Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/net/
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/net/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/net/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -13,21 +13,56 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-# net resources
-endpoint.err.close=Caught exception trying to close socket
-endpoint.err.handshake=Handshake failed
-endpoint.err.unexpected=Unexpected error processing socket
-endpoint.warn.unlockAcceptorFailed=Acceptor thread [{0}] failed to unlock. 
Forcing hard socket shutdown.
-endpoint.warn.executorShutdown=The executor associated with thread pool [{0}] 
has not fully shutdown. Some application threads may still be running.
-endpoint.warn.noRemoteAddr=Unable to determine remote address for socket [{0}]
-endpoint.warn.noRemoteHost=Unable to determine remote host name for socket 
-endpoint.warn.noRemotePort=Unable to determine remote port for socket [{0}]
-endpoint.warn.noLocalAddr=Unable to determine local address for socket [{0}]
-endpoint.warn.noLocalName=Unable to determine local host name for socket [{0}]
-endpoint.warn.noLocalPort=Unable to determine local port for socket [{0}]
-endpoint.warn.noSendfileWithSSL=Sendfile is not supported for the connector 
when SSL is enabled
-endpoint.warn.noUtilityExecutor=No utility executor was set, creating one
-endpoint.warn.incorrectConnectionCount=Incorrect connection count, multiple 
socket.close called on the same socket.
+channel.nio.interrupted=The current thread was interrupted
+channel.nio.ssl.appInputNotEmpty=Application input buffer still contains data. 
Data would have been lost.
+channel.nio.ssl.appOutputNotEmpty=Application output buffer still contains 
data. Data would have been lost.
+channel.nio.ssl.closeSilentError=As expected, there was an exception trying to 
close the connection cleanly.
+channel.nio.ssl.closing=Channel is in closing state.
+channel.nio.ssl.eofDuringHandshake=EOF during handshake.
+channel.nio.ssl.expandNetInBuffer=Expanding network input buffer to [{0}] bytes
+channel.nio.ssl.expandNetOutBuffer=Expanding network output buffer to [{0}] 
+channel.nio.ssl.foundHttp=Found an plain text HTTP request on what should be 
an encrypted TLS connection
+channel.nio.ssl.handshakeError=Handshake error
+channel.nio.ssl.incompleteHandshake=Handshake incomplete, you must complete 
handshake before reading data.
+channel.nio.ssl.invalidCloseState=Invalid close state, will not send network 
+channel.nio.ssl.invalidStatus=Unexpected status [{0}].
+channel.nio.ssl.netInputNotEmpty=Network input buffer still contains data. 
Handshake will fail.
+channel.nio.ssl.netOutputNotEmpty=Network output buffer still contains data. 
Handshake will fail.
+channel.nio.ssl.notHandshaking=NOT_HANDSHAKING during handshake
+channel.nio.ssl.pendingWriteDuringClose=Pending write, so remaining data in 
the network buffer, can't send SSL close message, force a close with 
close(true) instead
+channel.nio.ssl.remainingDataDuringClose=Remaining data in the network buffer, 
can't send SSL close message, force a close with close(true) instead
+channel.nio.ssl.sniDefault=Unable to buffer enough data to determine requested 
SNI host name. Using default
+channel.nio.ssl.sniHostName=The SNI host name extracted for connection [{0}] 
was [{1}]
+channel.nio.ssl.timeoutDuringHandshake=Timeout during handshake.
+channel.nio.ssl.unexpectedStatusDuringUnwrap=Unexpected status [{0}] during 
handshake UNWRAP.
+channel.nio.ssl.unexpectedStatusDuringWrap=Unexpected status [{0}] during 
handshake WRAP.
+channel.nio.ssl.unwrapFail=Unable to unwrap data, invalid status [{0}]
+channel.nio.ssl.unwrapFailResize=Unable to unwrap data because buffer is too 
small, invalid status [{0}]
+channel.nio.ssl.wrapException=Handshake failed during wrap
+channel.nio.ssl.wrapFail=Unable to wrap data, invalid status [{0}]
+ accept failed to configure endpoint for ALPN using [{0}]
+endpoint.alpn.negotiated=Negotiated [{0}] protocol using ALPN
+endpoint.apr.applyConf=Applying OpenSSLConfCmd to SSL context
+endpoint.apr.assignConf=Assigning SSL context to OpenSSLConfCmd context
+endpoint.apr.checkConf=Checking OpenSSLConf
+endpoint.apr.errApplyConf=Could not apply OpenSSLConf to SSL context
+endpoint.apr.errCheckConf=Error during OpenSSLConf check
+endpoint.apr.errMakeConf=Could not create OpenSSLConf context
+endpoint.apr.failSslContextMake=Unable to create SSLContext. Check that 
SSLEngine is enabled in the AprLifecycleListener, the AprLifecycleListener has 
initialised correctly and that a valid SSLProtocol has been specified
+endpoint.apr.invalidSslProtocol=An invalid value [{0}] was provided for the 
SSLProtocol attribute
+endpoint.apr.makeConf=Creating OpenSSLConf context
+endpoint.apr.maxConnections.running=The APR endpoint does not support the 
setting of maxConnections while it is running. The existing value of [{0}] will 
continue to be used.
+endpoint.apr.maxConnections.unlimited=The APR endpoint does not support 
unlimited connections. The existing value of [{0}] will continue to be used.
