Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/jasper/resources/
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/jasper/resources/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/jasper/resources/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -13,147 +13,315 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-# Default localized string information
-# Localized this the Default Locale as is en_US
+jasper.error.emptybodycontent.nonempty=According to TLD, tag [{0}] must be 
empty, but is not JSP 2.3 Engine
+jsp.error.action.isnottagfile=[{0}] action can be used in tag files only
+jsp.error.action.istagfile=[{0}] action cannot be used in a tag file
+jsp.error.attempt_to_clear_flushed_buffer=Error: Attempt to clear a buffer 
that's already been flushed
+jsp.error.attr.quoted=Attribute value should be quoted
+jsp.error.attribute.custom.non_rt_with_expr=According to TLD or attribute 
directive in tag file, attribute [{0}] does not accept any expressions
+jsp.error.attribute.deferredmix=Cannot use both ${} and #{} EL expressions in 
the same attribute value
+jsp.error.attribute.duplicate=Attribute qualified names must be unique within 
an element
+jsp.error.attribute.invalidPrefix=The attribute prefix [{0}] does not 
correspond to any imported tag library
+jsp.error.attribute.noequal=equal symbol expected
+jsp.error.attribute.noescape=Attribute value [{0}] is quoted with [{1}] which 
must be escaped when used within the value
+jsp.error.attribute.noquote=quote symbol expected
+jsp.error.attribute.nowhitespace=The JSP specification requires that an 
attribute name is preceded by whitespace
+jsp.error.attribute.null_name=Null attribute name
+jsp.error.attribute.standard.non_rt_with_expr=The [{0}] attribute of the [{1}] 
standard action does not accept any expressions
+jsp.error.attribute.unterminated=attribute value for [{0}] is not properly 
+jsp.error.attributes.not.allowed=[{0}] must not have any attributes
+jsp.error.bad.scratch.dir=The scratchDir you specified: [{0}] is unusable.
+jsp.error.badStandardAction=Invalid standard action
+jsp.error.bad_attribute=Attribute [{0}] invalid for tag [{1}] according to TLD
+jsp.error.bad_tag=No tag [{0}] defined in tag library imported with prefix 
+jsp.error.beans.nomethod=Cannot find a method to read property [{0}] in a bean 
of type [{1}]
+jsp.error.beans.nomethod.setproperty=Cannot find a method to write property 
[{0}] of type [{1}] in a bean of type [{2}]
+jsp.error.beans.noproperty=Cannot find any information on property [{0}] in a 
bean of type [{1}]
+jsp.error.beans.nullbean=Attempted a bean operation on a null object. to convert string [{0}] to class 
[{1}] for attribute [{2}]: [{3}]
+jsp.error.beans.propertyeditor.notregistered=Property Editor not registered 
with the PropertyEditorManager
+jsp.error.beans.setproperty.noindexset=Cannot set indexed property
+jsp.error.bug48498=Unable to display JSP extract. Probably due to an XML 
parser bug (see Tomcat bug 48498 for details).
+jsp.error.classname=Cannot determine classname from .class file
+jsp.error.coerce_to_type=Cannot coerce value [{2}] to type [{1}] for attribute 
+jsp.error.compilation=Error compiling file: [{0}] [{1}]
 jsp.error.compiler=No Java compiler available
 jsp.error.compiler.config=No Java compiler available for configuration options 
compilerClassName: [{0}] and compiler: [{1}] JSP engine is not configured with a scratch dir.\
-\n Please add "jsp.initparams=scratchdir=<dir-name>" \
-\n in the file for this context.
-jsp.error.bad.scratch.dir=The scratchDir you specified: [{0}] is unusable. dir for the JSP engine is: [{0}]
-jsp.message.parent_class_loader_is=Parent class loader is: [{0}]
-jsp.message.dont.modify.servlets=IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated 
-jsp.error.unavailable=JSP has been marked unavailable
-jsp.error.usebean.duplicate=useBean: Duplicate bean name: [{0}]
+jsp.error.config_pagedir_encoding_mismatch=Page-encoding specified in 
jsp-property-group [{0}] is different from that specified in page directive 
+jsp.error.corresponding.servlet=Generated servlet error:\n
+jsp.error.could.not.add.taglibraries=Could not add one or more tag libraries. processing file [{0}] reading file [{0}] while writing data file
+jsp.error.deferredmethodandvalue='deferredValue' and 'deferredMethod' cannot 
be both 'true'
+jsp.error.deferredmethodsignaturewithoutdeferredmethod=Cannot specify a method 
signature if 'deferredMethod' is not 'true'
+jsp.error.deferredvaluetypewithoutdeferredvalue=Cannot specify a value type if 
'deferredValue' is not 'true'
+jsp.error.directive.isnottagfile=[{0}] directive can only be used in a tag file
+jsp.error.directive.istagfile=[{0}] directive cannot be used in a tag file attribute [{0}] specified in the 
standard or custom action also appears as the value of the name attribute in 
the enclosed jsp:attribute
+jsp.error.duplicateqname=An attribute with duplicate qualified name [{0}] was 
found. Attribute qualified names must be unique within an element.
+jsp.error.dynamic.attributes.not.implemented=The [{0}] tag declares that it 
accepts dynamic attributes but does not implement the required interface
+jsp.error.el.parse=[{0}] : [{1}]
+jsp.error.el.template.deferred=#{...} is not allowed in template text
+jsp.error.el_interpreter_class.instantiation=Failed to load or instantiate 
ELInterpreter class [{0}]
+jsp.error.fallback.invalidUse=jsp:fallback must be a direct child of jsp:plugin
+jsp.error.file.already.registered=Recursive include of file [{0}] read file: [{0}]
+jsp.error.file.not.found=File [{0}] not found
+jsp.error.file.not.registered=file [{0}] not seen in include
+jsp.error.flush=Exception occurred when flushing data
+jsp.error.fragmentwithtype=Cannot specify both 'fragment' and 'type' 
attributes.  If 'fragment' is present, 'type' is fixed as 
+jsp.error.function.classnotfound=The class [{0}] specified in TLD for the 
function [{1}] cannot be found: [{2}]
+jsp.error.include.exception=Unable to include [{0}]
+jsp.error.include.tag=Invalid jsp:include tag
+jsp.error.internal.filenotfound=Internal Error: File [{0}] not found
+jsp.error.internal.tldinit=Unable to initialize TldLocationsCache: [{0}]
+jsp.error.invalid.attribute=[{0}] has invalid attribute: [{1}]
+jsp.error.invalid.bean=The value for the useBean class attribute [{0}] is 
+jsp.error.invalid.directive=Invalid directive
+jsp.error.invalid.expression=[{0}] contains invalid expression(s): [{1}]
+jsp.error.invalid.implicit=Invalid implicit TLD for tag file at [{0}]
+jsp.error.invalid.implicit.version=Invalid JSP version defined in implicit TLD 
for tag file at [{0}]
 jsp.error.invalid.scope=Illegal value of ''scope'' attribute: [{0}] (must be 
one of "page", "request", "session", or "application")
-jsp.error.classname=Cannot determine classname from .class file
+jsp.error.invalid.tagdir=Tag file directory [{0}] does not start with 
+jsp.error.invalid.version=Invalid JSP version defined for tag file at [{0}]
+jsp.error.ise_on_clear=Illegal to clear() when buffer size == 0 error occurred at line: [{0}] in the generated 
java file: [{1}]
+jsp.error.javac=Javac exception
+jsp.error.jspbody.emptybody.only=The [{0}] tag can only have jsp:attribute in 
its body.
+jsp.error.jspbody.invalidUse=jsp:body must be the subelement of a standard or 
custom action
+jsp.error.jspbody.required=Must use jsp:body to specify tag body for [{0}] if 
jsp:attribute is used.
