Qiao’s HBase log shows there were errors for HBase to open all table regions
under “_MD_” schema, the error stack is like this:
2016-09-08 16:44:36,327 ERROR [RS_OPEN_REGION-hadoop2slave7:60020-0]
handler.OpenRegionHandler: Failed open of
Thanks to Selva and Amanda, I loaded three data sets from hive to Trafodion
yesterday, the other two succeed and the last got the error.
And this error result in that I cannot execute any query from trafci but
"initialize trafodion, drop" (Thanks @Liuming told me to do so). Ming
analyzed the hbase
Please run this command:
sudo su hdfs --command "hadoop fs -ls /user"
Please verify you have the trafodion user id listed there.
On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 8:08 AM, Selva Govindarajan <
selva.govindara...@esgyn.com> wrote:
> Hi Qiao,
> The JIRA you mentioned in the message is
Hi Qiao,
The JIRA you mentioned in the message is already fixed and merged to
Trafodion on July 20th. It is unfortunate that this JIRA wasn’t marked as
resolved. I have marked it as resolved now. This JIRA deals with the issue
of trafodion process aborting when there is an error while logging t
Daily Automated Testing master
Jenkins Job: https://jenkins.esgyn.com/job/Check-Daily-master/325/
Archived Logs: http://traf-testlogs.esgyn.com/Daily-master/325
Bld Downloads: http://traf-builds.esgyn.com
Changes since previous daily build:
No changes
Test Job Results:
FAILURE core-regress-c
Hi, all,
I used load with log error rows to load data from hive, and got the
following error:
[image: loaderr.png]
which leading to hbase-region server crashed.
I restart Hbase region serve and Trafodion, but query in Trafodion has no
response, even the simplest query "get tables;" or " get sch