+endpoint.apr.noSendfileWithSSL=Sendfile is not supported for the APR/native 
connector when SSL is enabled
+endpoint.apr.noSslCertFile=Connector attribute SSLCertificateFile must be 
defined when using SSL with APR
+endpoint.apr.pollAddInvalid=Invalid attempted to add a socket [{0}] to the 
+endpoint.apr.pollError=Poller failed with error [{0}] : [{1}]
+endpoint.apr.pollMergeEvents=Merge poller event [{1}] for socket [{0}] to 
create merged event [{2}]
+endpoint.apr.pollUnknownEvent=A socket was returned from the poller with an 
unrecognized event [{0}]
+endpoint.apr.remoteport=APR socket [{0}] opened with remote port [{1}]
+endpoint.apr.tooManyCertFiles=More certificate files were configured than the 
AprEndpoint can handle
 endpoint.debug.channelCloseFail=Failed to close channel
 endpoint.debug.destroySocket=Destroying socket [{0}]
 endpoint.debug.pollerAdd=Add to addList socket [{0}], timeout [{1}], flags 
@@ -41,10 +76,10 @@ endpoint.debug.socketTimeout=Timing out exception trying to unlock accept on port 
 endpoint.debug.unlock.localFail=Unable to determine local address for [{0}]
 endpoint.debug.unlock.localNone=Failed to unlock acceptor for [{0}] because 
the local address was not available accept failed to configure endpoint for ALPN using [{0}]
-endpoint.alpn.negotiated=Negotiated [{0}] protocol using ALPN
 endpoint.duplicateSslHostName=Multiple SSLHostConfig elements were provided 
for the host name [{0}]. Host names must be unique.
+endpoint.err.close=Caught exception trying to close socket
+endpoint.err.handshake=Handshake failed
+endpoint.err.unexpected=Unexpected error processing socket rejected socket [{0}] for processing
 endpoint.getAttribute=[{0}] is [{1}]
 endpoint.init.bind=Socket bind failed: [{0}] [{1}]
@@ -54,13 +89,20 @@ endpoint.init.notavail=APR not available
 endpoint.invalidJmxNameSslHost=Unable to generate a valid JMX object name for 
the SSLHostConfig associated with host [{0}]
 endpoint.invalidJmxNameSslHostCert=Unable to generate a valid JMX object name 
for the SSLHostConfigCertificate associated with host [{0}] and certificate 
type [{1}]
 endpoint.jmxRegistrationFailed=Failed to register the JMX object with name 
+endpoint.jsse.noSslContext=No SSLContext could be found for the host name [{0}] to launch new runnable
+endpoint.nio.registerFail=Failed to register socket with selector from poller
+endpoint.nio.selectorCloseFail=Failed to close selector when closing the poller
+endpoint.nio.stopLatchAwaitFail=The pollers did not stop within the expected 
+endpoint.nio.stopLatchAwaitInterrupted=This thread was interrupted while 
waiting for the pollers to stop
+endpoint.nio.timeoutCme=Exception during processing of timeouts. The code has 
been checked repeatedly and no concurrent modification has been found. If you 
are able to repeat this error please open a Tomcat bug and provide the steps to 
+endpoint.nio2.exclusiveExecutor=The NIO2 connector requires an exclusive 
executor to operate properly on shutdown
 endpoint.noSslHostConfig=No SSLHostConfig element was found with the hostName 
[{0}] to match the defaultSSLHostConfigName for the connector [{1}]
 endpoint.noSslHostName=No host name was provided for the SSL host configuration
-endpoint.poll.limitedpollsize=Failed to create poller with specified size of 
-endpoint.poll.initfail=Poller creation failed poller failure (restarting poller): [{0}] [{1}]
 endpoint.poll.error=Unexpected poller error poller failure (restarting poller): [{0}] [{1}]
+endpoint.poll.initfail=Poller creation failed
+endpoint.poll.limitedpollsize=Failed to create poller with specified size of 
 endpoint.pollerThreadStop=The poller thread failed to stop in a timely manner
 endpoint.portOffset.invalid=The value [{0}] for portOffset is not valid as 
portOffset may not be negative allocating socket processor
@@ -73,60 +115,17 @@ endpoint.serverSocket.closeFailed=Failed
 endpoint.setAttribute=Set [{0}] to [{1}]
 endpoint.timeout.err=Error processing socket timeout
 endpoint.unknownSslHostName=The SSL host name [{0}] is not recognised for this 
-endpoint.apr.failSslContextMake=Unable to create SSLContext. Check that 
SSLEngine is enabled in the AprLifecycleListener, the AprLifecycleListener has 
initialised correctly and that a valid SSLProtocol has been specified
-endpoint.apr.invalidSslProtocol=An invalid value [{0}] was provided for the 
SSLProtocol attribute
-endpoint.apr.maxConnections.running=The APR endpoint does not support the 
setting of maxConnections while it is running. The existing value of [{0}] will 
continue to be used.
-endpoint.apr.maxConnections.unlimited=The APR endpoint does not support 
unlimited connections. The existing value of [{0}] will continue to be used.