+jsp.error.jspc.missingTarget=Missing target: Must specify -webapp or -uriroot, 
or one or more JSP pages
+jsp.error.jspc.no_uriroot=The uriroot is not specified and cannot be located 
with the specified JSP file(s)
+jsp.error.jspc.uriroot_not_dir=The -uriroot option must specify a pre-existing 
directory XML-style 'name' attribute missing
+jsp.error.jspoutput.conflict=&lt;jsp:output&gt;: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of [{0}] with different values (old: [{1}], new: [{2}])
'doctype-root-element' and 'doctype-system' attributes must appear together
+jsp.error.jspoutput.doctypepublicsystem=&lt;jsp:output&gt;: 'doctype-system' 
attribute must appear if 'doctype-public' attribute appears
+jsp.error.jspoutput.invalidUse=&lt;jsp:output&gt; must not be used in standard 
+jsp.error.jspoutput.nonemptybody=&lt;jsp:output&gt; must not have a body
+jsp.error.jsproot.version.invalid=Invalid version number: [{0}], must be 
"1.2", "2.0", "2.1", "2.2" or "2.3"
+jsp.error.jsptext.badcontent='&lt;', when appears in the body of 
&lt;jsp:text&gt;, must be encapsulated within a CDATA
+jsp.error.lastModified=Unable to determine last modified date for file [{0}]
+jsp.error.library.invalid=JSP page is invalid according to library [{0}]: [{1}]
+jsp.error.literal_with_void=A literal value was specified for attribute [{0}] 
that is defined as a deferred method with a return type of void. JSP.2.3.4 does 
not permit literal values in this case
+jsp.error.loadclass.taghandler=Unable to load tag handler class [{0}] for tag 
+jsp.error.location=line: [{0}], column: [{1}]
+jsp.error.mandatory.attribute=[{0}]: Mandatory attribute [{1}] missing
+jsp.error.missing.tagInfo=TagInfo object for [{0}] is missing from TLD
+jsp.error.missing_attribute=According to the TLD or the tag file, attribute 
[{0}] is mandatory for tag [{1}]
+jsp.error.missing_var_or_varReader=Missing 'var' or 'varReader' attribute
+jsp.error.multiple.jsp=Cannot have multiple specifications of
+jsp.error.namedAttribute.invalidUse=jsp:attribute must be the subelement of a 
standard or custom action
+jsp.error.needAlternateJavaEncoding=Default java encoding [{0}] is invalid on 
your java platform. An alternate can be specified via the ''javaEncoding'' 
parameter of JspServlet.
+jsp.error.nested.jspattribute=A jsp:attribute standard action cannot be nested 
within another jsp:attribute standard action
+jsp.error.nested.jspbody=A jsp:body standard action cannot be nested within 
another jsp:body or jsp:attribute standard action
+jsp.error.nested_jsproot=Nested &lt;jsp:root&gt; of content reached while more parsing required: 
tag nesting error? JSP engine is not configured with a scratch 
+\ Please add "jsp.initparams=scratchdir=<dir-name>" \n\
+\ in the file for this context. elements ( &lt;%!, &lt;jsp:declaration, 
&lt;%=, &lt;jsp:expression, &lt;%, &lt;jsp:scriptlet ) are disallowed here.
+jsp.error.noFunction=The function [{0}] cannot be located with the specified 
+jsp.error.noFunctionMethod=Method [{0}] for function [{1}] not found in class 
+jsp.error.non_null_tei_and_var_subelems=Tag [{0}] has one or more variable 
subelements and a TagExtraInfo class that returns one or more VariableInfo[{0}] not allowed in a template text body.
 jsp.error.outputfolder=No output folder while writing data file
+jsp.error.overflow=Error: JSP Buffer overflow directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''autoFlush'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''buffer'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''contentType'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal 
to have multiple occurrences of ''deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral'' with 
different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''errorPage'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''extends'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''info'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''isELIgnored'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''isErrorPage'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''isThreadSafe'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''language'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''session'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: invalid value for session directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''buffer'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to 
have multiple occurrences of ''trimDirectiveWhitespaces'' with different values 
(old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: invalid value for buffer directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''autoFlush'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: invalid 
value for deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral directive: invalid value for import directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''isThreadSafe'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: invalid value for 
isThreadSafe directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''info'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: invalid value for info directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''isErrorPage'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: invalid value for 
isELIgnored directive: invalid value for 
isErrorPage directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''errorPage'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''language'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}])
-jsp.error.tag.conflict.language=Tag directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''language'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: invalid value for 
isThreadSafe directive: invalid value for session directive: invalid value 
for trimDirectiveWhitespaces directive: invalid language attribute
-jsp.error.tag.language.nonjava=Tag directive: invalid language attribute directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''extends'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''isELIgnored'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}])
-jsp.error.tag.conflict.iselignored=Tag directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''isELIgnored'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}]) directive: invalid value for 
-jsp.error.tag.invalid.iselignored=Tag directive: invalid value for isELIgnored directive must not have multiple 
occurrences of pageencoding
-jsp.error.tag.conflict.attr=Tag directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of the attribute [{0}] with different values (old: [{1}], new: 
-jsp.error.tag.multi.pageencoding=Tag directive must not have multiple 
occurrences of pageencoding
-jsp.error.include.exception=Unable to include [{0}] to close stream closed
-jsp.error.invalid.directive=Invalid directive
-jsp.error.invalid.implicit=Invalid implicit TLD for tag file at [{0}]
-jsp.error.invalid.implicit.version=Invalid JSP version defined in implicit TLD 
for tag file at [{0}]
-jsp.error.invalid.version=Invalid JSP version defined for tag file at [{0}]
-jsp.error.directive.istagfile=[{0}] directive cannot be used in a tag file
-jsp.error.directive.isnottagfile=[{0}] directive can only be used in a tag file
-jsp.error.action.istagfile=[{0}] action cannot be used in a tag file
-jsp.error.action.isnottagfile=[{0}] action can be used in tag files only
-jsp.error.unterminated=Unterminated [{0}] tag
-jsp.error.loadclass.taghandler=Unable to load tag handler class [{0}] for tag 
-jsp.error.unable.compile=Unable to compile class for JSP
-jsp.error.unable.load=Unable to load class for JSP
-jsp.error.mandatory.attribute=[{0}]: Mandatory attribute [{1}] missing
-jsp.error.flush=Exception occurred when flushing data JSP 2.3 Engine
-jsp.error.invalid.expression=[{0}] contains invalid expression(s): [{1}]
-jsp.error.invalid.attribute=[{0}] has invalid attribute: [{1}] read file: [{0}]
-jsp.error.file.already.registered=Recursive include of file [{0}]
-jsp.error.file.not.registered=file [{0}] not seen in include
-jsp.error.quotes.unterminated=Unterminated quotes
-jsp.error.attr.quoted=Attribute value should be quoted
-jsp.error.beans.nullbean=Attempted a bean operation on a null object.
-jsp.error.beans.nomethod=Cannot find a method to read property [{0}] in a bean 
of type [{1}]
-jsp.error.beans.nomethod.setproperty=Cannot find a method to write property 
[{0}] of type [{1}] in a bean of type [{2}]
-jsp.error.beans.noproperty=Cannot find any information on property [{0}] in a 
bean of type [{1}] to convert string [{0}] to class 
[{1}] for attribute [{2}]: [{3}]
-jsp.error.beans.propertyeditor.notregistered=Property Editor not registered 
with the PropertyEditorManager
-jsp.error.beans.setproperty.noindexset=Cannot set indexed property
-jsp.error.include.tag=Invalid jsp:include tag
-jsp.error.attempt_to_clear_flushed_buffer=Error: Attempt to clear a buffer 
that's already been flushed
-jsp.error.overflow=Error: JSP Buffer overflow
-jsp.error.paramexpected=Expecting "jsp:param" standard action with "name" and 
"value" attributes access session scope in page that does not 
participate in any session
 jsp.error.param.invalidUse=The jsp:param action must not be used outside the 
jsp:include, jsp:forward, or jsp:params elements
-jsp.error.params.invalidUse=jsp:params must be a direct child of jsp:plugin
-jsp.error.fallback.invalidUse=jsp:fallback must be a direct child of jsp:plugin
-jsp.error.namedAttribute.invalidUse=jsp:attribute must be the subelement of a 
standard or custom action
-jsp.error.jspbody.invalidUse=jsp:body must be the subelement of a standard or 
custom action
+jsp.error.paramexpected=Expecting "jsp:param" standard action with "name" and 
"value" attributes
 jsp.error.params.emptyBody=jsp:params must contain at least one nested 
-jsp.error.plugin.notype=type not declared in jsp:plugin
+jsp.error.params.invalidUse=jsp:params must be a direct child of jsp:plugin Error in the tag library descriptor: [{0}]
+jsp.error.parse.xml=XML parsing error on file [{0}]
+jsp.error.parse.xml.invalidPublicId=Invalid PUBLIC ID: [{0}]
+jsp.error.parse.xml.line=XML parsing error on file [{0}]: (line [{1}], col 
+jsp.error.parse.xml.scripting.invalid.body=Body of [{0}] element must not 
contain any XML elements
 jsp.error.plugin.badtype=Illegal value for 'type' attribute in jsp:plugin: 
must be 'bean' or 'applet'
 jsp.error.plugin.nocode=code not declared in jsp:plugin
-jsp.error.ise_on_clear=Illegal to clear() when buffer size == 0
-jsp.error.javac=Javac exception
-jsp.error.compilation=Error compiling file: [{0}] [{1}]
+jsp.error.plugin.notype=type not declared in jsp:plugin
+jsp.error.plugin.wrongRootElement=Name of root element in [{0}] different from 
+jsp.error.prefix.refined=Attempt to redefine the prefix [{0}] to [{1}], when 
it was already defined as [{2}] in the current scope.
