Ok, vote passes with 11 +1s and no other votes.


Alex the Rocker
Bjorn Danielsson
Dain Sundstrom
Daniel S. Haischt
David Blevins
Jean-Louis Monteiro
Jeff Genender
Jonathan Gallimore
Matthias Wessendorf
Romain Manni-Bucau
Thiago Veronezi

Will push the binaries.  It will take a few hours for them to be picked up by 
the mirrors.  Then we can update the download links.  Still some effort 
required for the release notes and announcement to be created, but hopefully we 
can have that done for some press coverage next Monday -- announcing stuff on 
Thursdays or Fridays usually goes ignored.

A huge thank you to everyone who voted and contributed to the release.  Extra 
special thank you to Mark Struberg and Jean-Louis for working in our sister 
communities OpenWebBeans and OpenJPA to get things in shape there.  This was 
definitely a considerable group effort! :)

Now time for bed! :)


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