-endpoint.apr.noSendfileWithSSL=Sendfile is not supported for the APR/native 
connector when SSL is enabled
-endpoint.apr.noSslCertFile=Connector attribute SSLCertificateFile must be 
defined when using SSL with APR
-endpoint.apr.pollAddInvalid=Invalid attempted to add a socket [{0}] to the 
-endpoint.apr.pollError=Poller failed with error [{0}] : [{1}]
-endpoint.apr.pollMergeEvents=Merge poller event [{1}] for socket [{0}] to 
create merged event [{2}]
-endpoint.apr.pollUnknownEvent=A socket was returned from the poller with an 
unrecognized event [{0}]
-endpoint.apr.tooManyCertFiles=More certificate files were configured than the 
AprEndpoint can handle
-endpoint.apr.remoteport=APR socket [{0}] opened with remote port [{1}]
-endpoint.apr.makeConf=Creating OpenSSLConf context
-endpoint.apr.errMakeConf=Could not create OpenSSLConf context
-endpoint.apr.checkConf=Checking OpenSSLConf
-endpoint.apr.errCheckConf=Error during OpenSSLConf check
-endpoint.apr.assignConf=Assigning SSL context to OpenSSLConfCmd context
-endpoint.apr.applyConf=Applying OpenSSLConfCmd to SSL context
-endpoint.apr.errApplyConf=Could not apply OpenSSLConf to SSL context
-endpoint.jsse.noSslContext=No SSLContext could be found for the host name [{0}]
-endpoint.nio.registerFail=Failed to register socket with selector from poller
-endpoint.nio.selectorCloseFail=Failed to close selector when closing the poller
-endpoint.nio.stopLatchAwaitFail=The pollers did not stop within the expected 
-endpoint.nio.stopLatchAwaitInterrupted=This thread was interrupted while 
waiting for the pollers to stop
-endpoint.nio.timeoutCme=Exception during processing of timeouts. The code has 
been checked repeatedly and no concurrent modification has been found. If you 
are able to repeat this error please open a Tomcat bug and provide the steps to 
-endpoint.nio2.exclusiveExecutor=The NIO2 connector requires an exclusive 
executor to operate properly on shutdown
-channel.nio.interrupted=The current thread was interrupted
-channel.nio.ssl.closeSilentError=As expected, there was an exception trying to 
close the connection cleanly.
-channel.nio.ssl.notHandshaking=NOT_HANDSHAKING during handshake
-channel.nio.ssl.handshakeError=Handshake error
-channel.nio.ssl.unexpectedStatusDuringWrap=Unexpected status [{0}] during 
handshake WRAP.
-channel.nio.ssl.unexpectedStatusDuringUnwrap=Unexpected status [{0}] during 
handshake UNWRAP.
-channel.nio.ssl.invalidStatus=Unexpected status [{0}].
-channel.nio.ssl.netInputNotEmpty=Network input buffer still contains data. 
Handshake will fail.
-channel.nio.ssl.netOutputNotEmpty=Network output buffer still contains data. 
Handshake will fail.
-channel.nio.ssl.appInputNotEmpty=Application input buffer still contains data. 
Data would have been lost.
-channel.nio.ssl.appOutputNotEmpty=Application output buffer still contains 
data. Data would have been lost.
-channel.nio.ssl.eofDuringHandshake=EOF during handshake.
-channel.nio.ssl.timeoutDuringHandshake=Timeout during handshake.
-channel.nio.ssl.remainingDataDuringClose=Remaining data in the network buffer, 
can't send SSL close message, force a close with close(true) instead
-channel.nio.ssl.pendingWriteDuringClose=Pending write, so remaining data in 
the network buffer, can't send SSL close message, force a close with 
close(true) instead
-channel.nio.ssl.invalidCloseState=Invalid close state, will not send network 
-channel.nio.ssl.unwrapFail=Unable to unwrap data, invalid status [{0}]
-channel.nio.ssl.unwrapFailResize=Unable to unwrap data because buffer is too 
small, invalid status [{0}]
-channel.nio.ssl.wrapException=Handshake failed during wrap
-channel.nio.ssl.wrapFail=Unable to wrap data, invalid status [{0}]
-channel.nio.ssl.incompleteHandshake=Handshake incomplete, you must complete 
handshake before reading data.
-channel.nio.ssl.closing=Channel is in closing state.
-channel.nio.ssl.expandNetInBuffer=Expanding network input buffer to [{0}] bytes
-channel.nio.ssl.expandNetOutBuffer=Expanding network output buffer to [{0}] 
-channel.nio.ssl.sniDefault=Unable to buffer enough data to determine requested 
SNI host name. Using default
-channel.nio.ssl.sniHostName=The SNI host name extracted for connection [{0}] 
was [{1}]
-channel.nio.ssl.foundHttp=Found an plain text HTTP request on what should be 
an encrypted TLS connection
+endpoint.warn.executorShutdown=The executor associated with thread pool [{0}] 
has not fully shutdown. Some application threads may still be running.
+endpoint.warn.incorrectConnectionCount=Incorrect connection count, multiple 
socket.close called on the same socket.
+endpoint.warn.noLocalAddr=Unable to determine local address for socket [{0}]
+endpoint.warn.noLocalName=Unable to determine local host name for socket [{0}]
+endpoint.warn.noLocalPort=Unable to determine local port for socket [{0}]
+endpoint.warn.noRemoteAddr=Unable to determine remote address for socket [{0}]
+endpoint.warn.noRemoteHost=Unable to determine remote host name for socket 
+endpoint.warn.noRemotePort=Unable to determine remote port for socket [{0}]
+endpoint.warn.noSendfileWithSSL=Sendfile is not supported for the connector 
when SSL is enabled
+endpoint.warn.noUtilityExecutor=No utility executor was set, creating one
+endpoint.warn.unlockAcceptorFailed=Acceptor thread [{0}] failed to unlock. 