+jsp.error.prefix.use_before_dcl=The prefix [{0}] specified in this tag 
directive has been previously used by an action in file [{1}] line [{2}].
+jsp.error.prolog_config_encoding_mismatch=Page-encoding specified in XML 
prolog [{0}] is different from that specified in jsp-property-group [{1}]
+jsp.error.prolog_pagedir_encoding_mismatch=Page-encoding specified in XML 
prolog [{0}] is different from that specified in page directive [{1}]
+jsp.error.quotes.unterminated=Unterminated quotes
+jsp.error.scripting.variable.missing_name=Unable to determine scripting 
variable name from attribute [{0}]
+jsp.error.servlet.destroy.failed=Exception during Servlet.destroy() for JSP 
+jsp.error.servlet.invalid.method=JSPs only permit GET, POST or HEAD. Jasper 
also permits OPTIONS
+jsp.error.setLastModified=Unable to set last modified date for file [{0}]
+jsp.error.signature.classnotfound=The class [{0}] specified in the method 
signature in TLD for the function [{1}] cannot be found. [{2}]
+jsp.error.simpletag.badbodycontent=The TLD for the class [{0}] specifies an 
invalid body-content (JSP) for a SimpleTag.
+jsp.error.single.line.number=An error occurred at line: [{0}] in the jsp file: 
[{1}] to close stream closed
+jsp.error.tag.conflict.attr=Tag directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of the attribute [{0}] with different values (old: [{1}], new: 
+jsp.error.tag.conflict.deferredsyntaxallowedasliteral=Tag directive: illegal 
to have multiple occurrences of ''deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral'' with 
different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}])
+jsp.error.tag.conflict.iselignored=Tag directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''isELIgnored'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}])
+jsp.error.tag.conflict.language=Tag directive: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of ''language'' with different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}])
+jsp.error.tag.conflict.trimdirectivewhitespaces=Tag directive: illegal to have 
multiple occurrences of ''trimDirectiveWhitespaces'' with different values 
(old: [{0}], new: [{1}])
+jsp.error.tag.invalid.deferredsyntaxallowedasliteral=Tag directive: invalid 
value for deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral
+jsp.error.tag.invalid.iselignored=Tag directive: invalid value for isELIgnored
+jsp.error.tag.invalid.trimdirectivewhitespaces=Tag directive: invalid value 
for trimDirectiveWhitespaces
+jsp.error.tag.language.nonjava=Tag directive: invalid language attribute
+jsp.error.tag.multi.pageencoding=Tag directive must not have multiple 
occurrences of pageencoding
+jsp.error.tagdirective.badbodycontent=Invalid body-content [{0}] in tag 
+jsp.error.tagfile.badSuffix=Missing ".tag" suffix in tag file path [{0}]
+jsp.error.tagfile.illegalPath=Illegal tag file path: [{0}], must start with 
"/WEB-INF/tags" or "/META-INF/tags"
+jsp.error.tagfile.missingPath=Path not specified to tag file
+jsp.error.tagfile.nameFrom.badAttribute=The attribute directive (declared in 
line [{1}] and whose name attribute is [{0}], the value of this 
name-from-attribute attribute) must be of type java.lang.String, is "required" 
and not a "rtexprvalue".
+jsp.error.tagfile.nameFrom.noAttribute=Cannot find an attribute directive with 
a name attribute with a value [{0}], the value of this name-from-attribute 
+jsp.error.tagfile.nameNotUnique=The value of [{0}] and the value of [{1}] in 
line [{2}] are the same.
+jsp.error.taglibDirective.absUriCannotBeResolved=The absolute uri: [{0}] 
cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this 
+jsp.error.taglibDirective.both_uri_and_tagdir=Both 'uri' and 'tagdir' 
attributes specified
+jsp.error.taglibDirective.missing.location=Neither 'uri' nor 'tagdir' 
attribute specified
+jsp.error.taglibDirective.uriInvalid=The URI provided for a tag library [{0}] 
is not a valid URI
+jsp.error.tei.invalid.attributes=Validation error messages from TagExtraInfo 
for [{0}]
+jsp.error.teiclass.instantiation=Failed to load or instantiate TagExtraInfo 
class: [{0}]
+jsp.error.text.has_subelement=&lt;jsp:text&gt; must not have any subelements function name [{0}] in tag library 
+jsp.error.tld.fn.invalid.signature=Invalid syntax for function signature in 
TLD.  Tag Library: [{0}], Function: [{1}]
+jsp.error.tld.invalid_tld_file=Invalid tld file: [{0}], see JSP specification 
section 7.3.1 for more details
+jsp.error.tld.mandatory.element.missing=Mandatory TLD element [{0}] missing or 
empty in TLD [{1}]
+jsp.error.tld.missing=Unable to find taglib [{0}] for URI: [{1}]
+jsp.error.tld.missing_jar=Missing JAR resource [{0}] containing TLD
+jsp.error.tld.unable_to_get_jar=Unable to get JAR resource [{0}] containing 
TLD: [{1}] error messages from TagLibraryValidator 
for [{0}] in [{1}]
+jsp.error.tlvclass.instantiation=Failed to load or instantiate 
TagLibraryValidator class: [{0}]
+jsp.error.unable.compile=Unable to compile class for JSP
+jsp.error.unable.load=Unable to load class for JSP
+jsp.error.unable.to_find_method=Unable to find setter method for attribute: 
+jsp.error.unavailable=JSP has been marked unavailable
+jsp.error.unbalanced.endtag=The end tag "&lt;/{0}" is unbalanced
 jsp.error.undeclared_namespace=A custom tag was encountered with an undeclared 
namespace [{0}]
-jsp.warning.classpathUrl=Invalid URL found in class path. This URL will be 
-jsp.warning.keepgen=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam keepgenerated. 
Will use the default value of "false"
-jsp.warning.xpoweredBy=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam xpoweredBy. 
Will use the default value of "false"
-jsp.warning.enablePooling=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
enablePooling. Will use the default value of "true"
-jsp.warning.mappedFile=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam mappedFile. 
Will use the default value of "false"
-jsp.warning.classDebugInfo=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
classdebuginfo. Will use the default value of "false"
+jsp.error.unknown_attribute_type=Unknown attribute type [{1}] for attribute 
+jsp.error.unsupported.encoding=Unsupported encoding: [{0}]
+jsp.error.unterminated=Unterminated [{0}] tag
+jsp.error.usebean.duplicate=useBean: Duplicate bean name: [{0}]
+jsp.error.usebean.noSession=Illegal for useBean to use session scope when JSP 
page declares (via page directive) that it does not participate in sessions
+jsp.error.var_and_varReader=Only one of 'var' or 'varReader' may be specified
+jsp.error.variable.alias=Both or none of the name-from-attribute and alias 
attributes must be specified in a variable directive specify both name-given or 
name-from-attribute attributes in a variable directive name-given or name-from-attribute 
attribute must be specified in a variable directive
+jsp.error.xml.badStandardAction=Invalid standard action: [{0}]
+jsp.error.xml.bad_tag=No tag [{0}] defined in tag library associated with uri 
+jsp.error.xml.closeQuoteMissingInTextDecl=closing quote in the value following 
[{0}] in the text declaration is missing.
+jsp.error.xml.closeQuoteMissingInXMLDecl=closing quote in the value following 
[{0}] in the XML declaration is missing.
+jsp.error.xml.encodingByteOrderUnsupported=Given byte order for encoding [{0}] 
is not supported.
+jsp.error.xml.encodingDeclInvalid=Invalid encoding name [{0}].
+jsp.error.xml.encodingDeclRequired=The encoding declaration is required in the 
text declaration.
+jsp.error.xml.eqRequiredInTextDecl=The '' = '' character must follow [{0}] in 
the text declaration.
+jsp.error.xml.eqRequiredInXMLDecl=The '' = '' character must follow [{0}] in 
the XML declaration.
+jsp.error.xml.expectedByte=Expected byte [{0}] of [{1}]-byte UTF-8 sequence.
+jsp.error.xml.invalidASCII=Byte [{0}] not 7-bit ASCII.
+jsp.error.xml.invalidByte=Invalid byte [{0}] of [{1}]-byte UTF-8 sequence.
+jsp.error.xml.invalidCharInContent=An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x[{0}]) 
was found in the element content of the document.
