Hi Joerg,

first of all, sorry for the silence :(

the oood gets to know, that an office is not used, when there are no
object references mapped anymore. In your case, there still seem to be
objects mapped, though from the source code, it shouldn't be the case.
I'll played around a little bit with your example, but I need to debug it at some time in future.

do you have any knews ?

But even if in this the interprocess connection would correctly interrupt and free the worker office, it is quite 'fragile' solution as a single leaking object reference will break your app.

hum, i control the scripts, so there should be no problem, provided i end correctly my process

I do not really know, what you try to achieve,

* When you need an office sequentially, simple use a single office once got from the demon. * When you need to access multiple offices concurrently, try to pool the office in your client (connect only once and always use these office instances)

i thought oood was designed for that
- handle a pool
- monitor the survivance of every instance

and in my case now, the pool is size 1 but may grow

* Alternativel,yau can explicitly dispose uno bridges, but you have to create interprocess bridges somewhat more complicated (to get to know the bridge, that is used), see
However, this solution has one drawback. In case, one of the central office objects (e.g. component context, servicemanager, etc.), you cannot use them once you coincidentally reconnect to the same worker (You will get then URP-Bridge: disposed runtime exceptions).

i did that and yes i obtain this message

Hope this helps a bit (but I probably brought in more confusion than explanation ? ). BTW, this issue is the reason, why I mentioned in demon's document in the very beginning, that there might be problems with server clients.

but that can be solved i'm sure:)
just need to investigate ... and learn more and more on UNO tricks

for me, the main question, is
"How to explicitelly close an established connection and free all reessources and connectors"

i used a resolver.resolve method or a plain connection/bridgefractory/aso. method and didn't find any suitable method (the best is the bridge error, the worst an OOo crash)

I'll continue to investigate

Thanks Joerg for your answer


Laurent Godard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Ingénierie OpenOffice.org
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