Forcing hard socket shutdown.
 jsse.invalid_truststore_password=The provided trust store password could not 
be used to unlock and/or validate the trust store. Retrying to access the trust 
store with a null password which will skip validation.
 jsse.keystore_load_failed=Failed to load keystore type [{0}] with path [{1}] 
due to [{2}]
@@ -136,26 +135,25 @@ jsse.tls13.auth=The JSSE TLS 1.3 impleme
 sniExtractor.clientHelloInvalid=The ClientHello message was not correctly 
 sniExtractor.clientHelloTooBig=The ClientHello was not presented in a single 
TLS record so no SNI information could be extracted
-socket.closed=The socket associated with this connection has been closed.
-socket.sslreneg=Exception re-negotiating SSL connection
 socket.apr.clientAbort=The client aborted the connection.
+socket.apr.closed=The socket [{0}] associated with this connection has been 
closed. error [{0}] reading data from the APR/native 
socket [{1}] with wrapper [{2}].
 socket.apr.write.error=Unexpected error [{0}] writing data to the APR/native 
socket [{1}] with wrapper [{2}].
-socket.apr.closed=The socket [{0}] associated with this connection has been 
+socket.closed=The socket associated with this connection has been closed.
+socket.sslreneg=Exception re-negotiating SSL connection
-sslHostConfig.certificateVerificationInvalid=The certificate verification 
value [{0}] is not recognised
 sslHostConfig.certificate.notype=Multiple certificates were specified and at 
least one is missing the required attribute type
+sslHostConfig.certificateVerificationInvalid=The certificate verification 
value [{0}] is not recognised
+sslHostConfig.fileNotFound=Configured file [{0}] does not exist
 sslHostConfig.mismatch=The property [{0}] was set on the SSLHostConfig named 
[{1}] and is for the [{2}] configuration syntax but the SSLHostConfig is being 
used with the [{3}] configuration syntax
+sslHostConfig.opensslconf.alreadyset=Attempt to set another OpenSSLConf ignored
+sslHostConfig.opensslconf.null=Attempt to set null OpenSSLConf ignored
 sslHostConfig.prefix_missing=The protocol [{0}] was added to the list of 
protocols on the SSLHostConfig named [{1}]. Check if a +/- prefix is missing.
 sslHostConfigCertificate.mismatch=The property [{0}] was set on the 
SSLHostConfigCertificate named [{1}] and is for certificate storage type [{2}] 
but the certificate is being used with a storage of type [{3}]
-sslHostConfig.opensslconf.null=Attempt to set null OpenSSLConf ignored
-sslHostConfig.opensslconf.alreadyset=Attempt to set another OpenSSLConf ignored
-sslHostConfig.fileNotFound=Configured file [{0}] does not exist
-sslImplementation.cnfe= Unable to create SSLImplementation for class [{0}]
+sslImplementation.cnfe=Unable to create SSLImplementation for class [{0}]
-sslUtilBase.noneSupported=None of the [{0}] specified are supported by the SSL 
engine : [{1}] [{0}] that are active are : [{1}]
+sslUtilBase.noneSupported=None of the [{0}] specified are supported by the SSL 
engine : [{1}]
 sslUtilBase.skipped=Some of the specified [{0}] are not supported by the SSL 
engine and have been skipped: [{1}]

--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/net/jsse/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/net/jsse/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -14,26 +14,26 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 jsse.alias_no_key_entry=Alias name [{0}] does not identify a key entry
-jsse.invalid_ssl_conf=SSL configuration is invalid due to [{0}]
-jsse.invalidTrustManagerClassName=The trustManagerClassName provided [{0}] 
does not implement
-jsse.requested_ciphers_not_supported=None of the ciphers specified are 
supported by the SSL engine : [{0}]
 jsse.enableable_ciphers=Specified SSL ciphers that are supported and 
enableable are : [{0}]
-jsse.unsupported_ciphers=Some specified SSL ciphers are not supported by the 
SSL engine : [{0}]
+jsse.exceptionOnClose=Failure to close socket.
 jsse.excludeProtocol=The SSL protocol [{0}] which is supported in this JRE was 
excluded from the protocols available to Tomcat
+jsse.invalidTrustManagerClassName=The trustManagerClassName provided [{0}] 
does not implement
+jsse.invalid_ssl_conf=SSL configuration is invalid due to [{0}]
+jsse.noCertFile=SSLHostConfig attribute certificateFile must be defined when 
using an SSL connector
 jsse.noDefaultCiphers=Unable to determine a default for ciphers for [{0}]. Set 
an explicit value to ensure the connector can start.
 jsse.noDefaultProtocols=Unable to determine a default for sslEnabledProtocols. 
Set an explicit value to ensure the connector can start.
 jsse.noKeys=No aliases for private keys found in key store
-jsse.exceptionOnClose=Failure to close socket.