+jsp.error.xml.invalidCharInPI=An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x[{0}]) was 
found in the processing instruction.
+jsp.error.xml.invalidCharInTextDecl=An invalid XML character (Unicode: 
0x[{0}]) was found in the text declaration.
+jsp.error.xml.invalidCharInXMLDecl=An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x[{0}]) 
was found in the XML declaration.
+jsp.error.xml.invalidHighSurrogate=High surrogate bits in UTF-8 sequence must 
not exceed 0x10 but found 0x[{0}].
+jsp.error.xml.morePseudoAttributes=more pseudo attributes is expected.
+jsp.error.xml.noMorePseudoAttributes=no more pseudo attributes is allowed.
+jsp.error.xml.operationNotSupported=Operation [{0}] not supported by [{1}] 
+jsp.error.xml.pseudoAttrNameExpected=a pseudo attribute name is expected.
+jsp.error.xml.quoteRequiredInTextDecl=The value following [{0}] in the text 
declaration must be a quoted string.
+jsp.error.xml.quoteRequiredInXMLDecl=The value following [{0}] in the XML 
declaration must be a quoted string.
+jsp.error.xml.reservedPITarget=The processing instruction target matching 
"[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.
+jsp.error.xml.sdDeclInvalid=The standalone document declaration value must be 
"yes" or "no", not [{0}].
+jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredBeforeEncodingInTextDecl=White space is required 
before the encoding pseudo attribute in the text declaration.
+jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredBeforeEncodingInXMLDecl=White space is required 
before the encoding pseudo attribute in the XML declaration.
+jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredBeforeStandalone=White space is required before the 
encoding pseudo attribute in the XML declaration.
+jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredBeforeVersionInTextDecl=White space is required 
before the version pseudo attribute in the text declaration.
+jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredBeforeVersionInXMLDecl=White space is required 
before the version pseudo attribute in the XML declaration.
+jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredInPI=White space is required between the processing 
instruction target and data.
+jsp.error.xml.versionInfoRequired=The version is required in the XML 
+jsp.error.xml.versionNotSupported=XML version [{0}] is not supported, only XML 
1.0 is supported.
+jsp.error.xml.xmlDeclUnterminated=The XML declaration must end with "?>".
+jsp.exception=An exception occurred processing [{0}] at line [{1}] setting for [{0}] of [{1}] because a 
SecurityManager was enabled
+jsp.message.dont.modify.servlets=IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated 
+jsp.message.jsp_added=Adding JSP for path [{0}] to queue of context [{1}]
+jsp.message.jsp_queue_created=Created jsp queue with length [{0}] for context 
+jsp.message.jsp_queue_update=Updating JSP for path [{0}] in queue of context 
+jsp.message.jsp_removed_excess=Removing excess JSP for path [{0}] from queue 
of context [{1}]
+jsp.message.jsp_removed_idle=Removing idle JSP for path [{0}] in context [{1}] 
after [{2}] seconds");
+jsp.message.jsp_unload_check=Checking JSPs for unload in context [{0}], JSP 
count: [{1}] queue length: [{2}]
+jsp.message.parent_class_loader_is=Parent class loader is: [{0}] dir for the JSP engine is: [{0}]
+jsp.tldCache.noTldInDir=No TLD files were found in directory [{0}].
+jsp.tldCache.noTldInJar=No TLD files were found in [{0}]. Consider adding the 
JAR to the tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jarsToSkip property in 
CATALINA_BASE/conf/ file.
+jsp.tldCache.noTldInResourcePath=No TLD files were found in resource path 
+jsp.tldCache.noTldSummary=At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained 
no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that 
were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during 
scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
+jsp.tldCache.tldInDir=TLD files were found in directory [{0}].
+jsp.tldCache.tldInJar=TLD files were found in JAR [{0}].
+jsp.tldCache.tldInResourcePath=TLD files were found in resource path [{0}].
+jsp.warning.bad.urlpattern.propertygroup=Bad value [{0}] in the url-pattern 
subelement in web.xml
 jsp.warning.checkInterval=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
checkInterval. Will use the default value of "300" seconds
-jsp.warning.modificationTestInterval=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
modificationTestInterval. Will use the default value of "4" seconds
-jsp.warning.recompileOnFail=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
recompileOnFail. Will use the default value of "false"
+jsp.warning.classDebugInfo=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
classdebuginfo. Will use the default value of "false"
+jsp.warning.classpathUrl=Invalid URL found in class path. This URL will be 
ignored to delete generated class 
file [{0}] to delete generated 
class file(s) to delete generated Java file 
 jsp.warning.development=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam development. 
Will use the default value of "true"
-jsp.warning.fork=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam fork. Will use the 
default value of "true"
+jsp.warning.displaySourceFragment=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
displaySourceFragment. Will use the default value of "true"
 jsp.warning.dumpSmap=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam dumpSmap. Will 
use the default value of "false"
-jsp.warning.loadSmap=Unable to load SMAP data for class [{0}]
+jsp.warning.enablePooling=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
enablePooling. Will use the default value of "true"
+jsp.warning.fork=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam fork. Will use the 
default value of "true"
 jsp.warning.genchararray=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
genStringAsCharArray. Will use the default value of "false"
-jsp.warning.suppressSmap=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
suppressSmap. Will use the default value of "false"
-jsp.warning.displaySourceFragment=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
displaySourceFragment. Will use the default value of "true"
-jsp.warning.maxLoadedJsps=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
maxLoadedJsps. Will use the default value of "-1"
 jsp.warning.jspIdleTimeout=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
jspIdleTimeout. Will use the default value of "-1"
-jsp.warning.strictQuoteEscaping=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
strictQuoteEscaping. Will use the default value of "true"
+jsp.warning.keepgen=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam keepgenerated. 
Will use the default value of "false"
+jsp.warning.loadSmap=Unable to load SMAP data for class [{0}]
+jsp.warning.mappedFile=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam mappedFile. 
Will use the default value of "false"
+jsp.warning.maxLoadedJsps=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
maxLoadedJsps. Will use the default value of "-1"
+jsp.warning.modificationTestInterval=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
modificationTestInterval. Will use the default value of "4" seconds
+jsp.warning.noJarScanner=Warning: No org.apache.tomcat.JarScanner set in 
ServletContext. Falling back to default JarScanner implementation.
 jsp.warning.quoteAttributeEL=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
quoteAttributeEL. Will use the default value of "false" element [{0}] in taglib
+jsp.warning.recompileOnFail=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
recompileOnFail. Will use the default value of "false"
+jsp.warning.strictQuoteEscaping=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
strictQuoteEscaping. Will use the default value of "true"
+jsp.warning.suppressSmap=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam 
suppressSmap. Will use the default value of "false" element [{0}] in attribute element [{0}] in function element [{0}] in validator''s 
init-param element [{0}] in tag element [{0}] in tag-file element [{0}] in attribute element [{0}] in variable element [{0}] in taglib element [{0}] in validator element [{0}] in validator''s 
init-param element [{0}] in function
-jsp.error.teiclass.instantiation=Failed to load or instantiate TagExtraInfo 
class: [{0}]
-jsp.error.non_null_tei_and_var_subelems=Tag [{0}] has one or more variable 
subelements and a TagExtraInfo class that returns one or more VariableInfo Error in the tag library descriptor: [{0}]
-jsp.error.file.not.found=File [{0}] not found
-jsp.error.missing_attribute=According to the TLD or the tag file, attribute 
[{0}] is mandatory for tag [{1}]
-jsp.error.bad_attribute=Attribute [{0}] invalid for tag [{1}] according to TLD
-jsp.error.tld.unable_to_get_jar=Unable to get JAR resource [{0}] containing 
TLD: [{1}]
-jsp.error.tld.missing=Unable to find taglib [{0}] for URI: [{1}]
-jsp.error.tld.missing_jar=Missing JAR resource [{0}] containing TLD
-jsp.error.tld.invalid_tld_file=Invalid tld file: [{0}], see JSP specification 
section 7.3.1 for more details
-jsp.error.unable.to_find_method=Unable to find setter method for attribute: 
-jsp.error.bad_tag=No tag [{0}] defined in tag library imported with prefix 
-jsp.error.xml.bad_tag=No tag [{0}] defined in tag library associated with uri 
[{1}] to delete generated class 
file [{0}] to delete generated 
class file(s) to delete generated Java file 
-jsp.error.jspc.uriroot_not_dir=The -uriroot option must specify a pre-existing 
-jsp.error.jspc.missingTarget=Missing target: Must specify -webapp or -uriroot, 
or one or more JSP pages
-jsp.error.jspc.no_uriroot=The uriroot is not specified and cannot be located 
with the specified JSP file(s) element [{0}] in variable
+jsp.warning.xpoweredBy=Warning: Invalid value for the initParam xpoweredBy. 
