
You are invited!

As part of the EU-FOSSA 2 project[1], there will be a Tomcat Hackathon in Brussels, Belgium on 4-5 May 2019.[2]

The outline of the schedule is:
- general update on the status of the project
- hacking
- wrap-up
with the majority of the time spent hacking.

We are currently collating potential tasks on the wiki [3].

The EU-FOSSA 2 project is providing accommodation (on the basis of 2 people sharing - you can request a single room if you want to pay the difference) and might be able to help with transport costs.

Space is limited so we are asking anyone who would like to attend this hackathon and contribute to the development of Tomcat to send an e-mail to with the following information:

- First name
- Last name
- Email address
- Phone number
- City of departure
- Area you would like to work on
  (Feel free to add ideas directly to the wiki as well)

Time is fairly tight so if you are interested please let us know ASAP.

We hope to see you in Brussels

on behalf of the Apache Tomcat PMC


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