+jsse.openssl.effectiveCiphers=Ciphers used: [{0}]
+jsse.openssl.unknownElement=Unknown element in cipher string: [{0}]
 jsse.pemParseError=Unable to parse the key from [{0}]
-jsse.noCertFile=SSLHostConfig attribute certificateFile must be defined when 
using an SSL connector
+jsse.requested_ciphers_not_supported=None of the ciphers specified are 
supported by the SSL engine : [{0}]
+jsse.unsupported_ciphers=Some specified SSL ciphers are not supported by the 
SSL engine : [{0}]
-jsseSupport.clientCertError=Error trying to obtain a certificate from the 
 jsseSupport.certTranslationError=Error translating certificate [{0}]
+jsseSupport.clientCertError=Error trying to obtain a certificate from the 
 jsseSupport.noCertWant=No client certificate sent for want
 jsseSupport.serverRenegDisabled=SSL server initiated renegotiation is 
disabled, closing connection
 jsseSupport.unexpectedData=Unexpected data read from input stream
-jsse.openssl.unknownElement=Unknown element in cipher string: [{0}]
-jsse.openssl.effectiveCiphers=Ciphers used: [{0}]
 jsseUtil.invalidTrustCert=The certificate for [{0}] in the trust store is not 
valid and has, therefore, been excluded in the list of certificates sent to the 
 jsseUtil.noCrlSupport=The truststoreProvider [{0}] does not support the 
certificateRevocationFile configuration option

[UTF-8] (original)
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -13,53 +13,53 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+engine.ciphersFailure=Failed getting cipher list
+engine.emptyCipherSuite=Empty cipher suite
+engine.engineClosed=Engine is closed
+engine.failedCipherSuite=Failed to enable cipher suite [{0}]
+engine.handshakeFailure=Failed handshake: [{0}]
+engine.inboundClose=Inbound closed before receiving peer's close_notify
+engine.invalidBufferArray=offset: [{0}], length: [{1}] (expected: offset <= 
offset + length <= srcs.length [{2}])
+engine.noSSLContext=No SSL context
+engine.noSession=SSL session ID not available
+engine.nullBuffer=Null buffer
+engine.nullBufferInArray=Null buffer in array
+engine.nullCipherSuite=Null cipher suite
+engine.nullName=Null value name
+engine.nullValue=Null value
+engine.openSSLError=OpenSSL error: [{0}] message: [{1}]
+engine.oversizedPacket=Encrypted packet is oversized
+engine.renegotiationUnsupported=Renegotiation is not supported
+engine.unsupportedCipher=Unsupported cipher suite: [{0}] [{1}]
+engine.unsupportedProtocol=Protocol [{0}] is not supported
+engine.unverifiedPeer=Peer unverified
+engine.writeToSSLFailed=Failed writing to SSL, returned: [{0}]
+keyManager.nullCertificateChain=Null certificate chain
+keyManager.nullPrivateKey=Null private key
 openssl.X509FactoryError=Error getting X509 factory instance
-openssl.errorSSLCtxInit=Error initializing SSL context
-openssl.doubleInit=SSL context already initialized, ignoring
-openssl.certificateVerificationFailed=Certificate verification failed
-openssl.keyManagerMissing=No key manager found
-openssl.trustManagerMissing=No trust manager found
 openssl.addedClientCaCert=Added client CA cert: [{0}]
-openssl.makeConf=Creating OpenSSLConf context
-openssl.errMakeConf=Could not create OpenSSLConf context
-openssl.checkConf=Checking OpenSSLConf
-openssl.errCheckConf=Error during OpenSSLConf check
-openssl.assignConf=Assigning SSL context to OpenSSLConfCmd context
 openssl.applyConf=Applying OpenSSLConfCmd to SSL context
+openssl.assignConf=Assigning SSL context to OpenSSLConfCmd context
+openssl.certificateVerificationFailed=Certificate verification failed
+openssl.checkConf=Checking OpenSSLConf
+openssl.doubleInit=SSL context already initialized, ignoring
 openssl.errApplyConf=Could not apply OpenSSLConf to SSL context
+openssl.errCheckConf=Error during OpenSSLConf check
+openssl.errMakeConf=Could not create OpenSSLConf context
+openssl.errorSSLCtxInit=Error initializing SSL context
+openssl.keyManagerMissing=No key manager found
+openssl.makeConf=Creating OpenSSLConf context
+openssl.trustManagerMissing=No trust manager found
-opensslconf.checkCommand=OpenSSLConf checking command (name [{0}], value [{1}])
-opensslconf.checkFailed=Failure while checking OpenSSLConf
 opensslconf.applyCommand=OpenSSLConf applying command (name [{0}], value [{1}])
 opensslconf.applyFailed=Failure while applying OpenSSLConf to SSL context
+opensslconf.checkCommand=OpenSSLConf checking command (name [{0}], value [{1}])
+opensslconf.checkFailed=Failure while checking OpenSSLConf
 opensslconf.failedCommand=OpenSSLConf failed command (name [{0}], value [{1}]) 
with result [{2}] - will be ignored
 opensslconf.failedFinish=OpenSSLConf finish failed with result [{2}]
 opensslconf.noCommandName=OpenSSLConf no command name - will be ignored 
(command value [{0}])
 opensslconf.resultCommand=OpenSSLConf command (name [{0}], value [{1}]) 
returned [{2}]
-engine.engineClosed=Engine is closed