Will use the default value of "false"
+ to delete file [{0}]
+jspc.error.fileDoesNotExist=The file argument [{0}] does not exist
+jspc.error.generalException=ERROR-the file [{0}] generated the following 
general exception:
+jspc.error.invalidFragment=Aborting pre-compilation due to errors in web 
+jspc.error.invalidWebXml=Aborting pre-compilation due to errors in web.xml
 jspc.generation.result=Generation completed with [{0}] errors in [{1}] 
 jspc.implicit.uriRoot=uriRoot implicitly set to [{0}]
 jspc.usage=Usage: jspc <options> [--] <jsp files>\n\
@@ -193,24 +361,12 @@ where options include:\n\
 \    -source <version>     Set the -source argument to the compiler (default 
 \    -target <version>     Set the -target argument to the compiler (default 
 \    -threadCount <count>  Number of threads to use for compilation.\n\
-\                          (\"2.0C\" means two threads per core)\n\
-jspc.webxml.header=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{0}"?>\n\
-\<web-app xmlns=""\n\
-\         xmlns:xsi=""\n\
-\         xsi:schemaLocation="\n\
-\       "\n\
-\         version="4.0"\n\
-\         metadata-complete="false">\n\
-Automatically created by Apache Tomcat JspC.\n\
+\                          ("2.0C" means two threads per core)\n
 jspc.webfrg.header=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{0}"?>\n\
-\<web-fragment xmlns=""\n\
+<web-fragment xmlns=""\n\
 \              xmlns:xsi=""\n\
 \              xsi:schemaLocation="\n\
 \             "\n\
@@ -222,217 +378,37 @@ jspc.webfrg.header=<?xml version="1.0" e
 Automatically created by Apache Tomcat JspC.\n\
-Automatically created by Apache Tomcat JspC.\n\
 End of content automatically created by Apache Tomcat JspC.\n\
+Automatically created by Apache Tomcat JspC.\n\
 jspc.webinc.insertEnd=<!-- JSPC servlet mappings end -->
 jspc.webinc.insertStart=<!-- JSPC servlet mappings start -->
-jspc.error.generalException=ERROR-the file [{0}] generated the following 
general exception:
-jspc.error.fileDoesNotExist=The file argument [{0}] does not exist to delete file [{0}]
-jspc.error.invalidWebXml=Aborting pre-compilation due to errors in web.xml
-jspc.error.invalidFragment=Aborting pre-compilation due to errors in web 
-jsp.error.library.invalid=JSP page is invalid according to library [{0}]: [{1}]
-jsp.error.tlvclass.instantiation=Failed to load or instantiate 
TagLibraryValidator class: [{0}] error messages from TagLibraryValidator 
for [{0}] in [{1}]
-jsp.error.tei.invalid.attributes=Validation error messages from TagExtraInfo 
for [{0}] of content reached while more parsing required: 
tag nesting error?
-jsp.error.parse.xml=XML parsing error on file [{0}]
-jsp.error.parse.xml.line=XML parsing error on file [{0}]: (line [{1}], col 
-jsp.error.parse.xml.scripting.invalid.body=Body of [{0}] element must not 
contain any XML elements
-jsp.error.internal.tldinit=Unable to initialize TldLocationsCache: [{0}]
-jsp.error.internal.filenotfound=Internal Error: File [{0}] not found
-jsp.error.parse.xml.invalidPublicId=Invalid PUBLIC ID: [{0}]
-jsp.error.unsupported.encoding=Unsupported encoding: [{0}]
-jsp.error.taglibDirective.absUriCannotBeResolved=The absolute uri: [{0}] 
cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this 
-jsp.error.taglibDirective.uriInvalid=The URI provided for a tag library [{0}] 
is not a valid URI
-jsp.error.taglibDirective.missing.location=Neither 'uri' nor 'tagdir' 
attribute specified
-jsp.error.taglibDirective.both_uri_and_tagdir=Both 'uri' and 'tagdir' 
attributes specified
-jsp.error.invalid.tagdir=Tag file directory [{0}] does not start with 
-#jspx.error.templateDataNotInJspCdata=Validation Error: Element &lt;{0}&gt; 
cannot have template data. Template data must be encapsulated within a 
&lt;jsp:cdata&gt; element. [JSP1.2 PFD section 5.1.9]\nTemplate data in error: 
-#Error while processing taglib jar file [{0}]: [{1}]
-jsp.error.needAlternateJavaEncoding=Default java encoding [{0}] is invalid on 
your java platform. An alternate can be specified via the ''javaEncoding'' 
parameter of JspServlet.
-#Error when compiling, used for jsp line number error messages
-jsp.error.single.line.number=An error occurred at line: [{0}] in the jsp file: 
[{1}] error occurred at line: [{0}] in the generated 
java file: [{1}]
-jsp.error.location=line: [{0}], column: [{1}]
-jsp.error.corresponding.servlet=Generated servlet error:\n
-jsp.error.jspbody.required=Must use jsp:body to specify tag body for [{0}] if 
jsp:attribute is used.
-jsp.error.jspbody.emptybody.only=The [{0}] tag can only have jsp:attribute in 
its body. elements ( &lt;%!, &lt;jsp:declaration, 
&lt;%=, &lt;jsp:expression, &lt;%, &lt;jsp:scriptlet ) are disallowed here.
-jsp.error.tld.fn.invalid.signature=Invalid syntax for function signature in 
TLD.  Tag Library: [{0}], Function: [{1}] function name [{0}] in tag library 
-jsp.error.tld.mandatory.element.missing=Mandatory TLD element [{0}] missing or 
empty in TLD [{1}]
-jsp.error.dynamic.attributes.not.implemented=The [{0}] tag declares that it 
accepts dynamic attributes but does not implement the required interface
-jsp.error.attribute.noequal=equal symbol expected
-jsp.error.attribute.noquote=quote symbol expected
-jsp.error.attribute.unterminated=attribute value for [{0}] is not properly 
-jsp.error.attribute.noescape=Attribute value [{0}] is quoted with [{1}] which 
must be escaped when used within the value
-jsp.error.attribute.nowhitespace=The JSP specification requires that an 
attribute name is preceded by whitespace
-jsp.error.attribute.duplicate=Attribute qualified names must be unique within 
an element
-jsp.error.missing.tagInfo=TagInfo object for [{0}] is missing from TLD
-jsp.error.deferredmethodsignaturewithoutdeferredmethod=Cannot specify a method 
signature if 'deferredMethod' is not 'true'
-jsp.error.deferredvaluetypewithoutdeferredvalue=Cannot specify a value type if 
'deferredValue' is not 'true'
-jsp.error.deferredmethodandvalue='deferredValue' and 'deferredMethod' cannot 
be both 'true'
-jsp.error.fragmentwithtype=Cannot specify both 'fragment' and 'type' 
attributes.  If 'fragment' is present, 'type' is fixed as 
-jsp.error.var_and_varReader=Only one of 'var' or 'varReader' may be specified
-jsp.error.missing_var_or_varReader=Missing 'var' or 'varReader' attribute
-jsp.warning.bad.urlpattern.propertygroup=Bad value [{0}] in the url-pattern 
subelement in web.xml
-jsp.error.literal_with_void=A literal value was specified for attribute [{0}] 
that is defined as a deferred method with a return type of void. JSP.2.3.4 does 
not permit literal values in this case
-jsp.error.unknown_attribute_type=Unknown attribute type [{1}] for attribute 
-jsp.error.coerce_to_type=Cannot coerce value [{2}] to type [{1}] for attribute 
[{0}]. XML-style 'name' attribute missing
-jsp.error.could.not.add.taglibraries=Could not add one or more tag libraries. attribute [{0}] specified in the 
standard or custom action also appears as the value of the name attribute in 
the enclosed jsp:attribute[{0}] not allowed in a template text body.
-jsp.error.badStandardAction=Invalid standard action
-jsp.error.xml.badStandardAction=Invalid standard action: [{0}]
-jsp.error.tagdirective.badbodycontent=Invalid body-content [{0}] in tag 
-jsp.error.simpletag.badbodycontent=The TLD for the class [{0}] specifies an 
invalid body-content (JSP) for a SimpleTag.
