when using session based
 load balancing. In this case normally any request which does not come with
 a session id counts as a new session. If you mark a mapping rule with
-the <b class="code">stateless</b> extension, then the requests matching the 
+the <code>stateless</code> extension, then the requests matching the mapping
 rule will not count as a new session, even if they do not come with a session
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Don't let static content trash our session balancing
-  /myapp/static/*=myworker;stateless=1
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Don't let static content trash our session 
 This extension is available since version 1.2.33.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Extensions active/disabled/stopped"><strong>Extensions 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Extensions_active/disabled/stopped">Extensions 
active/disabled/stopped</h4><div class="text">
-The extensions <b class="code">active</b>, <b class="code">disabled</b>, and 
<b class="code">stopped</b>
+The extensions <code>active</code>, <code>disabled</code>, and 
 can be used in a load balancer mapping rule to set selected members
 of the load balancer into a special activation state.
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Stop forwarding only for member1 of loadbalancer
-  /myapp=myloadbalancer;stopped=member1
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Stop forwarding only for member1 of 
 Multiple members must be separated by commas or white space:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Stop forwarding for member01 and member02 of loadbalancer
-  # Disable forwarding for member21 and member22 of loadbalancer
-  /myapp=myloadbalancer;stopped=member01,member02;disabled=member21,member22
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Stop forwarding for member01 and member02 of 
+# Disable forwarding for member21 and member22 of loadbalancer
 For the precise meaning of the activation states see the description of
-<a href="../../reference/workers.html#Advanced Worker 
+<a href="../reference/workers.html#Advanced Worker Directives">activation</a>.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Extension fail_on_status"><strong>Extension 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Extension_fail_on_status">Extension 
fail_on_status</h4><div class="text">
-The extension <b class="code">fail_on_status</b> can be used in any rule:
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Send 503 instead of 404 and 500,
-  # and if we get a 503 also set the worker to error
-  /myapp=myworker;fail_on_status=-404,-500,503
+The extension <code>fail_on_status</code> can be used in any rule:
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Send 503 instead of 404 and 500,
+# and if we get a 503 also set the worker to error
 Multiple status codes must be separated by commas.
 For the precise meaning of the attribute see the description of
-<a href="../../reference/workers.html#Advanced Worker 
+<a href="../reference/workers.html#Advanced Worker 
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Extension use_server_errors"><strong>Extension 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="Extension_use_server_errors">Extension 
use_server_errors</h4><div class="text">
-The extension <b class="code">use_server_errors</b> allows to let the web 
+The extension <code>use_server_errors</code> allows to let the web server
 send an error page, instead of the backend (e.g. Tomcat) error page.
 This is useful, if one wants to send customized error pages, but those are
 not part of all web applications. They can then be put onto the web server.
-The value of <b class="code">use_server_errors</b> is a positive number.
+The value of <code>use_server_errors</code> is a positive number.
 Any request send to the backend, that returns with an http status
-code bigger or equal to <b class="code">use_server_errors</b>, will
+code bigger or equal to <code>use_server_errors</code>, will
 be answered to the client with the error page of the web server
 for this status code.
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Use web server error page for all errors
-  /myapp=myworker;use_server_errors=400
-  # Use web server error page only for technical errors
-  /myotherapp=myworker;use_server_errors=500
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Use web server error page for all errors
+# Use web server error page only for technical errors
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="Extensions controlling load balancer stickyness"><strong>Extensions 
controlling load balancer 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 
id="Extensions_controlling_load_balancer_stickyness">Extensions controlling 
load balancer stickyness</h4><div class="text">
 The extensions
-<li><b class="code">session_cookie</b></li>
-<li><b class="code">session_path</b></li>
-<li><b class="code">set_session_cookie</b></li>
-<li><b class="code">session_cookie_path</b></li>
 allow to define the load balancer worker attributes of the same name
 per mount. See their descriptions in the
-<a href="../../reference/workers.html"> configuration 
+<a href="../reference/workers.html"> configuration 
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Virtual host 
integration"><strong>Virtual host 
+</div><h3 id="Virtual_host_integration">Virtual host integration</h3><div 
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="ISAPI redirector for Microsoft IIS"><strong>ISAPI redirector for 
Microsoft IIS</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="ISAPI_redirector_for_Microsoft_IIS">ISAPI 
redirector for Microsoft IIS</h4><div class="text">
 When using the ISAPI redirector for Microsoft IIS you can restrict
 individual rules to special virtual hosts
 by prefixing the URI pattern with the virtual host information.
 The rules is that the url must be prefixed with the host name.
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Use as virtual host
-  /*=myworker
-  # Use as virtual host
-  /*=myworker
-  # Normal mapping
-  /mysecondapp/*=myworker
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Use as virtual host
+# Use as virtual host
+# Normal mapping
 Note that /mysecondapp/* will be mapped to all virtual hosts present.
 In  case one needs to prevent the mappings to some particular virtual host then
 the exclusion rule must be used
-<div class="example"><pre>
-  # Make sure the myapp is accessible by all virtual hosts
-  /myapp/*=myworker
-  # Disable mapping myapp for virtual host
-  !/*=myworker
+<div class="codeBox"><pre><code># Make sure the myapp is accessible by all 
virtual hosts
+# Disable mapping myapp for virtual host
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td 
bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a 
name="mod_jk for Apache HTTP Server"><strong>mod_jk for Apache HTTP 
+<div class="subsection"><h4 id="mod_jk_for_Apache_HTTP_Server">mod_jk for 
Apache HTTP Server</h4><div class="text">
 For the Apache HTTP Server you can define individual uriworkermap files per 
virtual host.
 The directive JkMountFile can be used in the main server and in each virtual 
@@ -358,9 +352,8 @@ If a virtual host does not use JkMountfi
 then it inherits the JkMountFile from the main server. If you want all vhost 
to inherit
 mounts from the main server, you can set JkMountCopy to 'All' in the main 
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Dynamic reloading"><strong>Dynamic 
+</div><h3 id="Dynamic_reloading">Dynamic reloading</h3><div class="text">
 When a request is being processed, tomcat connectors check the file 
modification time
 of the uriworkermap file. To keep the performance penalty low, this happens 
@@ -383,8 +376,7 @@ the full contents of the uriworkermap fi
 were, that duplicated got eliminated and old rules could be disabled, by 
defining the
 rule as disabled in the new file. Rules never got deleted.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" 
cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" 
face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Status worker 
integration"><strong>Status worker 
+</div><h3 id="Status_worker_integration">Status worker integration</h3><div 
 The configuration view of the status worker also shows the various mapping 
 After each worker's configuration, the rules are listed, that forward to this 
@@ -426,6 +418,18 @@ and the source of the rule definition: '
-</blockquote></td></tr></table></td></tr><!--FOOTER SEPARATOR--><tr><td 
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colspan="2"><div align="center"><font color="#525D76" size="-1"><em>
-        Copyright &copy; 1999-2018, Apache Software Foundation
-        </em></font></div></td></tr></table></body></html>
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