There are several questions that need to be discussed and clarified:

1. There are several options for specifying the consumption interval,
including only the left-interval, only the right-interval, and both left
and right intervals. What kind of business should we support?
2. If the right-interval is specified, because the message middleware is a
distributed mode, the broker may hang up and exit the service during
startup, which reduces the partition, or the previously failed broker
restarts and joins the service. For this reason How should the system
handle the addition or reduction of partitions?
3. Based on the function of TUBEMQ-314, the business can know where the
offset of each partition is finally consumed after the consumption is
started. For the case where the right-interval is specified, does the
business need to know that the specified offset cannot be reached for any

" Recently, we wanted to introduce TubeMQ into Kylin, but we found that
TubeMQ could not meet the usage scenarios of Kylin. Therefore, we hope that
TubeMQ provides the following functions:

1. Support to get the maximum offset of every partitions
2. consume a specify partition
3. Support consumpe data in the specified offset interval

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