-jsp.error.config_pagedir_encoding_mismatch=Page-encoding specified in 
jsp-property-group [{0}] is different from that specified in page directive 
-jsp.error.prolog_pagedir_encoding_mismatch=Page-encoding specified in XML 
prolog [{0}] is different from that specified in page directive [{1}]
-jsp.error.prolog_config_encoding_mismatch=Page-encoding specified in XML 
prolog [{0}] is different from that specified in jsp-property-group [{1}]
-jsp.error.attribute.custom.non_rt_with_expr=According to TLD or attribute 
directive in tag file, attribute [{0}] does not accept any expressions
-jsp.error.attribute.standard.non_rt_with_expr=The [{0}] attribute of the [{1}] 
standard action does not accept any expressions
-jsp.error.attribute.deferredmix=Cannot use both ${} and #{} EL expressions in 
the same attribute value
-jsp.error.scripting.variable.missing_name=Unable to determine scripting 
variable name from attribute [{0}]
-jasper.error.emptybodycontent.nonempty=According to TLD, tag [{0}] must be 
empty, but is not
-jsp.error.tagfile.nameNotUnique=The value of [{0}] and the value of [{1}] in 
line [{2}] are the same.
-jsp.error.tagfile.nameFrom.noAttribute=Cannot find an attribute directive with 
a name attribute with a value [{0}], the value of this name-from-attribute 
-jsp.error.tagfile.nameFrom.badAttribute=The attribute directive (declared in 
line [{1}] and whose name attribute is [{0}], the value of this 
name-from-attribute attribute) must be of type java.lang.String, is "required" 
and not a "rtexprvalue". access session scope in page that does not 
participate in any session
-jsp.error.usebean.noSession=Illegal for useBean to use session scope when JSP 
page declares (via page directive) that it does not participate in sessions
-jsp.error.xml.encodingByteOrderUnsupported = Given byte order for encoding 
[{0}] is not supported.
-jsp.error.xml.encodingDeclInvalid = Invalid encoding name [{0}].
-jsp.error.xml.encodingDeclRequired = The encoding declaration is required in 
the text declaration.
-jsp.error.xml.morePseudoAttributes = more pseudo attributes is expected.
-jsp.error.xml.noMorePseudoAttributes = no more pseudo attributes is allowed.
-jsp.error.xml.versionInfoRequired = The version is required in the XML 
-jsp.error.xml.xmlDeclUnterminated = The XML declaration must end with "?>".
-jsp.error.xml.reservedPITarget = The processing instruction target matching 
"[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.
-jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredInPI = White space is required between the 
processing instruction target and data.
-jsp.error.xml.invalidCharInContent = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 
0x[{0}]) was found in the element content of the document.
-jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredBeforeStandalone = White space is required before 
the encoding pseudo attribute in the XML declaration.
-jsp.error.xml.sdDeclInvalid = The standalone document declaration value must 
be "yes" or "no", not [{0}].
-jsp.error.xml.invalidCharInPI = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x[{0}]) 
was found in the processing instruction.
-jsp.error.xml.versionNotSupported = XML version [{0}] is not supported, only 
XML 1.0 is supported.
-jsp.error.xml.pseudoAttrNameExpected = a pseudo attribute name is expected.
-jsp.error.xml.expectedByte = Expected byte [{0}] of [{1}]-byte UTF-8 sequence.
-jsp.error.xml.invalidByte = Invalid byte [{0}] of [{1}]-byte UTF-8 sequence.
-jsp.error.xml.operationNotSupported = Operation [{0}] not supported by [{1}] 
-jsp.error.xml.invalidHighSurrogate = High surrogate bits in UTF-8 sequence 
must not exceed 0x10 but found 0x[{0}].
-jsp.error.xml.invalidASCII = Byte [{0}] not 7-bit ASCII.
-jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredBeforeEncodingInXMLDecl = White space is required 
before the encoding pseudo attribute in the XML declaration.
-jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredBeforeEncodingInTextDecl = White space is required 
before the encoding pseudo attribute in the text declaration.
-jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredBeforeVersionInTextDecl = White space is required 
before the version pseudo attribute in the text declaration.
-jsp.error.xml.spaceRequiredBeforeVersionInXMLDecl = White space is required 
before the version pseudo attribute in the XML declaration.
-jsp.error.xml.eqRequiredInXMLDecl = The '' = '' character must follow [{0}] in 
the XML declaration.
-jsp.error.xml.eqRequiredInTextDecl = The '' = '' character must follow [{0}] 
in the text declaration.
-jsp.error.xml.quoteRequiredInTextDecl = The value following [{0}] in the text 
declaration must be a quoted string.
-jsp.error.xml.quoteRequiredInXMLDecl = The value following [{0}] in the XML 
declaration must be a quoted string.
-jsp.error.xml.invalidCharInTextDecl = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 
0x[{0}]) was found in the text declaration.
-jsp.error.xml.invalidCharInXMLDecl = An invalid XML character (Unicode: 
0x[{0}]) was found in the XML declaration.
-jsp.error.xml.closeQuoteMissingInTextDecl = closing quote in the value 
following [{0}] in the text declaration is missing.
-jsp.error.xml.closeQuoteMissingInXMLDecl = closing quote in the value 
following [{0}] in the XML declaration is missing.
-jsp.error.multiple.jsp = Cannot have multiple specifications of
-jsp.error.jspoutput.conflict=&lt;jsp:output&gt;: illegal to have multiple 
occurrences of [{0}] with different values (old: [{1}], new: [{2}])
'doctype-root-element' and 'doctype-system' attributes must appear together
-jsp.error.jspoutput.doctypepublicsystem=&lt;jsp:output&gt;: 'doctype-system' 
attribute must appear if 'doctype-public' attribute appears
-jsp.error.jspoutput.nonemptybody=&lt;jsp:output&gt; must not have a body
-jsp.error.jspoutput.invalidUse=&lt;jsp:output&gt; must not be used in standard 
-jsp.error.attributes.not.allowed = [{0}] must not have any attributes
-jsp.error.tagfile.badSuffix=Missing ".tag" suffix in tag file path [{0}]
-jsp.error.tagfile.illegalPath=Illegal tag file path: [{0}], must start with 
"/WEB-INF/tags" or "/META-INF/tags"
-jsp.error.tagfile.missingPath=Path not specified to tag file
-jsp.error.plugin.wrongRootElement=Name of root element in [{0}] different from 
-jsp.error.attribute.invalidPrefix=The attribute prefix [{0}] does not 
correspond to any imported tag library
-jsp.error.nested.jspattribute=A jsp:attribute standard action cannot be nested 
within another jsp:attribute standard action
-jsp.error.nested.jspbody=A jsp:body standard action cannot be nested within 
another jsp:body or jsp:attribute standard action name-given or name-from-attribute 
attribute must be specified in a variable directive specify both name-given or 
name-from-attribute attributes in a variable directive
-jsp.error.variable.alias=Both or none of the name-from-attribute and alias 
attributes must be specified in a variable directive
-jsp.error.attribute.null_name=Null attribute name
-jsp.error.jsptext.badcontent='&lt;', when appears in the body of 
&lt;jsp:text&gt;, must be encapsulated within a CDATA
-jsp.error.jsproot.version.invalid=Invalid version number: [{0}], must be 
"1.2", "2.0", "2.1", "2.2" or "2.3"
-jsp.error.noFunction=The function [{0}] cannot be located with the specified 
-jsp.error.noFunctionMethod=Method [{0}] for function [{1}] not found in class 
-jsp.error.function.classnotfound=The class [{0}] specified in TLD for the 
function [{1}] cannot be found: [{2}]
-jsp.error.signature.classnotfound=The class [{0}] specified in the method 
signature in TLD for the function [{1}] cannot be found. [{2}]
-jsp.error.text.has_subelement=&lt;jsp:text&gt; must not have any subelements reading file [{0}] processing file [{0}]
-jsp.error.prefix.refined=Attempt to redefine the prefix [{0}] to [{1}], when 
it was already defined as [{2}] in the current scope.
-jsp.error.nested_jsproot=Nested &lt;jsp:root&gt;
-jsp.error.unbalanced.endtag=The end tag "&lt;/{0}" is unbalanced
-jsp.error.invalid.bean=The value for the useBean class attribute [{0}] is 
-jsp.error.prefix.use_before_dcl=The prefix [{0}] specified in this tag 
directive has been previously used by an action in file [{1}] line [{2}].