-engine.renegotiationUnsupported=Renegotiation is not supported
-engine.oversizedPacket=Encrypted packet is oversized
-engine.ciphersFailure=Failed getting cipher list
-engine.noSSLContext=No SSL context
-engine.writeToSSLFailed=Failed writing to SSL, returned: [{0}]
-engine.invalidBufferArray=offset: [{0}], length: [{1}] (expected: offset <= 
offset + length <= srcs.length [{2}])
-engine.nullBufferInArray=Null buffer in array
-engine.nullBuffer=Null buffer
-engine.openSSLError=OpenSSL error: [{0}] message: [{1}]
-engine.inboundClose=Inbound closed before receiving peer's close_notify
-engine.nullCipherSuite=Null cipher suite
-engine.unsupportedCipher=Unsupported cipher suite: [{0}] [{1}]
-engine.emptyCipherSuite=Empty cipher suite
-engine.failedCipherSuite=Failed to enable cipher suite [{0}]
-engine.unsupportedProtocol=Protocol [{0}] is not supported
-engine.unverifiedPeer=Peer unverified
-engine.noSession=SSL session ID not available
-engine.nullName=Null value name
-engine.nullValue=Null value
-engine.handshakeFailure=Failed handshake: [{0}]
-keyManager.nullCertificateChain=Null certificate chain
-keyManager.nullPrivateKey=Null private key
 sessionContext.nullTicketKeys=Null keys

Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/scan/
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/scan/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/scan/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+jarScan.classPath.badEntry=The class path entry [{0}] could not be converted 
to a URL
 jarScan.classloaderFail=Failed to scan [{0}] from classloader hierarchy
-jarScan.classloaderStart=Scanning for JARs in classloader hierarchy
-jarScan.classloaderJarScan=Scanning JAR [{0}] from classpath
 jarScan.classloaderJarNoScan=Not scanning JAR [{0}] from classpath
-jarScan.classPath.badEntry=The class path entry [{0}] could not be converted 
to a URL
+jarScan.classloaderJarScan=Scanning JAR [{0}] from classpath
+jarScan.classloaderStart=Scanning for JARs in classloader hierarchy
 jarScan.jarUrlStart=Scanning JAR at URL [{0}]
 jarScan.webinfclassesFail=Failed to scan /WEB-INF/classes
 jarScan.webinflibFail=Failed to scan JAR [{0}] from /WEB-INF/lib
-jarScan.webinflibStart=Scanning /WEB-INF/lib for JARs
-jarScan.webinflibJarScan=Scanning JAR [{0}] from /WEB-INF/lib
 jarScan.webinflibJarNoScan=Not scanning JAR [{0}] from /WEB-INF/lib
+jarScan.webinflibJarScan=Scanning JAR [{0}] from /WEB-INF/lib
+jarScan.webinflibStart=Scanning /WEB-INF/lib for JARs

Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/websocket/
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/websocket/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/websocket/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 asyncChannelGroup.createFail=Unable to create dedicated 
AsynchronousChannelGroup for WebSocket clients which is required to prevent 
memory leaks in complex class loader environments like JavaEE containers
-asyncChannelWrapperSecure.closeFail=Failed to close channel cleanly
 asyncChannelWrapperSecure.check.notOk=TLS handshake returned an unexpected 
status [{0}]
 asyncChannelWrapperSecure.check.unwrap=Bytes were written to the output during 
a read
 asyncChannelWrapperSecure.check.wrap=Bytes were consumed from the input during 
a write
+asyncChannelWrapperSecure.closeFail=Failed to close channel cleanly
 asyncChannelWrapperSecure.concurrentRead=Concurrent read operations are not 
 asyncChannelWrapperSecure.concurrentWrite=Concurrent write operations are not 
 asyncChannelWrapperSecure.eof=Unexpected end of stream
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ perMessageDeflate.unknownParameter=An un
 transformerFactory.unsupportedExtension=The extension [{0}] is not supported
-util.notToken=An illegal extension parameter was specified with name [{0}] and 
value [{1}]
 util.invalidMessageHandler=The message handler provided does not have an 
onMessage(Object) method
 util.invalidType=Unable to coerce value [{0}] to type [{1}]. That type is not 
+util.notToken=An illegal extension parameter was specified with name [{0}] and 
value [{1}]
 util.unknownDecoderType=The Decoder type [{0}] is not recognized
 # Note the wsFrame.* messages are used as close reasons in WebSocket control
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ wsFrame.bufferTooSmall=No async message
 wsFrame.byteToLongFail=Too many bytes ([{0}]) were provided to be converted 
into a long
 wsFrame.closed=New frame received after a close control frame
 wsFrame.controlFragmented=A fragmented control frame was received but control 
frames may not be fragmented
-wsFrame.controlPayloadTooBig=A control frame was sent with a payload of size 
[{0}] which is larger than the maximum permitted of 125 bytes
 wsFrame.controlNoFin=A control frame was sent that did not have the fin bit 
set. Control frames are not permitted to use continuation frames.
