Looking at the history of the uima-wide parent-pom (it's at version
14-SNAPSHOT), it has 2 Jiras and an improvement to the rat configuration (to
print names of files with license issues).

The 2 Jiras (thanks to Richard :-) ) :

[UIMA-6184] Move code quality profiles to parent POM

* Formatting (mostly tabs -> spaces)
* Exclude Eclipse .factorypath file from rat check
* Replaced findbugs with spotbugs since the former is no longer maintained
* Replaced cobertura with jacoco since the former is no longer maintained
* Updated PMD version
* Pass encoding and targetJdk parameters on to PMD
* Updated japicmp-maven-plugin version
* Make postAnalysisScript path configurable via a simple property instead of
forcing downstream POMs to re-declare the plugin

[UIMA-6181] Fix complaints about maven-plugin-plugin in Eclipse

- Added m2e lifecycle configuration for maven-plugin-plugin since mavendev m2e
connector is no longer maintained
- Minor formatting

There's a Jira for the uimaj (core) which depends on this being released. 

Any objections to going ahead and releasing this?


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