-jsp.error.lastModified=Unable to determine last modified date for file [{0}]
-jsp.error.setLastModified=Unable to set last modified date for file [{0}] setting for [{0}] of [{1}] because a 
SecurityManager was enabled
-jsp.exception=An exception occurred processing [{0}] at line [{1}]
-# JSP 2.1
-jsp.error.el.template.deferred=#{...} is not allowed in template text
-jsp.error.el.parse=[{0}] : [{1}] directive: invalid 
value for deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral
-jsp.error.tag.invalid.deferredsyntaxallowedasliteral=Tag directive: invalid 
value for deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral directive: illegal 
to have multiple occurrences of ''deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral'' with 
different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}])
-jsp.error.tag.conflict.deferredsyntaxallowedasliteral=Tag directive: illegal 
to have multiple occurrences of ''deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral'' with 
different values (old: [{0}], new: [{1}])
- directive: invalid value 
for trimDirectiveWhitespaces
-jsp.error.tag.invalid.trimdirectivewhitespaces=Tag directive: invalid value 
for trimDirectiveWhitespaces directive: illegal to 
have multiple occurrences of ''trimDirectiveWhitespaces'' with different values 
(old: [{0}], new: [{1}])
-jsp.error.tag.conflict.trimdirectivewhitespaces=Tag directive: illegal to have 
multiple occurrences of ''trimDirectiveWhitespaces'' with different values 
(old: [{0}], new: [{1}])
-# JSP Servlet
-jsp.error.servlet.invalid.method=JSPs only permit GET, POST or HEAD. Jasper 
also permits OPTIONS
-jsp.error.servlet.destroy.failed=Exception during Servlet.destroy() for JSP 
-# JarScanner
-jsp.warning.noJarScanner=Warning: No org.apache.tomcat.JarScanner set in 
ServletContext. Falling back to default JarScanner implementation.
-# JavacErrorDetail
-jsp.error.bug48498=Unable to display JSP extract. Probably due to an XML 
parser bug (see Tomcat bug 48498 for details).
-# UniqueAttributesImpl
-jsp.error.duplicateqname=An attribute with duplicate qualified name [{0}] was 
found. Attribute qualified names must be unique within an element.
-# JSP unloading handling
-jsp.message.jsp_queue_created=Created jsp queue with length [{0}] for context 
-jsp.message.jsp_added=Adding JSP for path [{0}] to queue of context [{1}]
-jsp.message.jsp_queue_update=Updating JSP for path [{0}] in queue of context 
-jsp.message.jsp_removed_excess=Removing excess JSP for path [{0}] from queue 
of context [{1}]
-jsp.message.jsp_removed_idle=Removing idle JSP for path [{0}] in context [{1}] 
after [{2}] seconds");
-jsp.message.jsp_unload_check=Checking JSPs for unload in context [{0}], JSP 
count: [{1}] queue length: [{2}]
-xmlParser.skipBomFail=Failed to skip BOM when parsing XML input stream
-jsp.tldCache.noTldInResourcePath=No TLD files were found in resource path 
-jsp.tldCache.tldInResourcePath=TLD files were found in resource path [{0}].
-jsp.tldCache.noTldInDir=No TLD files were found in directory [{0}].
-jsp.tldCache.tldInDir=TLD files were found in directory [{0}].
-jsp.tldCache.noTldInJar=No TLD files were found in [{0}]. Consider adding the 
JAR to the tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jarsToSkip property in 
CATALINA_BASE/conf/ file.
-jsp.tldCache.tldInJar=TLD files were found in JAR [{0}].
-jsp.tldCache.noTldSummary=At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained 
no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that 
were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during 
scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.
-jsp.error.el_interpreter_class.instantiation=Failed to load or instantiate 
ELInterpreter class [{0}]
+jspc.webxml.header=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{0}"?>\n\
+<web-app xmlns=""\n\
+\         xmlns:xsi=""\n\
+\         xsi:schemaLocation="\n\
+\       "\n\
+\         version="4.0"\n\
+\         metadata-complete="false">\n\
+Automatically created by Apache Tomcat JspC.\n\
 org.apache.jasper.compiler.ELParser.invalidQuotesForStringLiteral=The String 
literal [{0}] is not valid. It must be contained within single or double quotes.
-org.apache.jasper.compiler.ELParser.invalidQuoting=The expression [{0}] is not 
valid. Within a quoted String only [\\], [''] and ["] may be escaped with [\\].
+org.apache.jasper.compiler.ELParser.invalidQuoting=The expression [{0}] is not 
valid. Within a quoted String only [], [''] and ["] may be escaped with [].
 org.apache.jasper.compiler.TldCache.servletContextNull=The provided 
ServletContext was null
 org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperInitializer.onStartup=Initializing Jasper for 
context [{0}]
-org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.webxmlSkip=Skipping load of TLD for URI 
[{1}] from resource path [{0}] as it has already been defined in <jsp-config>
 org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.webxmlAdd=Loading TLD for URI [{1}] from 
resource path [{0}]
 org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.webxmlFailPathDoesNotExist=Failed to 
process TLD with path [{0}] and URI [{1}]. The specified path does not exist.
+org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.webxmlSkip=Skipping load of TLD for URI 
[{1}] from resource path [{0}] as it has already been defined in <jsp-config>
+xmlParser.skipBomFail=Failed to skip BOM when parsing XML input stream

Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/naming/
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/naming/ [UTF-8] 
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/naming/ [UTF-8] Mon Nov 
12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -13,16 +13,18 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-contextBindings.unknownContext=Unknown context name : [{0}]
-contextBindings.noContextBoundToThread=No naming context bound to this thread
 contextBindings.noContextBoundToCL=No naming context bound to this class loader
-selectorContext.noJavaUrl=This context must be accessed through a java: URL
-selectorContext.methodUsingName=Call to method [{0}] with a Name of [{1}]
-selectorContext.methodUsingString=Call to method [{0}] with a String of [{1}]
+contextBindings.noContextBoundToThread=No naming context bound to this thread
+contextBindings.unknownContext=Unknown context name : [{0}]
+namingContext.alreadyBound=Name [{0}] is already bound in this Context
 namingContext.contextExpected=Name is not bound to a Context
 namingContext.failResolvingReference=Unexpected exception resolving reference
-namingContext.nameNotBound=Name [{0}] is not bound in this Context. Unable to 
find [{1}].
-namingContext.readOnly=Context is read only
 namingContext.invalidName=Name is not valid
-namingContext.alreadyBound=Name [{0}] is already bound in this Context
+namingContext.nameNotBound=Name [{0}] is not bound in this Context. Unable to 
find [{1}].
 namingContext.noAbsoluteName=Cannot generate an absolute name for this 
+namingContext.readOnly=Context is read only
+selectorContext.methodUsingName=Call to method [{0}] with a Name of [{1}]
+selectorContext.methodUsingString=Call to method [{0}] with a String of [{1}]
+selectorContext.noJavaUrl=This context must be accessed through a java: URL

Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/naming/factory/
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/naming/factory/ [UTF-8] 
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/naming/factory/ [UTF-8] 
Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ lookupFactory.typeMismatch=The JNDI refe
 resourceLinkFactory.nullType=The local resource link [{0}] that refers to 
global resource [{1}] does not specify the required attribute type
 resourceLinkFactory.unknownType=The local resource link [{0}] that refers to 
global resource [{1}] specified the unknown type [{2}]
-resourceLinkFactory.wrongType=The local resource link [{0}] that refers to 
global resource [{1}] was expected to return an instance of [{2}] but returned 
an instance of [{3}]
\ No newline at end of file
+resourceLinkFactory.wrongType=The local resource link [{0}] that refers to 
global resource [{1}] was expected to return an instance of [{2}] but returned 
an instance of [{3}]

Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/dbcp/dbcp2/
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/dbcp/dbcp2/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/dbcp/dbcp2/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
 connectionFactory.lifetimeExceeded=The lifetime of the connection [{0}] 
milliseconds exceeds the maximum permitted value of [{1}] milliseconds to validate a poolable 
connection. close connection pool.
 poolableConnection.validate.fastFail=Fatal SQLException was thrown previously 
on this connection.
-swallowedExceptionLogger.onSwallowedException=An internal object pool 
swallowed an Exception. to validate a poolable 
 poolingDataSource.factoryConfig=PoolableConnectionFactory not linked to pool. 
Calling setPool() to fix the configuration. close connection pool.
+swallowedExceptionLogger.onSwallowedException=An internal object pool 
swallowed an Exception.

Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/ [UTF-8] 
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/ [UTF-8] 
Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 diagnostics.threadDumpTitle=Full thread dump
 diagnostics.vmInfoClassCompilation=Class compilation
 diagnostics.vmInfoClassLoading=Class loading
 diagnostics.vmInfoGarbageCollectors=Garbage Collector [{0}]

Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 b2cConverter.unknownEncoding=The character encoding [{0}] is not supported
+byteBufferUtils.cleaner=Cannot use direct ByteBuffer cleaner, memory leaking 
may occur
 c2bConverter.recycleFailed=Failed to recycle the C2B Converter. Creating new 
BufferedWriter, WriteConvertor and IntermediateOutputStream.