+wsFrame.controlPayloadTooBig=A control frame was sent with a payload of size 
[{0}] which is larger than the maximum permitted of 125 bytes
 wsFrame.illegalReadState=Unexpected read state [{0}]
-wsFrame.invalidOpCode= A WebSocket frame was sent with an unrecognised opCode 
of [{0}]
+wsFrame.invalidOpCode=A WebSocket frame was sent with an unrecognised opCode 
of [{0}]
 wsFrame.invalidUtf8=A WebSocket text frame was received that could not be 
decoded to UTF-8 because it contained invalid byte sequences
 wsFrame.invalidUtf8Close=A WebSocket close frame was received with a close 
reason that contained invalid UTF-8 byte sequences
 wsFrame.ioeTriggeredClose=An unrecoverable IOException occurred so the 
connection was closed
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ wsHandshakeRequest.invalidUri=The string
 wsHandshakeRequest.unknownScheme=The scheme [{0}] in the request is not 
 wsRemoteEndpoint.acquireTimeout=The current message was not fully sent within 
the specified timeout
+wsRemoteEndpoint.changeType=When sending a fragmented message, all fragments 
must be of the same type
 wsRemoteEndpoint.closed=Message will not be sent because the WebSocket session 
has been closed
 wsRemoteEndpoint.closedDuringMessage=The remainder of the message will not be 
sent because the WebSocket session has been closed
 wsRemoteEndpoint.closedOutputStream=This method may not be called as the 
OutputStream has been closed
 wsRemoteEndpoint.closedWriter=This method may not be called as the Writer has 
been closed
-wsRemoteEndpoint.changeType=When sending a fragmented message, all fragments 
must be of the same type
 wsRemoteEndpoint.concurrentMessageSend=Messages may not be sent concurrently 
even when using the asynchronous send messages. The client must wait for the 
previous message to complete before sending the next.
 wsRemoteEndpoint.flushOnCloseFailed=Batched messages still enabled after 
session has been closed. Unable to flush remaining batched message.
 wsRemoteEndpoint.invalidEncoder=The specified encoder of type [{0}] could not 
be instantiated
@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@ wsSession.doClose=Closing WebSocket sess
 wsSession.duplicateHandlerBinary=A binary message handler has already been 
 wsSession.duplicateHandlerPong=A pong message handler has already been 
 wsSession.duplicateHandlerText=A text message handler has already been 
-wsSession.invalidHandlerTypePong=A pong message handler must implement 
 wsSession.flushFailOnClose=Failed to flush batched messages on session close
+wsSession.instanceDestroy=Endpoint instance unregistration failed
+wsSession.instanceNew=Endpoint instance registration failed
+wsSession.invalidHandlerTypePong=A pong message handler must implement 
 wsSession.messageFailed=Unable to write the complete message as the WebSocket 
connection has been closed
-wsSession.sendCloseFail=Failed to send close message for session [{0}] to 
remote endpoint
 wsSession.removeHandlerFailed=Unable to remove the handler [{0}] as it was not 
registered with this session
+wsSession.sendCloseFail=Failed to send close message for session [{0}] to 
remote endpoint
 wsSession.unknownHandler=Unable to add the message handler [{0}] as it was for 
the unrecognised type [{1}]
 wsSession.unknownHandlerType=Unable to add the message handler [{0}] as it was 
wrapped as the unrecognised type [{1}]
-wsSession.instanceNew=Endpoint instance registration failed
-wsSession.instanceDestroy=Endpoint instance unregistration failed
 # Note the following message is used as a close reason in a WebSocket control
 # frame and therefore must be 123 bytes (not characters) or less in length.
@@ -124,24 +124,23 @@ wsSession.instanceDestroy=Endpoint insta
 # as many as 4 bytes.
 wsWebSocketContainer.shutdown=The web application is stopping
+wsWebSocketContainer.asynchronousSocketChannelFail=Unable to open a connection 
to the server
 wsWebSocketContainer.defaultConfiguratorFail=Failed to create the default 
 wsWebSocketContainer.endpointCreateFail=Failed to create a local endpoint of 
type [{0}]
-wsWebSocketContainer.maxBuffer=This implementation limits the maximum size of 
a buffer to Integer.MAX_VALUE
-wsWebSocketContainer.missingAnnotation=Cannot use POJO class [{0}] as it is 
not annotated with @ClientEndpoint
-wsWebSocketContainer.sessionCloseFail=Session with ID [{0}] did not close 
-wsWebSocketContainer.asynchronousSocketChannelFail=Unable to open a connection 
to the server
+wsWebSocketContainer.failedAuthentication=Failed to handle HTTP response code 
[{0}]. Authentication header was not accepted by server.
 wsWebSocketContainer.httpRequestFailed=The HTTP request to initiate the 
WebSocket connection failed
 wsWebSocketContainer.invalidExtensionParameters=The server responded with 
extension parameters the client is unable to support
 wsWebSocketContainer.invalidHeader=Unable to parse HTTP header as no colon is 
present to delimit header name and header value in [{0}]. The header has been 
 wsWebSocketContainer.invalidStatus=The HTTP response from the server [{0}] did 
not permit the HTTP upgrade to WebSocket
 wsWebSocketContainer.invalidSubProtocol=The WebSocket server returned multiple 
values for the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header
+wsWebSocketContainer.maxBuffer=This implementation limits the maximum size of 
a buffer to Integer.MAX_VALUE
+wsWebSocketContainer.missingAnnotation=Cannot use POJO class [{0}] as it is 
not annotated with @ClientEndpoint
+wsWebSocketContainer.missingLocationHeader=Failed to handle HTTP response code 
[{0}]. Missing Location header in response
+wsWebSocketContainer.missingWWWAuthenticateHeader=Failed to handle HTTP 
response code [{0}]. Missing WWW-Authenticate header in response
 wsWebSocketContainer.pathNoHost=No host was specified in URI
 wsWebSocketContainer.pathWrongScheme=The scheme [{0}] is not supported. The 
supported schemes are ws and wss
 wsWebSocketContainer.proxyConnectFail=Failed to connect to the configured 
Proxy [{0}]. The HTTP response code was [{1}]
-wsWebSocketContainer.sslEngineFail=Unable to create SSLEngine to support 
SSL/TLS connections
-wsWebSocketContainer.missingLocationHeader=Failed to handle HTTP response code 
[{0}]. Missing Location header in response
 wsWebSocketContainer.redirectThreshold=Cyclic Location header [{0}] detected / 
reached max number of redirects [{1}] of max [{2}]
+wsWebSocketContainer.sessionCloseFail=Session with ID [{0}] did not close 
+wsWebSocketContainer.sslEngineFail=Unable to create SSLEngine to support 
SSL/TLS connections
 wsWebSocketContainer.unsupportedAuthScheme=Failed to handle HTTP response code 
[{0}]. Unsupported Authentication scheme [{1}] returned in response
-wsWebSocketContainer.failedAuthentication=Failed to handle HTTP response code 
[{0}]. Authentication header was not accepted by server.
-wsWebSocketContainer.missingWWWAuthenticateHeader=Failed to handle HTTP 
response code [{0}]. Missing WWW-Authenticate header in response
\ No newline at end of file

--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/websocket/pojo/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/websocket/pojo/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -18,7 +18,12 @@ pojoEndpointBase.onCloseFail=Failed to c
 pojoEndpointBase.onError=No error handling configured for [{0}] and the 
following error occurred
 pojoEndpointBase.onErrorFail=Failed to call onError method of POJO end point 
for POJO of type [{0}]
 pojoEndpointBase.onOpenFail=Failed to call onOpen method of POJO end point for 
POJO of type [{0}]
 pojoEndpointServer.getPojoInstanceFail=Failed to create instance of POJO of 
type [{0}]
+pojoMessageHandlerWhole.decodeIoFail=IO error while decoding message
+pojoMessageHandlerWhole.maxBufferSize=The maximum supported message size for 
this implementation is Integer.MAX_VALUE
 pojoMethodMapping.decodePathParamFail=Failed to decode path parameter value 
[{0}] to expected type [{1}]
 pojoMethodMapping.duplicateAnnotation=Duplicate annotations [{0}] present on 
class [{1}]
 pojoMethodMapping.duplicateLastParam=Multiple boolean (last) parameters 
present on the method [{0}] of class [{1}] that was annotated with OnMessage
@@ -36,5 +41,3 @@ pojoMethodMapping.partialObject=Invalid
 pojoMethodMapping.partialPong=Invalid PongMessage and boolean parameters 
present on the method [{0}] of class [{1}] that was annotated with OnMessage
 pojoMethodMapping.partialReader=Invalid Reader and boolean parameters present 
on the method [{0}] of class [{1}] that was annotated with OnMessage
 pojoMethodMapping.pongWithPayload=Invalid PongMessage and Message parameters 
present on the method [{0}] of class [{1}] that was annotated with OnMessage
-pojoMessageHandlerWhole.decodeIoFail=IO error while decoding message
-pojoMessageHandlerWhole.maxBufferSize=The maximum supported message size for 
this implementation is Integer.MAX_VALUE

[UTF-8] (original)
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ wsHttpUpgradeHandler.destroyFailed=Faile
 wsHttpUpgradeHandler.noPreInit=The preInit() method must be called to 
configure the WebSocket HttpUpgradeHandler before the container calls init(). 
Usually, this means the Servlet that created the WsHttpUpgradeHandler instance 
should also call preInit()
 wsHttpUpgradeHandler.serverStop=The server is stopping
-wsRemoteEndpointServer.closeFailed=Failed to close the ServletOutputStream 
connection cleanly
\ No newline at end of file
+wsRemoteEndpointServer.closeFailed=Failed to close the ServletOutputStream 
connection cleanly

Modified: tomcat/trunk/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/classes/
--- tomcat/trunk/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/classes/ 
[UTF-8] (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/classes/ 
[UTF-8] Mon Nov 12 11:16:39 2018
@@ -13,39 +13,36 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-# Default localized resources for example servlets
-# This locale is en_US
+cookies.cookies=Your browser is sending the following cookies:
+cookies.make-cookie=Create a cookie to send to your browser browser isn't sending any cookies
+cookies.set=You just sent the following cookie to your browser:
+cookies.title=Cookies Example
 helloworld.title=Hello World!
-requestinfo.title=Request Information Example
+requestheader.title=Request Header Example
-requestinfo.label.requesturi=Request URI:
 requestinfo.label.pathinfo=Path Info:
 requestinfo.label.remoteaddr=Remote Address:
+requestinfo.label.requesturi=Request URI:
+requestinfo.title=Request Information Example
-requestheader.title=Request Header Example
-requestparams.title=Request Parameters Example
-requestparams.params-in-req=Parameters in this request: Parameters, Please enter some
 requestparams.firstname=First Name:
 requestparams.lastname=Last Name: Parameters, Please enter some
+requestparams.params-in-req=Parameters in this request:
+requestparams.title=Request Parameters Example
-cookies.title=Cookies Example
-cookies.cookies=Your browser is sending the following cookies: browser isn't sending any cookies
-cookies.make-cookie=Create a cookie to send to your browser
-cookies.set=You just sent the following cookie to your browser:
-sessions.title=Sessions Example ID:
+sessions.adddata=Add data to your session
-sessions.lastaccessed=Last Accessed: following data is in your session:
-sessions.adddata=Add data to your session
 sessions.dataname=Name of Session Attribute:
 sessions.datavalue=Value of Session Attribute: ID:
+sessions.lastaccessed=Last Accessed:
+sessions.title=Sessions Example

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