-hexUtils.fromHex.oddDigits=The input must consist of an even number of hex 
 hexUtils.fromHex.nonHex=The input must consist only of hex digits
+hexUtils.fromHex.oddDigits=The input must consist of an even number of hex 
+uDecoder.convertHexDigit.notHex=[{0}] is not a hexadecimal digit
 uDecoder.urlDecode.conversionError=Failed to decode [{0}] using character set 
 uDecoder.urlDecode.missingDigit=Failed to decode [{0}] because the % character 
must be followed by two hexademical digits
-uDecoder.convertHexDigit.notHex=[{0}] is not a hexadecimal digit
-byteBufferUtils.cleaner=Cannot use direct ByteBuffer cleaner, memory leaking 
may occur

--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/compat/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/compat/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-jreCompat.noApplicationProtocols=Java Runtime does not support 
SSLParameters.setApplicationProtocols(). You must use Java 9 to use this 
-jreCompat.noApplicationProtocol=Java Runtime does not support 
SSLEngine.getApplicationProtocol(). You must use Java 9 to use this feature.
 jre9Compat.invalidModuleUri=The module URI provided [{0}] could not be 
converted to a URL for the JarScanner to process
+jreCompat.noApplicationProtocol=Java Runtime does not support 
SSLEngine.getApplicationProtocol(). You must use Java 9 to use this feature.
+jreCompat.noApplicationProtocols=Java Runtime does not support 
SSLParameters.setApplicationProtocols(). You must use Java 9 to use this 

[UTF-8] (original)
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-implicitTldRule.elementNotAllowed=The element [{0}] is not permitted in an 
implicit.tld file
\ No newline at end of file
+implicitTldRule.elementNotAllowed=The element [{0}] is not permitted in an 
implicit.tld file

[UTF-8] (original)
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -38,24 +38,24 @@ webXml.duplicateResourceEnvRef=Duplicate
 webXml.duplicateResourceRef=Duplicate resource-ref name [{0}]
 webXml.duplicateServletMapping=The servlets named [{0}] and [{1}] are both 
mapped to the url-pattern [{2}] which is not permitted
 webXml.duplicateTaglibUri=Duplicate tag library URI [{0}]
-webXml.reservedName=A web.xml file was detected using a reserved name [{0}]. 
The name element will be ignored for this fragment.
 webXml.mergeConflictDisplayName=The display name was defined in multiple 
fragments with different values including fragment with name [{0}] located at 
 webXml.mergeConflictFilter=The Filter [{0}] was defined inconsistently in 
multiple fragments including fragment with name [{1}] located at [{2}]
 webXml.mergeConflictLoginConfig=A LoginConfig was defined inconsistently in 
multiple fragments including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
 webXml.mergeConflictOrder=Fragment relative ordering contains circular 
references. This can be resolved by using absolute ordering in web.xml.
 webXml.mergeConflictResource=The Resource [{0}] was defined inconsistently in 
multiple fragments including fragment with name [{1}] located at [{2}]
 webXml.mergeConflictServlet=The Servlet [{0}] was defined inconsistently in 
multiple fragments including fragment with name [{1}] located at [{2}]
-webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieName=The session cookie name was defined 
inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment 
with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
-webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieDomain=The session cookie domain was defined 
inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment 
with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
-webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookiePath=The session cookie path was defined 
inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment 
with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
 webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieComment=The session cookie comment was 
defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including 
fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
+webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieDomain=The session cookie domain was defined 
inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment 
with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
 webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieHttpOnly=The session cookie http-only flag 
was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values 
including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
-webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieSecure=The session cookie secure flag was 
defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including 
fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
 webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieMaxAge=The session cookie max-age was defined 
inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment 
with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
+webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieName=The session cookie name was defined 
inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment 
with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
+webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookiePath=The session cookie path was defined 
inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment 
with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
+webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieSecure=The session cookie secure flag was 
defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including 
fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
 webXml.mergeConflictSessionTimeout=The session timeout was defined 
inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment 
with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
 webXml.mergeConflictSessionTrackingMode=The session tracking modes were 
defined inconsistently in multiple fragments including fragment with name [{0}] 
located at [{1}]
 webXml.mergeConflictString=The [{0}] with name [{1}] was defined 
inconsistently in multiple fragments including fragment with name [{2}] located 
at [{3}]
 webXml.multipleOther=Multiple others entries in ordering
+webXml.reservedName=A web.xml file was detected using a reserved name [{0}]. 
The name element will be ignored for this fragment.
 webXml.unrecognisedPublicId=The public ID [{0}] did not match any of the known 
public ID''s for web.xml files so the version could not be identified
 webXml.version.unknown=Unknown version string [{0}]. Default version will be 
 webXml.wrongFragmentName=Used a wrong fragment name [{0}] at web.xml 
absolute-ordering tag!

Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/file/
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/file/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/file/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-configFileLoader.noConfigurationSource=No configuration source has been set 
using ConfigFileLoader.setSource.
\ No newline at end of file
+configFileLoader.noConfigurationSource=No configuration source has been set 
using ConfigFileLoader.setSource.

Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/http/
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/http/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/http/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -13,25 +13,28 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+\ Note: further occurrences of Cookie errors will be logged at DEBUG level.
+cookies.invalidCookieToken=Cookies: Invalid cookie. Value not a token or 
quoted value
+cookies.invalidSpecial=Cookies: Unknown Special Cookie
+cookies.maxCountFail=More than the maximum allowed number of cookies, [{0}], 
were detected.
+headers.maxCountFail=More than the maximum allowed number of headers, [{0}], 
were detected.
 parameters.bytes=Start processing with input [{0}]
 parameters.copyFail=Failed to create copy of original parameter values for 
debug logging purposes
 parameters.decodeFail.debug=Character decoding failed. Parameter [{0}] with 
value [{1}] has been ignored. decoding failed. Parameter [{0}] with 
value [{1}] has been ignored. Note that the name and value quoted here may be 
corrupted due to the failed decoding. Use debug level logging to see the 
original, non-corrupted values.
 parameters.emptyChunk=Empty parameter chunk ignored
+\ Note: further occurrences of Parameter errors will be logged at DEBUG level.
 parameters.invalidChunk=Invalid chunk starting at byte [{0}] and ending at 
byte [{1}] with a value of [{2}] ignored
 parameters.maxCountFail=More than the maximum number of request parameters 
(GET plus POST) for a single request ([{0}]) were detected. Any parameters 
beyond this limit have been ignored. To change this limit, set the 
maxParameterCount attribute on the Connector.
-parameters.maxCountFail.fallToDebug=\n Note: further occurrences of this error 
will be logged at DEBUG level.
+\ Note: further occurrences of this error will be logged at DEBUG level.
 parameters.multipleDecodingFail=Character decoding failed. A total of [{0}] 
failures were detected but only the first was logged. Enable debug level 
logging for this logger to log all failures.
 parameters.noequal=Parameter starting at position [{0}] and ending at position 
[{1}] with a value of [{0}] was not followed by an ''='' character
-parameters.fallToDebug=\n Note: further occurrences of Parameter errors will 
be logged at DEBUG level.
-cookies.invalidCookieToken=Cookies: Invalid cookie. Value not a token or 
quoted value
-cookies.invalidSpecial=Cookies: Unknown Special Cookie
-cookies.fallToDebug=\n Note: further occurrences of Cookie errors will be 
logged at DEBUG level.
-cookies.maxCountFail=More than the maximum allowed number of cookies, [{0}], 
were detected.
-headers.maxCountFail=More than the maximum allowed number of headers, [{0}], 
were detected.
 rfc6265CookieProcessor.invalidCharInValue=An invalid character [{0}] was 
present in the Cookie value
 rfc6265CookieProcessor.invalidDomain=An invalid domain [{0}] was specified for 
this cookie
-rfc6265CookieProcessor.invalidPath=An invalid path [{0}] was specified for 
this cookie
\ No newline at end of file
+rfc6265CookieProcessor.invalidPath=An invalid path [{0}] was specified for 
this cookie

[UTF-8] (original)
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ http.tooFewHextets=An IPv6 address must
 http.tooManyColons=An IPv6 address may not contain more than 2 sequential 
colon characters.
 http.tooManyDoubleColons=An IPv6 address may only contain a single '::' 
 http.tooManyHextets=The IPv6 address contains [{0}] hextets but a valid IPv6 
address may not have more than 8.
-http.wrongOctetCount=An IPv4 address should have exactly 4 octets, not [{0}].
\ No newline at end of file
+http.wrongOctetCount=An IPv4 address should have exactly 4 octets, not [{0}].

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